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Everything posted by buttheadsmate

  1. o_O Ooooookkkkkaaaaayyyyy... Wouldn't a deluxe Man-Thing / Ted Sallis two-pack work better? Maybe throw Jack Russel / WWBN in there somehow, too Of course a deluxe Man-thing/ Sad Tellis two-pack would work better .....purely because with a Tsunami Box-Set you'd only get the first Wave :tongue: To christen WWBN , 'Jack Russell' was very sad. edit: but of course this was his 'adopted' name ...Jacob Russoff being his given name........ ..... & his uncle was that doggone 'sonofabitch' Al Satian !
  2. argh dont take away my Jocasta....she is an avenger and Matt - ok make zombie deadpool Yeah, but Dan Slott said he's bringing her back to the Avengers soon, so I figure that she can be part of an current Avengers-themed box set with her and maybe Ares, Extremis Iron Man and modern Wasp. There's only going to be a few opportunities to have Man-Thing made like this one. Unless somehow Man-Thing becomes wildly popular (reveal he's the long-lost son of Wolverine, maybe?) Having championed Man-Thing in MOC's thread I now feel there might be a veritable Tsunami of interest building in him(?) I don't know what your feelings are For the record I have waited months for somebody to use the word Tsunami in a post without success . Why? Because there will only be one Tsunami Box-Set.................... Because????
  3. Whilst I don't blame you in any way, jjwspider, for purely relating what Underground Toys told you ,it was apparently BS. Could I ask you to please enquire politely (or not) why they fed you it ? Thankyou,bhm.
  4. The next issue of ToyFare hits comic stores on Oct 8, and newstands Oct 21. I wonder if my letter will be in it, that would be pretty cool. It's ToyFare Day
  5. I've resisted for hours before responding but I find an overwhelming need to respond. As we move into a period of economic uncertainty I am distressed that your Mugg is worth less now than what you paid for it Please, for your own sake, start getting used to 'real' life . In a world where people's HOMES are worth less than what they paid for them I wouldn't get too upset about your Mugg & it's depreciation.
  6. I'm more concerned about the lack of & price of Lost 'Secret Chases'.
  7. These arrived & I really like them ....a lot. I shan't be collecting any more however. :biggrin:
  8. Judging by there attire at SDCC they probably produce more T-Shirts than toys. "Y'English ? " :biggrin:
  9. The Cosbaby Iron-Man set is beautiful & I've also got the Aliens of which there are two waves (!). I shall definitely get the DC Wave & I must confess to the fact that I've picked up the 'Pirates ...' set inc. variant SDCC. There is a Disney wave which looks etc. etc.etc.etc. ......can you see where this is going? But 'Michael Jackson ? I don't know about that one ..... ......perhaps.
  10. Prof. X , ......Zombie Wasp? DST is rumoured to be developing a non-bending version of North Star
  11. I'm well aware what TDSP is & once the itching subsides & the swelling recedes ,all will be well. In the meantime don't lick the infected area . Scratch that last remark :tongue: Oh yeah....welcome :biggrin:
  12. Who first appeared in Adventure into Fear with my choice..... Man-Thing . I recently gave my 30 year old, Howard the Duck comic collection to a friend of mine who actually appreciates them. He's strange ....but then so was Howard :biggrin:
  13. yeah i tagged Hulk, platoon, a few spiderman MM, series 19 and 20, defenders and a few BSG MM onto my order as well, US shipping will kill me so WTH It's not the shipping that will 'kill' you.......but it may well be customs ......although I hope not .
  14. A Zombie Plan??? What is eating you guys? For the record who knows what country Zombies originated from? Nobody know? None of you?
  15. Bloody Hell !!! Bravo !! How long have you been hacking into my thoughts?? If only we could have these ! I've got a wave two idea all ready to go too. "Record Shop" Alex George "Cop" Dim "Cop" RP Deltoid Chief Prison Guard Accessories Bathtub, glass with dentures, billy club Sweet set :biggrin: Personally I'd love a 'Julian' who was 'F.Alexander's' bodyguard . In the film this character was played by David Prowse who you may or may not have heard of but went on to play (try guessing first if you don't know)...... Star Wars . Here's a link that is well worth reading about him
  16. as long as they've got a dvd of the film down there You can be sure of it. But it's on region one, and as everybody knows Satan's DVD player is region two! Yeah but ol' bhm will be there with his 'chipped' Multi-region
  17. Bloody Hell !!! Bravo !! How long have you been hacking into my thoughts?? If only we could have these !
  18. .....& the next episode is advertised at the end of this clip "How to turn a tool-shed into a home for your elderly parents" I thought it was hilarious ........ but this is a joke ....isn't it?? Tell me it's a joke. It's not a joke is it?? It's real??? If it's not a joke then the guy who is describing what the poor girl might look like now has got the f$*king scariest eyes I have ever seen* .....& the girl is in his cellar *apart from my bank-manager
  19. I don't think editing your post will change things that much I'm not sure about this Wave yet. They never grabbed me when they were announced & until I see them in the flesh I won't comment. The Hulk's colour doesn't seem 'right' somehow, perhaps it's me?
  20. That's exactly why 'Dick' is out . I personally can handle 'Dick' but I prefer not to have 'Dick' in "Dick Grayson ?" "Why yes!?" "Well don't hang it out in November" bhm (immature & proud of it)
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