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Everything posted by Freaqualizer

  1. Personally I like Titanium Man’s head and hair as Mordo.
  2. I still need tha Agamotto set since my store didn’t have one. However, i’ll wait to let others get their hands on these.
  3. The most recent season of the Avengers had a few characters I would love to get some minimates of, so I do hope we get new animated waves.
  4. Thanks, y’all! I’ve thought about using all of those at one point or another. I kinda like that Khan hair. I have that AoA Rogue and i’ve almost used it a time or two. Once I actually finish Mary, i’ll share the final result.
  5. @MisterPL, I was hoping more for Flaming Tiger, Burning Motorcycle.
  6. I’ve been getting some parts together for a classic custom. I’m stuck on the hair. Not many hair pieces that resemble how she was drawn.
  7. Dude, @Heinous, that Typhoid Mary is excellent. Any plans to make the classic version?
  8. @luke314pi I placed an order for a Namorita. Would it be possible to add an extra set of feet wings?
  9. That’s always good news when we get new minimate licenses. I don’t collect many lines outside of DC and Marvel. But more product makes me happy. And this makes it easier to kit bash a Shang Chi.
  10. @luke314pi will this next release have their most famous accessory?
  11. I think the most I marked out for the vintage inspired toys were the Loyal Subjects MOTU And Thundercats releases. And I only really bought He-Man, Skeletor, Lion-o and Mumm-Ra. If I still had some MOTU classic figs these and the similar styled Horror movie characters might be a fun addition.
  12. @funkguerilla it would be a very sad newsletter. A few splashes of inspiration among a sea of disappointment. Proof that the sun does shine on a dog’s ass, once in a while....and that’s a direct quote from my wife’s wedding vows.
  13. Or a second sculpt away from being a wooly mammoth.... or a motorcycle. Or a flaming tiger riding a flaming wooly mammoth on a flaming motorcycle.
  14. I really would like more Daredevil folks. Ikari, the Owl, Melvin Potter, Blindspot, Typhoid Mary, Mister Fear, Muse. More Daredevil, please!
  15. Oh, I don’t speak ill of Kallark. Funkguerrilla’s head said that we’d be getting a Dark Phoenix wave, which I’d be in favor of if it means we get the Gladiator. Heck, I’d even take a Melvin Potter Gladiator.
  16. I’d be down for an extra set of feet wings. $14 for Invaders Namor is a bit rich for my blood.
  17. @funkguerilla I was with you until you said Gladiator. Now I hope your head is right. Tell your heart that I apologize.
  18. Found 3 out of 4 packs (missing the Phoenix/Agamotto set) in Louisville, KY. First new pack of mates i’ve seen since IW1. Before that last new mates I saw was Ragnarok. It’s been kinda dry here.
  19. Night Thrasher arrived and he’s amazing! You’re doing such an awesome job with this custom run. Can’t wait to see who the next New Warrior is, but we know it’s not Speedball. Thanks, Luke!
  20. Maybe we can all work together to make a Speedball decal. You know the old saying “it takes a village to draw those circles.”
  21. I was at my local mall yesterday and saw a (larger number than usual) bunch of people walking around staring at their phones. I was going to go into GameStop but around that area of the mall there was about 100 to 150 people standing around all playing on their phones. When I asked what was going on, I was told a bunch of people were trying to catch a rare Pokémon by getting together in a large party. I know nothing about Pokémon or Pokémon Go. But, it was cool to see games bringing people together.
  22. Don’t be ashamed to show your thing all over the Internet, @Heinous. It may have weird lines on it that my thing doesn’t have. It’s how you use your thing that counts.
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