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Everything posted by MiniMage

  1. Since I'm quite new Im all right with this idea. However I hope it doesn't irritate me the point of...REBELLION!!!! Shameless Promotion: Hhehe check out my thread is started reviewing again.
  2. Hello! Hope to see you often! thats a lot... Shamless Promotion: Hehe check out my thread I started reviewing again hehe...
  3. Ive never actually used Gamestop since I buy my 'mates locally. This still looks pretty cool though. P.S. Check out my thread I started reviewing again hehe...
  4. Erhm...Um sorry to keep you guys waiting for more than a few months...Listen Im back in business and the reviews will be still be coming up. To make up for it Im posting a review tomorrow too. Okay well heres my excuse for my absence: I had a ton of exams and I had enrolled in after school reviews we also had Saturday classes to make up for lost time during the stormy season. Review List: Marvel vs Capcom 3 Two Pack: Dante Vs Deadpool Marvel vs Capcom 3 Two Pack: Spider-Man Vs Chris Redfield New York Comic Con 2011 Exclusive 4-pack: The Deadpool Corps Cheers and Sorry, Minimage
  5. Sorry about your dad. I may not know too many of you but if you need anything I'll help you in any way I can.
  6. I know you guys want me to say the 1 thing said in all of Halloween-dom! Well here it is... TRICK OR TREAT! If that wasnt enough then perhaps a poem will quench thine thirsts: Trick or Treat! Smell my feet! Give me something good to eat! Cmon guys just give me the prize SO I can rub it in your eyes The error Vorin will be mine So other members please dont whine Since the prize is going to me... I now claim my victory!!! Okay if that doesnt get me the prize I dont know what will...
  7. Eradicating these guys is what the Man thinks is the greater good. Oppose the Man, man.
  8. Im Asian and this isnt weird at all. We're exposed to this kind of stuff all of the time...
  9. The Morbius, Blade and Dr. Strange have got me excited. Thanks Zach. Thanks a lot!
  10. My gosh, Im a Sorcerer Supreme fan and when I saw this I was like, BOOM! Okay now Ive got to get this set along with the SDCC 4 pack w/ the X-men...hey Zach will these be Toys'R'Us exclusives?
  11. Welcome, kind of new here too, actually. Here in the Philippines Minimates are pretty rare but I can find them in my comic book shops. Definitely try out Luke's though.
  12. Welcome to the 'verse, pretty new here see ya around!
  13. Here in the Philippins we have like 1 storm a month. We also get hit alot where I live in the PH specifically. But I've only had like 2 near death experiences thanks to the storms around here.
  14. I've experienced some strange bugs too. When I view pics besides thumbnails I see nothing at all. But besides that I can't complain.
  15. I use Minimate baseplates sometimes but I have a very small collection so when it finally gets out of hand I will have to buy some legos and have a permanent lego display.
  16. It would be annoying to lots of people and me to make a new thread for each review I make so this will be my site's official thread! I'll be posting Minimate Reviews weekly and I have my second review up and running! Review #1: New York Comic Con 2011 Exclusive 4-pack: The Deadpool Corps- Review #2: Marvel vs Capcom 3 Minimate Wave 2: Spider-Man and Chris Redfield- Cheers and wait till my next review, MiniMage
  17. Nah it's all good. Sorry as a Mini-newb I guess I got a little defensive.
  18. Welcome and this addiction cannot be cured. Side effects may include: loss of money and no social life. But you'll have plenty of pals here though. WELCOME!
  19. I spent yesterday doing a review on the Deadpool Corps. My new blog is still in it's starting phase so please pardon any typos. Hope you like the review! Heres the link:
  20. Bang Up job on that Baron Zemo, man. HAIL HYDRA~!
  21. Glad to have ya onboard. Although I dont think the addiction can be controlled. Take it from someone who's tried numeroes times.
  22. The name wasnt really all that creative so far it'll be temporary till I can think of something creative.
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