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Everything posted by Shogi

  1. One head swap and maybe some paint later and I'm going to have a Maximum Zombies inspired Construction Worker
  2. I also have to agree, Cobra and Giraffe are tops for me. I like the Jackal even though any other head on that body would be one of the low points for me, but with the Jackal head, it just kinda fits for me
  3. Hmmmm..... So - Politician has got one of these right: Human Torch/War Machine Cyclops/Magneto Carnage/Ben Reilly~Scarlet Hawkeye/Ultron And one of these 2-packs is right: Human Torch/Mole Man Lizard/Black suit Spiderman Professor X/Juggernaut Antman/Wasp Abomination/Hulk of some sort Scarlet Spider/Hobgoblin (Would we class Scarlet Spider as a Spider-Man?) Luke Cage/Iron Fist (white outfit) Beast/Iceman I'm not sure how recently 'very recently' means, but i've crossed off everyone who had a minimate come out in 2013. What do we think guys? What Scarlet Spider minimate came out in 2013? I'm guessing the Scarlet Spider/Hobgoblin set was the correct guess as it could also tie into the Deadly Foes of Spiderman set
  4. Hmm, no new characters and no riot gear....Prison outfit set? Tyreese (non-battle damaged) Glenn Maggie Dale Carol Michonne I think these are the only characters that we haven't already gotten (or will be getting with wave 5) prison outfit versions of yet. I assume there will be no zombies in the set since there's no new characters (or if there are zombies, they'll be an update of a previous one)
  5. I'm assuming that maybe the zombies came from something that doesn't tie into the main story and that's why they're not included. I've seen this with a lot of different TPB and reprints. GI Joe #1 (TPB or reprint of the 1st issue) Doesn't have the Hot Potato story. Johnny the Homicidal Maniac TPB only has the main Johnny centric stories, none of the added "Meanwhile..." stories that were in all of the issues but had nothing to do with the main character
  6. So I wonder what content that's in the single issues has been cut from the TPB's? I just started work on doing a series 4 ID guide and I can't find the reference material from the control art for the Shoulder Zombie and Crawling Zombie in any of my volumes those listed issues are in. This is one of my major issues with many TPB's and reprints, they always seem to cut a story or two out of them.
  7. It's not Turtles, I think in the same Ask DST they said something about not having the license I can't think of what it might be
  8. Used the TRU Coupon for the last time yesterday to pick up another Picard/Borg set (That's my third one now, Picard is great for customs) and a Sisko set. Used my $5 rewards to make the two packs cost a grand total of 62 cents. In this whole time during the sale/clearance and coupons I noticed a couple of sets disappeared really quick: Boom Boom Rictor Janeway 7of9 Most any of the Wolverine sets (I think out of 3 stores I only saw 3 Wolvie/Shingen sets) But then there are those that still haven't moved: Governor Jaw Zombie Kingpin Daredevil (One store has 10 or more of these) Kirk Khan Sisko Gul Dukat SFxT (One store even got a whole new case of them) And the surprise finds due to an out of the way store: Havok/Storm Box/Vindicator Both sets had 4-5 extras each on the peg Iron-Man/ Rhino (I was happy to find this one since I never got it the first time around)
  9. I think that last slot should be for Judge Judge Reinhold
  10. Lookie what I found on! Came out to $24.19 with shipping
  11. and I saw it on Facebook and came straight here
  12. I am very happy to add a Buddy Christ to my minimate army. I've been kinda lukewarm to the Jay and Silent Bob pack. I like 'em but didn't feel I needed them.....this set I NEED
  13. I just saw a new 2 pack I need to buy: Mooby and Buddy Christ!
  14. I would enjoy having a smooth head Xeno, but I can deal with either version, I just want XenoMates! I'd also like for them to be able to be on all fours with properly positioned tired of all my Aliens toys looking at the floors
  15. Loving the skeleton minimates. Now I really want a Skeleton Minimate and a translucent blank with a skeleton inside it (Not just a tampo)
  16. That Dr McNinja custom is pretty wicked, the box really makes it
  17. I think Lego probably has a firm grip on the Star Wars minfigure/block style license. Besides, with the advances in detailed minimate pieces and stickers not to mention 3-d printers, I think one could get a line of custom minimates made pretty easily by now
  18. I'm an art fan, especially when it comes to toy art, so that was perfect for me. As for the clues, I'm horrible at figuring out who is who on forums. I'm sure I could have researched for an hour or two and deduced your ID after the first couple of clues, but I figured it'd be easier to just solve the riddles
  19. Agree with everyone here, Luke's is a great Minimate resource!
  20. Yeah, I don't care what minimate sets it was, at 1 cent each, I'm grabbing every single one
  21. A huge THANK YOU to my birthday elephant, Donny B! I received my main birthday gift today and was treated to a quiz. (I had to answer a riddle before opening each present) Me and my wife tried our best, but we failed on the last two riddles Here's all the gifts: Expendables set (With Chuck Norris!) Halo Series 1 set, 3 Arnold T-800's, Reaper, Sabretooth, Shadow Merk, couple of silver heads, action stands galore! A Spidey towel (my wife thinks it should've been in present #2 ) and an awesome Wolvie vs Brood minimate drawing! I'm feeling seriously spoiled here, I need to find a frame for the drawing now
  22. Before opening the pack I figured I could at least have another Iron Man. But after opening, I can't bring myself to display her with the helmet on She was a surprise sleeper for me
  23. WOO HOO! Thank you! I never woulda figured out the Biker Zombie (I keep forgetting to look at covers of other books)
  24. Why do I collect Minimates? Because a friend pointed out I could easily make Doctor Who customs with existing then spiraled from there I set them up from time to time and sometimes take pictures of them. When everyone in my facebook newsfeed were posting bitstrips, I decided to be different and made my own using custom minimates of me and my wife. I do sometimes wonder what I'm going to do with all this stuff (I collect much more than just Minimates and some of the toy lines are pretty big) I try to ignore such introspection though as it leads to me selling off collections, then a few years later buying them all back for inflated prices than when I sold them. I've seen many other toy collectors leave after being around forever, many of them came back, some I've never heard from since. Such is the toy collector life
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