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Everything posted by Squall

  1. @ mikebit: Just acrylic paint and a very pointy brush. @ Bob: Thanks!
  2. Yay for a new finished custom! I still have lots of pending commissions to finish. Thunderstrike
  3. 2 more round and I'll finally get Mockingbird. Still need Unstable ISO's. Here's a tip to get more money: If you're just spending your time online, send your heroes @ 20min Flight Deck missions. You'll be getting more money than sending them in 1hr, 2hr, 24 hours. I only send my heroes to 6 hours or 1 day if I'm going out.
  4. The paper bag was difficult. lol. The Amazing Bagman
  5. Nice! Did you sculpt the head?
  6. Sculpted or rooted hair? What do you guys think?
  7. I'M EVIL AND I KNOW IT! -Skeletor
  8. 2 rounds and i still got 1 star. The points needed for the next star is ridiculous, considering that you only have 26 days to complete this mission. I like Mockingbird's skills though.
  9. Happy Birthday, Zach! Have a good one! :biggrin:
  10. lolwut? I know Logan is overrated but this is just too much.
  11. commissioned by a fellow mate. Ghost Rider
  12. Got this tip from a random person. Farm 1 Command Point and high EXP points in 1 battle: Complete all the stars in chapter 2 and play the Bullseye mission (chapter 2.3). Play all the missions including Hero Deploys (Black Cat needed), Low-level villains, bosses and wait for the Epic Battle vs Elektra to appear. Hit Elektra until she drops 1 Command Point, then intentionally lose the game. You still get high EXP points even if you lose. Repeat. I get 65 EXP per round with Elektra, My current level is 132. Not sure if the 65 is a fixed amount or will the experience given depends on your current level.
  13. I'm hoping that Playdom will make a Jim Lee costume for Cyclops.
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