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Everything posted by DSTZach

  1. SFxT is 4-3-3-2 at specialty. Four Ken/Steve, 3 Sagat/King, 3 Cammy/Nina, 2 Poison/Lili. Not certain of the TRU breakdown on that assortment. Ryu is definitely in Series 2 of SFxT, with Yoshimitsu. He's the common set at specialty, and he'll also be at TRU. Slightly different facial features, not sure what else, though. Shot King and Sagat the other day. King is my new favorite Minimate ever. Sagat is just a great basic 'Mate. Pics soon.
  2. Yeah, there were three Toy Biz 5" 2-packs. Not bad figures at all. And Byrne does great costume design. Most of his stuff is very toyetic. His stories often veer off in unexpected, un-kid-friendly directions, though.
  3. Awesome shot, Geo. I never played campaign in Halo, but I played Capture the Flag for hours on end with 7-15 of my closest friends.
  4. Wow! I love Ghostbusters 2, and that photo has reminded me how many GB2 Mates we've done, and how awesome that is. Bravo.
  5. New gallery of shots:
  6. No Rhino, but that Brood Wolvie cover re-creation a good idea! Hope he can pull off the pose. Kneeling is tough.
  7. Such an amazing set, used to make (choke) DC customs? Oh, the humanity mutantkind! (Cries into X-Force pillow.)
  8. Just got some early samples, will shoot soon.
  9. Ikea now producing affordable housing, presuming you were planning on buying six drinking glasses:
  10. MUCUS VORIN. O. M. G. So want to do that now.
  11. Not sure why I picked red, but I picked blue so it could be a hologram. I think that's why I chose both colors. Green would haven been cool, too.
  12. Wow, Zik gets his own shelf! And a girlfriend!
  13. All I know is that the warehouse should have it soon. Not seeing it as shipping yet, but I'll keep checking. Not sure that it was specifically delayed by blue Vorin, BTW. Don't know what happened.
  14. Ivan! That's awesome! Aapje! THAT'S FANTASTIC! I'M MAKING ONE!
  15. What'd you guys think of the new strip? I thought it made it into ASM sets, but maybe not.
  16. AFX does sometimes sell their extra stock to Diamond Comics, who offers them to comic shops. Not sure if T-cats is one of them, or when that would happen.
  17. This reminds me of my favorite Superman comic storyline! Completely unintentional, BTW.
  18. I don't believe he does, but then, he comes with a lot of stuff. Either they couldn't fit it on the design sheet, or they couldn't fit it in the package.
  19. A few shots: A few more:
  20. Oh and anyone still looking for a red or grey Vorin should visit They're having a contest:
  21. We are going to have a variety of armor pieces you can collect, and I think Merk's knives might connect together, but they don't connect to other weapons, no. That would be cool.
  22. I don't know if DST got in any replacement parts, but go ahead and check. I'll ask on my end.
  23. I no longer understand any of it, so I am no longer going to offer advice.
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