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Everything posted by Kostisfire

  1. I will agree on that. A delay of one or two days ain't that bad, but a whole week? The Ant-Man and GotG situation was awful in my case. Still, there's gotta be a reason behind this.
  2. Lose the hood and that's actually my pajama/bathrobe combo! As for a Strange wave, I'm sure we'll not get any comic-based stuff close to the movie's release. But maybe next year we'll see some characters from his world throw in some "random" wave.
  3. ...Considering the article clearly states that they are 6" MATTEL figures... No, I don't think so...
  4. Hmm, that's gonna take some tinkering. Anyway, thanks for the info, I'll try it as soon as I get a 2nd set!
  5. Hmm, that does look nice. With a bit of paint it'd looke even better, but even as a QC, it's still pretty darn good!
  6. Thread necro! So, are we doing it again this year? It's already mid-October, that's why I'm asking. It is a big hussle for the organizer so I understand if no one wants to take over, but I have to say, this activity is one of my favourite parts of every Christmas holiday.
  7. Well, to be fair, I--I don't actually have a wity line. Huh. Better get back to watching Fargo I guess... PS: I swear to God, this is the first time it's happened to me. Dysfunctions such as these are really common though, especially for internet folk, heh, so it's no big deal, right? Um, so uh, yeah...
  8. Yeah, well, rumour has it that Marvel's developing a Netflix MK show (it's from El Mayibe, who's kinda hit or miss, but due to Ellis' comments and some other rumours, I'm inclined to believe that he might be in P2 of the MNU), so yeah, I'm feeling hella dope! I mostly use brilliant when I watch Doctor Who. Huh, the affects of Pop Culture in our lives. But since they won't be making Netflix minimates it would be a tad bitter sweet, I think a MK netflix series would be a great fit for Moon Knight. The animated mates looked great, but does Drax have vampire teeth in the show? Yeah, I know, and chances are El Mayibe's "lying", but meh, at the moment I'm feeling damn happy! But yeah, Netflix is a perfect fit for MK.
  9. As much as I love the MCU, the MNU (Marvel Netflix Universe) is miles and miles ahead. Cheesy fun is good and all, but after a while it wears off. Same with DC's "darkness, no parents!". Well, if an MK show happens, it'll definitely have more toyetic designs, so I think it could get a 4-pack. The basic MK stuff would include: Moon Knight, Khonshu, Bushman and maybe Werewolf By Night. Even if he wears his Mr. Knight outfit, you'll still have an Egyptian God and crazy Merc as locks. WBN could appear as well, so here's a Werewolf. I'm not saying that if a show happens, then DST'll surely jump on it, but compared to Daredevil's mostly civillian cast, it'll certainly present more opportunities for toys.
  10. Yeah, I saw that rumour a few hours ago. It's from El Mayibe, so I'm not totally on board yet, but it does fall in line with the previous rumours (apparently Phase 2 consists of Deathlok, Blade, Spider-Woman, Punisher and MK). Plus, Ellis has said numerous times that he was brought on board specifically to 'reboot" MK and bring in new readers, making him a profitable IP. I'm certainly optimistic about it.
  11. Yeah, well, rumour has it that Marvel's developing a Netflix MK show (it's from El Mayibe, who's kinda hit or miss, but due to Ellis' comments and some other rumours, I'm inclined to believe that he might be in P2 of the MNU), so yeah, I'm feeling hella dope! I mostly use brilliant when I watch Doctor Who. Huh, the affects of Pop Culture in our lives.
  12. Hmm, they look good, but I'll be buying only the Taskmaster pack. Mostly for Taskmaster, and so that I can use the arms for my SpOck. It's just that the rest look too cartoony (Widow & IM look good, though that Thanos is kinda bad), though I guess they'll look better in the in-hand pics. Either way, UDON Taskmaster looks dope! Much better than I imagined actually, since I presumed they were gonna go with tampo on the shoulder pads. I'm so excited for him! PS: Thanks for the link Valo!
  13. Now, THAT's what I call brilliant! Hmm, now with the new helmet I can justify an extra TRU 2-pack (shirtless Bloodshot + bulked-up X-O). Might I ask though, what colour did you use for the mettalic blue?
  14. ...Personally I'm convinced that Funko is the Devil's very own company. Getting so many licenses and making anything they can come up with, is simply...bizzare...
  15. EDIT: Zach responded over at FB: No new Marvel comic news at the panel, but I revealed the next Animated wave at Walgreens. Movie stuff is still under embargo.
  16. Man, so many awesome pieces! Werewolf head for Cap-Wolf and Pumpkin King head for Jack O'Lantern! I'll have to work on some QC recipes later...
  17. Not so much new stuff in the Marvel front but man, everything else looks superb! New Valiant set, an Image series (praying it leads to Spawn someday), Battle Beasts possibly back, it's all around a very nice display. Now, not to sound ungrateful, but did anyone attend the panel? Was anything announced there? Because the new Marvel almost always gets announced there. EDIT: Some more thoughts on the whole thing so far: Image indie mates: Not particularly a fan of any of the properties, but I'm always game for civvie mates. I'm also secretely hoping that it's going to lead to some Spawn, or at least East of West mates... Gotham: Better "in person" than in the soliciation photos. They're still civvies, but I'm excited, since I'm always game for some unique civvies. Muppets, PVZ & View Askew: Not a big fan of any of them. Might grab them in clearance of something. NBX: WOO! I've waiting for this line since I was a toddler and man, does it not dissapoint! It also reminds me that I still need a full set of series 1 and the Hot Topic exclusives, so if anyone has a full set + HT, pm me... BTTF: I missed on the first releases, so I'm surely going to be buying Marty, Doc & the Delorean at least. We'll see about the rest. Mass Effect: Totally stoked for this! If Luke releases that sticker pack, I'm sooo army building Alliance Soldiers/Husks. Alien & Predators: Initially I wasn't a fan of the heads/faces but man, this line is looking better and better. As for Aliens, the PL & The Queen look as great as last time. Godzilla: Nice! I'm not the most knowledgable fan, but I'm always up for some giant and fun looking monsters. X-Files: I've started binge watching the whole series in preparation, and these just can't come here soon enough! Battle Beasts: Thank goodness this line isn't dead yet. I'm really looking forward to them. Valiant: NINJAK! Shadowman was the weakest book but the costume is still nice. But NINJAK! WOO! Best 2-pack of the show! Marvel: 64 & the Gwen/Iron-Spidey pack look as great as last time. But man, dat DP wave. Initially, when I saw the character selection I was a bit dissapointed. I mean, where's Taskmaster, Typhoid Mary and the like? But man, is it damn great! In fact, I'm gonna "preview" the figs individually: Mascot-Pool: I'm probably gonna put another fig underneath and use that DP plus some Zombie pieces to make a BD one. Zenpool: I'm not really feeling this one. I think the boots and beads should've been sculpted. But it's still a nice variant. Bob: The expressions really sell this one. But with a different head+54 HYDRA Masks, you can army build modern HYDRA Agents. Secret, Secret Wars-Pool: I'm liking the Burt Reynolds-Esque look. The "normal" version doesn't do anything for me, but I can find a use for it. Siryn: I was really hoping she'd come with an alternate head. Oh well, a spare Jean Grey head or something'll do the trick. Cable:I was preppered to be dissapointed due to that LQ pic, but he looks surprisingly awesome! I'm gonna drop the coat and give him a harness or something though, it just doesn't look that good and it "breaks" a great fig. Problem is, what kind of harness to use? But, I have a question....What's up with Baby-Pool? Shouldn't that be Hope? Normal-Pool: It's essentially NOW!-Pool with more detail,seperate gauntlet/hand and Cap's "thumb's up" hand. It's...great actually. I wasn't expecting for me to like it that much. Huh... Domino/Copycat: Wow. This is the WINNER of the wave. I'm a particularly big fan of the ultra detailed figs, with the "glows" and the muscle definition and whatnot, so this is my PERFECT fig. Plus, with a bit of paint you can have yourself a modern Black Widow (tru 17 was a bit on the weak side), Black Widow II, Catwoman, etc, etc. This, IMO, blows the rest of the wave out of the water. It's that good. Well, thank God it's an LCS wave, cause I'm gonna need multiples. I should also add that Bullseye with a new head+SHIELD Agent pouches+a black dot at the forehead is going to be a perfect normal Bullseye. And it's blue, so even if you have the TRU version (I do but mine had some QC issues, so I'm reeeeeally excited for this one) it's still worth putting together. Vulture with a new head wouldn't look too bad either, just pretend that the rotten flesh is a stylistic choice, like how real Vultures have this cuch kind of feet. All in all, a pretty great showing. I hope someone went to the panel and a few more Marvel stuff were announced, but, as it stands, this was a great NYCC. Valiant, X-Files, Preds, all around an awesome con. Bravo!
  18. I thought about him to tell you the truth, but I'd rather have someone like Voodoo. I mean, he's cool and all, but I doubt DST is ever gonna make him.
  19. TBH, when I think of "Masked Doctor Strange" my mind immediately jumps to Paradox from the Midnight Sons series.
  20. True, a Dr. Strange wave would be magical... If I had to come up with a dream line-up though, for just an LCS wave with no tie-ins, I'd do it something like this: Modern Doctor Strange (Black & Red)/Baron Mordo Doctor Voodoo (with 2 heads, one normal, one with the skull paint)/Clea Nightmare/Wong Bondage Magik (she studied under Strange, plus, she has ties to Limbo and the Dark Dimension)/Mindless One* *Only one army builder so as to get more characters. Might hinder AB, but we'll be getting more figs. Yeah, yeah, it might need more Strange figs to become a real assortment, but, honestly, this'd be my dream wave.
  21. For me, it comes down to paying 110 euros in shipping/taxes for an average fig (say, Black Widow) and about 150-200 for the big ones (Hulk). And that's the extra part... I was thinking of going into 1/6th more heavily (apart from Doctor Who I haven't collected anything else), but after seeing these quotes I cancelled all my POs as well. It's just not feasible nowadays.
  22. Did someone say "Dream Wave Time"?!?!? LCS: Modern Doctor Strange (Red & Black, not sneakers)/Clea Doctor Voodoo/Baron Mordo Umar/Mindless One Nightmare/Mindless One TRU: Astral Doctor Strange/Wong Magik/Classic Dormammu But we'll probably get a movie wave, which'll look something like this: Doctor Strange/Baron Mordo Clea/Dormammu or Mephisto or Nightmare (depends who Mads is playing, since it's pretty much confirmed that he'll be casted) Ancient One/Mindless One (almost all marvel movies have some evil army) Wong/Mindless One
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