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Everything posted by WookieFodder

  1. is there release dates for this stuff yet? i think that vehicle is really cool
  2. great set, I got two so I can make more characters. Switch out Statham's Head for Agent Zero plus the Hat from Terry Crews to make Jet Li(Statham head can make a Transporter). Then take Terry Crews Head and arms,chest too if you want SWITCH in The Punisher Thug (Looney Bin Jim) and Hat from Pauly from Rocky Boxset and white arms to make Randy Couture (Or no hat). Then I took a Stallone face from Rocky (I chose the black eye one from Adrian 2pack) and put that on the SWAT guy from Terminator movie with some added black parts/holsters. Stallone won't have his Expendables goatee but you can make the basic team with 2 sets and some extra parts without having to wait for more to be released. Didn't make Dolph, but I would suggest Frankenstein's shoes to make him taller and do the same setup with a dirty blonde hair piece and a gritty face.
  3. OHIO has got them. Cool to have a Spidey with a hole in his head. Punisher steals the show, he's amazing pic of Punisher mixed with Bullseye Arms and Legs. anyone with cheaper suggestions. Nimrod's boots only looked alright.
  4. Yes, everybody VOTE!!! I just came back from 3 years in the future and would you believe Falcon still hasn't shown up. 12 different variants of Gladiator though, so that was sweet.
  5. I enjoyed the first story in new 52 Justice League
  6. Marvel's site will probably get the most votes for Apocalypse, then probably Abomination and Mojo. But Apoc is the most recognizable. I'm def voting for Mojo. Maybe his picture is so bad because his mate will be more expensive to make. Either way, people know Longshot as much as Mojo so it will still collect more votes. Vengeance looks cool, his pic should read "Flaming Motorcycle not included" I've been deabting whether to buy the Apocalypse Kubrick
  7. and don't forget to vote on for Cyborg Spidey, Extra Spikey Thing, and Werewolf Captain America. yes make a thread in the Customs section and start posting your stuff.
  8. Substitute Scarlett Witch for Luke Cage. I just added him because he ain't winnin' the poll. We all know who's going to win.
  9. Avengers AvX boxset could include: Modern Luke Cage Mockingbird SpiderWoman Thing in white SpiderWoman could use a remake because the paint just looks better compared to older mms. Mockingbird isn't a big role in that storyline but it could just be a way for more characters to be released. Wasp in Yellow from the show would be sweet. Cat Beast in Space suit.Protector. Hezbula would've been cool addition to XMen boxset. I feel like SDCC boxsets can get away without having an A-Lister and when they do like Battle Damaged Wolverine,they sometimes receive poor reception. Red Hulk prolly doesn't need another release just yet. You can get his hair from the first Rulk to make the current costume.
  10. welcome to the madness, can you loan me some gas money?
  11. "Little Annie becomes Vader if you didn't know, and Jesus dies" Your examples refer to a prequel and a sequel.
  12. I disagree on the WD Spoiler issue. The WD Show is bigger than the comic now. You could turn off a whole new audience that has yet to see the comics (you know how hard it is for Norms to get into comics), so you post those Minis on your Facebook Page let's say and they've been spoiled. Not a huge spoiler, but it definitely a spoiler. SPOILERS- Lord of the Rings was a Book before a Movie, but you could spoil Gandalf or Boromir dying, something along those lines.
  13. Emma Frost looks great. Did you debate whether Showing Walking Dead like that is too much of a SPOILER? I know a lot of people that still only know the show and seeing this minimate could upset them a bit. Battle Beasts look very nice. I'd like to see possibilities for vehicles and playsets.
  14. they look great. will somebody who got a Punisher see if they can part together a Classic Punisher out of him with White gloves and boots. Maybe boots from Photon or Nimrod. Can't wait for The Punisher
  15. I did a Ron Burgandy in that style in my Notorious BIG/Solid Snake/Clark Kent Video. I don't have any pics up for it
  16. get your wife into Game of Thrones and then you"ll be "forced" to make those customs
  17. I'd prefer an updated Absorbing Man before The Wrecking Crew and I'm not even crazy about remakes. Mystique does not need a remake right away,others have pointed out you can switch in her First Class Mini's hair for a nice lil update. I wouldn't worry about the longevity of DST, with Disney owning Marvel now, I think the company will grow even more. Don't expect Spidey and Wolvie to give up anytime soon. I'm ready for some more X-Men stuff, so to quote the original spidey movie Mary Jane Watson, "bring that shit on"
  18. Lord Supreme Gladiator, I warned them of their insolence. Be merciful, our species is weak... Kneel fools!
  19. i vote for Poll #2 to become a boxset. All that Avengers stuff will get made eventually. yeah, can the variant be another character? Maybe if some characters get enough total votes then they can trump the other Poll winners. Which I hope is weighted because the first poll will continue collecting votes. I don't see many passersby stumpling upon the poll unless they see a link. I also think the more casual fans will vote for X-Men characters, so good luck to Winter Soldier, Black Knight and Songbird who I thought was Mockingbird. Completing teams aside, would you rather have Mockingbird or Songbird?
  20. This poll is more like it (that's what she said). I have a feeling everyone will want the remaining minis to vote for, so eventually these all should get made. The first poll is like an April Fool's joke compared to this one. Ghost Rider should just get made with everybody from poll 2 as a wonderful surprise. i think we all know who I voted for, I encourage all to vote the same. Lobsterman who/what are you using for Gladiator parts like his Hair and Face?
  21. Sandor "Hound" Clegane Bronn Brienne of Tarth Hodor Jaqen H'ghar Ser Jorah Mormont Gregor Clegane(Variant)
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