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Everything posted by Valo487

  1. You *may* have just answered your own question... I know he's Spider-Man, but these kinds of variations on a main character have never appealed to me, even when I was a kid which is the demographic that allegedly eats those things up. I got the main character and moved on, never wanted a million versions of him. I understand Storm because she's popular and had this look, which is very unique in and of itself, for a while in the books, whereas Spidey had this look panel? Maybe two? The Black suit is iconic, the changing into it, not so much. Maybe there's a huge fanbase out there for Spider-Man in between costume changes, but I feel like if I had no interest in minimates and wandered onto AA's page and wanted to vote, I'd go for Dr. Doom, as he's very iconic also and isn't having an identity crisis about his wardrobe. I just think it's odd that the main reason we keep hearing that Spidey's getting so many votes is because he's a big name character, but so is Doom and he's eating it pretty hard on votes right now.
  2. Argh, this is getting frustrating, I checked last night and Molecule Man had managed to come back and is now tied with the Beyonder for fourth place, and was only nine votes from taking the third place slot from Spider-Man, but I just checked today and Spider-Man somehow got another vote since 1 AM last night and now there's ten between the two again. I'm not big on conspiracy theories, but I find it very suspicious that Spider-Man has gotten so many votes, and now whenever someone appears to be approaching him in the votes he gets a new bunch of votes to protect his position. I find nothing suspicious about Storm's success, she's a popular character with a unique look in the set, but this Spider-man beating out so many new characters? Strange.
  3. Fry them walnuts?? Exactly.
  4. actually anymore than 6 and they couldn't call it the sinister 6... long live kang moc847 Perhaps, but then there's always......the Sinister Sixteen!! FTW!!
  5. I GOT IT! House of M Spider-Man! Brilliant, makes sense every way I look at it so far. As much as I'm just aching for another Spider-Man, I hope we get Electro, since a certain white-haired mutant's arm bolt would work so well with him, as pointed out by another poster....
  6. Not to rag on anybody's theory but we have four numbers that are repeated through the code, 21, 69, 59, and 81. I would start looking for names that have repeating letters in the same positions, since we don't know if there are any spaces that's the best clue we have to go on.
  7. God yes!! Please DST, make it so!! These all look awesome, but was there any doubt? In regards to my earlier rant, X-Force Wolverine looks cool, I'm still whatever about WW2 Wolverine, it's nice to see a comic version with the bone claws but if I pick him up it will be solely for those to swap around and the extra HYDRA agent. I hope we have more codes to crack tomorrow, since they always seem to unveil these series more than one at a time. Hopefully this one has some villains in it, we need some more of those.
  8. Wow AA, really? Look, I get it. They're going to drown us in Wolverine Mates, but can we at least spread the freaking things out a bit? PLEASE?? I can think of numerous characters they could package with Wolverine whose chances are slim without him, but so far this year we've gotten: Blue Yellow Wolverine, the movie series with 5 Wolverines(FIVE)!!, a boxset with nobody but Wolverine, now these two, plus the classic one in the Deadpool wave. THIRTEEN!! Come on, dare to be different perhaps? You saw with the Avengers wave no one will riot if a wave is Wolverine free, I guess they've got to make up for all the series we've gotten without Wolverine recently. Calm down, please. He's not the only character in the Marvel Universe.
  9. I guess my point was that the first few reveals were exciting, Storm I'm not that into because I have the Giant Size version, but I know a lot of people don't, plus she'll more than likely come with Black Panther, so it makes sense, and Hydra I was VERY psyched about, but the last two being new versions of characters we already have haven't been as exciting as the first ones, at least to me personally. I hope Klaw and a more obscure Daredevil character are also to be revealed, as I feel like Klaw's chances are strong if he's packed with BP, about zero if not.
  10. As much fun as it is decoding these reveals, I'm a bit puzzled why we're getting so many rehashes in this wave. Of the five we've learned, only two are new characters, as I don't count zombie ravaged Black Panther as the character. Granted I appreciate that they are actual comic related versions, and Daredevil has been MIA in the line for a while, but I want to scratch a few guys off my wishlist. PLEASE!! Oh, and I REALLY hope Daredevil comes with the Owl. That would be awesome.
  11. If Spider-Man isn't already an army builder, I just don't know who is. Although to be fair we've never gotten a box set of four Spider-Men. Yet. Unlike some sharp and pointy mutants.....
  12. You make a good point, I showed my girlfriend the options when I voted and she liked the Beyonder, but the energy version, not the normal one. Some people who aren't familiar with the characters may be voting for the energy versions because they're more striking, especially someone who happens upon AA's page and doesn't collect but wants to vote.
  13. Dear God no. I have no problem with the Spider-man mate they showed us, but I'd rather he came with Electro. Or Lizard. Or Kraven. Or just about any Spider-man villain we don't have yet, this set is likely the only time some of these characters will be up for consideration, and considering we're going to get more spideys in the future whether we want them or not, I just think this is one time Spidey could sit one out. Throw this version of Spidey in with the Lizard and we can call it a continuation of the Secret Wars theme. Also, slightly off topic but not really, what is with the Wolverines and Spider-Men in this line? I know they're popular, but the only places that sell these near me are comic shops and TRU, but I seem the be the main person who buys them there. I would think in what is a very collector oriented line they could let these guys take a break, or just include ONE PER WAVE!! I loved the villains in the last Spider-Man wave, but damn!! Enough!! And don't get me started on the Wolverine movie mates, they could have used several of the slots that went to Wolverine for Stryker, Weapon XI, Gambit.....all of whom wouldn't require that much new tooling, Stryker could have used General Ross' body, Weapon XI would only need his blade arms. I love 'mates but it's frustrating when a new wave yields FIVE new Wolverines on top of all the others.
  14. I'm surprised people aren't more keen on the Mac Gargan Venom, if ever there was a variant of a popular character that makes sense this is it. I personally wish more toy companies would follow this approach when it comes to rereleasing popular characters. I too am puzzled about the Dark Avengers set, as it seems like we'll be getting Black Suit Spider-man and Wolverine with only minor alterations, two characters we have definitely got enough of already, but I'll hold off on completely making up my mind until we see control art or the 'mates themselves. I do wish we could have gotten Ares instead of one of those though. And please don't cancel the Scorpion 'mate!! Why God why??
  15. I get to update again, yes!! The Newest Top 10: *Scorpion *Vulture *Pyro *Multiple Man *Xorn(with removable mask to reveal Magneto head) *Toad *The Lizard *Baron Zemo *Winter Soldier *Electro Spider-Man/Wolverine Variants: *Kaine (Kind of a cheat, but whatever) * Age of Apocalypse Wolverine(with hand and alternate stump cover)
  16. This is the kind of movie line I like, since we never got a Jigsaw we get new characters we probably wouldn't get for ages because of the movie, instead of multiples of characters we already have......*cough*Hulk*cough*
  17. I was thinking about a lot of the characters I'd like to see, and since Captain America's death is still pretty recent and still felt throughout the various books, I came up with this: Winter Soldier/Red Skull Crossbones/Sharon Carter New Captain America/Baron Zemo Variant: Punisher Captain America This would more or less fill all the characters in Captain America's area save one or two, and would give us a lot of new characters with the minimum of new parts which AA is big on. With a little creativity most of these could be accomplished with pre-existing parts. What do you guys think?
  18. Sadly my update isn't as impressive as some I've seen, but that spots are opening on mine is still great in my opinion. The new, updated list is: The Newer Top 10: *Red Skull *Kaine *Pyro *Multiple Man *Xorn(with removable mask to reveal Magneto head) *Toad *Gambit *Baron Zemo *Winter Soldier *Electro Spider-Man/Wolverine Variants: *Negative Zone Spider-Man * Age of Apocalypse Wolverine(with hand and alternate stump cover) And lastly, please fewer movie lines. I understand the marketing ideas behind it, but if you must can't we have a box set of four or five instead of a series of seven where we get three or more versions of the main character? We finally get Abomination, now immediately afterwards we get movie Abomination. I'm sure they'll look great, but I can't help but think of the new characters we could get instead.......if we got more comic lines, people would be thrilled at the inclusion of lesser known characters like Spymaster, but when we get him over constantly requested characters like Gambit, Electro, Deadpool and the like it's a bit of a bummer. And considering there have been some false scares in the past of the line ending, I don't want to have to worry we'll never get some people because they lost out to five Iron Men or four Hulks. Just a thought. But I love what you're doing overall, keep making them and I'll keep buying them!! Lastly, never cared one way or another about Nova. Nova's minimate? INCREDIBLE.
  19. Well as this is the second time that the DC mates have been endangered, I'm not as bummed as I was the first time, and honestly I'm not going to beg DC Direct for these guys no matter how much I love them. I support the line the best way, I buy them all. Even the characters I'm not wild about I buy anyway. If that's not enough to keep them making them, despite the strong fan base and the fact that they do seem to sell around where I live, then DC Direct can take that money they were spending on minimates and keep dropping it on lines that don't move. I'm tired of lines I love dying before the characters I want to see have been made, but when I as a bystander can see the problems with their business practices and they can't, I almost want the company to suffer losses, because it's what they have coming. I never bought anything from DC Direct before mates, and I'm damn sure not going to now. So how does them losing a consumer's money make sense? It's not going to make me buy their overpriced semi-poseable statues, no matter what they may think.
  20. Well since we're getting a Superman in wave 8 I don't think we'll get one of him again so soon, here's my take... Battle Damaged Aquaman / Black Manta Black suit Batman / Two Face Captain Cold / Reverse Flash Red Hood / Donna Troy
  21. Of those listed I feel Beast and Bullseye are most in need, at least in the sense that there are fundamental issues with those that we have. Bullseye is BLACK!! and Beast just doesn't look right to me, I can't pinpoint it but I think it's the Wolverine hairpiece. I also think that Dr. Octopus could use a remake, the one we have looks great, but is incredibly difficult to use, as the arms keep falling off and aren't long enough to actually do anything with.
  22. You're right, DCD is doing it right. How sad that at this point I wish DCD was releasing the Marvel mates too, as absurd as that would be. Whatever it takes to get them out ON TIME....
  23. Ugh. You know, they can start picking fan favorites for future waves all they want, if they don't get their damn release dates worked out they'll always be second best behind DC, which is pretty pathetic since the Marvel mates were here first and have had years to get their act together. I'm sorry, this is just really frustrating, DC makes great quality mates with tons of new pieces without any thought given to incessant reuse, and they still get them out on time, sometimes even earlier than anticipated. And how long ago did they release proto images of the Marvel Zombies and Avengers wave? How much time do you need to make them, and if you can't get things done on time why don't they just belt up on the release date until they're finished and out the damn door? UGH!!
  24. DC Direct has their stuff in order so well they can actually move release dates forward, while the Marvel waves get pushed back months at a time. Yet again DC tops the Marvel waves. And I prefer Marvel, but it's getting harder and harder to ignore this stuff....
  25. I must be psychic....Cyborg just showed up in Wave 8!!
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