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Donny B

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Everything posted by Donny B

  1. Yeah, that's me for sure. If I were watching Power Rangers for the first time today, I would hate that show with a passion, more than Pokemon or Hannah Montana or Twilight or jabbing myself in the eye with Kubricks... but since I watched the first season when I was a kid, this had a magical quality... if it weren't for that, I would have to mirror TBT's statement verbatim. Anyway, since I was a fan as a kid, I definitely would love to get ahold of all the Rangers plus the core villains *Putties would make great army builders, for sure* But I DEFINITELY would not want anything past the first season... The commercial/profit potential for this property is ridiculous. I don't think the sales would be there, but there are sooooo many different characters that could be made (even if you only use the first season for source material... the villain-a-day thing provided such a huge rogues gallery). I would almost be afraid to see what they might try to do if this license was acquired... I personally don't think that they would stop with just the stuff I want. If they did the first season, they would likely try other seasons as well... but I think we would most likely see a collection of the potential 'best sellers' from all the different seasons. Just the most popular character from each incarnation... Yeah, I can see this being a mess that would make very few people happy... The minimate style would lend itself perfectly to the property, for sure! Oh gosh, I would sooooo go for TMNT 'mates far before MMPR. The property would be received more openly (I too was kinda surprised how much negativism there is even on here for Power Rangers) I think, and the character selection would be easier to pull off *and again, Foot Soldiers, and even Mousers, if they found a way to make them, would be great army builders* ... and with the new live action movie tentatively in the works, there would be a bigger potential market for TMNT mates. Sorry if this steals your thunder, but I just happen to have a drawing... I always loved the color orange, and since I loved Power Rangers (and never knew of the existence of an Orange Ranger... did one of the later seasons feature one?), it just made sense to design an Orange Ranger. Although, this drawing is just done in pencil... maybe some day I'll get around to coloring it...
  2. I had written down September 6th as the release date for these... granted, that was when I first made the preorder. I don't know if the date got changed at all since then
  3. Best Buy, if you want to get it from a brick & mortar. Otherwise, I would recommend, since they usually have the edge on prices (unless you luck out and find a place that's doing a sale)
  4. if your ideal new camera is solely based on photo quality (and pretty good video quality), then I would recommend the Canon Powershot SX10 IS (or any of the cameras in the SX - IS line. the SX10 IS is the latest, and takes pics at 10 MP) of course, it's bigger than your previous camera. This one won't fit in your pocket but this is the camea I am currently using (Canon is a great brand. I've had 3 Canon cameras from the SX - IS line, and I got a massive amount of use out of all of them) and I can attest to its quality and ease of use. It's a great camera for good quality pics without having to know how to use special features or settings, but it also has the ability to utilize specialized settings if you decide to experiment and learn a bit.
  5. I was pretty stoked when I heard these were getting the minimate treatment, since I loved these toys when I was a young tike (I was 4 when they came out). But I can understand some of the purists' objections to the updated look - the originals had a distinct style that is all their own (and I too am kinda surprised that they didn't get sucked into the SHS line somehow). Still, I am extremely excited to be getting Battle Beast Minimates! I just hope that they keep the water/fire/wood signs (I know they mentioned that it might not be possible... did anyone catch why it might not be easy to incorporate those into the new products?) but even without them, the license has great potential :biggrin: and it's cool to see new fans being welcomed into the world of minimates! Oh, and I call Kickback Kangaroo This was the only one I was actually able to get ahold of as a kid (though I had friends who owned dozens of them... I was always jealous), and as a result, he was my favorite cuz I always played with him
  6. Indeed, they have different copyright dates. I know this is a slightly redundant post, but I had already put the work into taking the pic and then learning how to post it at a reduced size (has it really been that long since I was active on here? ) when I saw that BHM beat me to it... so Im putting it in anyway And it may just be the ones I got, but it seems that the paint app on the TRU releases are a bit more sloppy than the AFX releases - especially the eyes. The print for the webbing on the head shows through the white paint a bit, whereas the AFX version has no bleedthrough...
  7. EDIT: I think those are the last ones that havent been listed... This was a fun concept
  8. Donny B

    New Contest?

    I've never hosted a contest before (the closest I got was a random giveaway thingie more than a year ago, if my memory serves me correctly), so I don't know much about the hosting part (voting/judging, etc). But I'd be happy to provide some prizes if someone wants to go in on it with me.
  9. Cool. I had no idea it was Kevin Smith... one of my friends that I saw TDK with quoted it to me, but didnt tell me who originally said it. I just figured it was one of the random review magazines like EW or something And sheesh, that Watchmen trailer... Gave. Me. Chills. :biggrin:
  10. I caught the 12:01 showing of Dark Knight... I ended up waiting at the theater for 5 hours before it opened cuz the theater warned everyone to be there that early to get a good seat. Crazy theater *it was cool, though. I was with several good friends so it was like hanging out. If I was by myself, I would have been miserable =P I have to say... this was my first big "geek" thing. The closest I've ever come to a convention or cos play... and I say that because the theater (its a big one) was full of crazy kids dressed up as their favorite batman character. There were like 50 Batmans, of course... just about every main villain, and one Robin (who was dressed pretty well... but dang it was scary. Like that pic of Lion-o ... it was just wrong to see a 20 year old guy running around in speedos. (and no, I didnt get any pics ) Anyway, about the movie - I won't say anything spoil-worthy, even though I really want to gush about several amazing scenes and whatnot... But I will say that, even though I was worried that Dark Knight wouldnt live up to the hype, it delivered. And then some. It was described as 'The Godfather 2 of superhero movies' ... Id have to agree. Overall, a very very well made film. Joker was perfect... from the moment where he did the 'magic trick' with the pencil, I was sold. He was perfect. Absolute humor balanced beautifully with a freighteningly sick and maniacal homicidal twistedness... wonderfully written, wonderfully portrayed. I had a few small complaints, but nothing worth mentioning, really. All in all, this was a gem of a comicbook movie. We need many many more like this.
  11. A Captain America movie is coming in 2011, but before that we are going to be treated to a Thor film and an Iron Man sequel in 2010. And all of that will culminate in a full out Avengers movie in July of 2011 (tentatively). I caught the 12:01 showing this morning, as well. Unfortunately the theater I saw it at botched up the order of the reels, so two parts of the movie were out of order. But it was still relatively easy to follow the story. All in all, I can't say that it was quite as good as Iron Man, but it was definitely close. Great characterization, good writing, good action, great acting... all in all, they made a good film, with plenty of hat nodding to the old tv show and tons of comic book references as well as subtle clues leading into a much bigger story for future films. I have to second The_Donster's comment - Marvel Studios seems to have raised the bar for their films. Here's hoping they continue to put quality first
  12. Thanks everyone! Unfortunately, I got no minimates for my b-day this year... just a whole bunch of cash *half of which will end up being spent on minimates, so it works out well
  13. Alien Prank Gone Wrong Chad hates aliens. A lot.
  14. just a heads up for anyone who still needs one and who doesnt want to pay a ridiculous amount of money to get it - AFX has a new special on their exclusive Web Armor Spiderman mini You still have to buy something else to get it, but at least its not the big $60 bundle...
  15. I managed to snag two extra sets, so if you still dont have one and can't find them anywhere, send me a PM *EDIT* Okay, they're both taken. I'll post on here again if I come across any more
  16. to be completely honest, Cloneme - I like your version much much more. This one seems a bit too... cartoony, I guess. But the Hobgoblin is pretty sweet!
  17. That's definitely something that a lot of fans are wanting... and speaking personally, that would probably be my favorite wave if they released it the way you are suggesting but... I think it may be somewhat unlikely for us to be getting a wave like that now. It was more likely before the new DC waves hit the market and responses made it clear that Marvel's releases needed a rethink... Diverse selections seem to be the new order of the day, which means that a full X-Men wave might be unlikely We may see some of those characters individually at random points throughout the next few waves, though. We've already got an Animated style (or as I like to call it, the Jim Lee era) archangel due out by early next year... I would bet that we are going to be seeing Gambit and Beast at some point before wave 25 or so... but as for the rest - who knows. But yeah, I think it's safe to say that a lot of people are wanting those mates. There was a time when most of us fans/collectors were getting a bit tired with all the Xmen related mates - but considering what we've got coming with waves 16, 19 and 20, I think the fans as a whole might be a bit more accepting of some (not yet released) Xmen characters... but it may be several more years yet before we can have a complete 'animated' Xmen team...
  18. I hate it when you get a zit on the inside of your nose. I currently have two. One in each nostril. Suckville.
  19. I like how they designed the wings for Angel/Archangel. I would have expected them to make it a full out chest piece that covered his whole torso, like how they're doing Hawkman/Hawkgirl... but instead, it's only being held onto his back via the waist and the neck... it adds a little height to him, but personally, I like that approach much more than the full chest piece. But what I'm really wondering is how they're going to do the packaging? The wings would require a bigger box than usual... unless maybe they packaged him by himself... But would they do that? Also, did anyone notice how there is now a Sword on Taskmaster's back? It looks like blade's sword... but thats not the point. It's definitely on his back, which means that it would have to attach to his cape. But if it's a reuse of Doom's cape, wouldn't they have to change it in order to get the sword to stay put? I would hope that would give them reason to make a newly designed cape... but I suppose it's much easier/cheaper to simply put a small hole in a pre-existing mold rather than make a whole new one ... ? *shrugs* And one last thing... has anyone noticed that Vision's cape seem to be the same, but with the non-phasing one, it looks like they "broke" it? The part that would be sitting in front of his face is gone. That's the only thing that makes the design of the capes different, as far as I can tell (though its hard to say for sure, since it looks like non-phasing Vision's cape has a flap in the back *sorry, i dont remember the proper name for it* that curves up a tad bit higher than phasing Vision's. But I'm thinking that's mainly because of the angle that the figs are at. Cuz that one pic of them from the side makes it look like it's not quite so high up behind his head)
  20. They are - the phasing one is obviously translucent, but the other one is like the ECCC blanks. You kinda have to look closely to see...
  21. WOW Just... WOW. We finally get Angel/Archangel! Such beauty. I have no words. Mysterio looks GREAT! as does Ultron Apocalypse... He looks cool with the new chest molding, but I think I still prefer Antacost's version. And note that he didn't get a bigger size (in keeping with Marvel's contract), which seems a real shame, since this is one character that I think needs to be bigger *shrugs* That Hulk looks cool... overall, he seems a bit "stiff", but still keeps the look of that era pretty accurately The Vision figs look great... though I think I would have prefered the phasing one to not be phasing, much like the Kitty Pride fig (though the phasing look actually makes sense for Vision, unlike Kitty). But that's a minor detail. He still looks great And let's not forget Hawkeye! Overall, this is a kick butt set of waves... I dont want to have to wait for these guys
  22. Wow, dude Those guys are amazing! Im especially impressed with Fuzzbuster. Very creative!
  23. I was definitely very pleased to be seeing this new set... and this is definitely one time where parts reuse doesnt seem unfortunate. The only thing that stands out to me is how Doom's cape is so easily recognizable. But hey, what are you going to do? Im just happy to be getting two new characters :biggrin: US Agent has been on my wants list for a while now. Im definitely very pleased with this
  24. Yeah, dude. This looks great! I am very excited about this game... you rock for putting this together
  25. I got mine today... a Retailer Summit blank. So cool
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