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Everything posted by mav-man

  1. According to DST series 2 should be out at the end of this month...I hope this is correct! I believe series 1 was released early too, if I remember correctly...
  2. Hello-I'm wondering since there's all these speculations about BSG the series, ending, will we at least get up to the 3rd wave of mates thats already been announced, and if so, is there any chance of more waves to follow? Thanks for your time!
  3. Well..over at, where I just placed my pre-order for the whole set with the varient sulu, it says October. Believe or not it's only $20.00 for the set with varient. I don't expect it to last for long at that price! Check it out!
  4. ok....that does make me feel a little better!
  5. I was hoping to get a few more series of mates after the ones they already announced, and now I wonder if we'll even get the ones that have been, seeing as the show is going to be over........this will make me a sad, sad person if they don't make them. I guess I'll just keep my fingers crossed we get at least a couple series of mates after the upcoming ones!
  6. Have you guys ever seen smiti figures?....they are pretty cool, they made like 6 bands and then were suppose to do the smashing pumpkins, then all of a sudden nothing....
  7. I must say I recieved my X3's today, and they seem to be some of the best put together marvel ones so far. I mean as far as detailing in the costumes and the likenesses in the faces they are excellent. I am quite pleased with these! 2 thumbs up!
  8. Theres pics of them up now on ebay. so somebody got them a day early!
  9. I got mine from Stuckakid today, and they are great! Thanks! As soon as the other series are available for pre-order I'm there!
  10. It is also on my list of things to do this year....again!
  11. I'm not sure how to add link, but the item # is 190081015843...just type that it in the search on ebay. I found one for me, hopefully I should have her by the end of the week! Good luck with getting yours! Hope shes still there!
  12. I'm sure the biggest difference will be the price we pay for Starbuck!
  13. It's all right by me to have these exclusives around, it just makes it something more rare for your collection; so if their are't many around you just save up your money to get one if you have to, and go on the "hunt" for it! Thats one of the things that make collecting least for me! By the way theres one on ebay right now for a Buy it Now price of 49.99!
  14. They look pretty cool, but its gonna be a long wait between waves it seems!
  15. To me it looks like a mistake cuz they all have different dates in wave says feb. 28th, 2 say the 7th, and 1 says the 28th of march. I'm thinking march 28th is the correct date, hopefully not cuz a week apart would be great!
  16. I have it feeling it will be later too! It seems we've been waiting forever for something to come out...its been a long year!
  17. cool, makes the anticipation for these to come out even greater!
  18. I'm sure I will get them all. The DC, and BSG ones for sure (all preorded). I'm sure I'll get all the marvel too, just because I have all the other Marvel mates....(except black spidey). But I'll probably pick up the other lines in between those 3 lines, just cuz I can't stop myself when it comes to buying these guys!
  19. I'm hoping that they'll be released earlier. I beleive the cylons were. With all these new annoncements and upcoming releases, I just can't wait to get some new minis!! The anticipation is killing me!
  20. My choice would be Gambit, and then Angel.
  21. Got my little guy today...thanks guys!! :biggrin: He is a welcomed addition to my collection!
  22. very cool...this is going to be just an awesome year for minimates!
  23. I agree with all the others for the same reasons, the small size makes them most desireable for those us that like "getting the whole set" and actually being able able to fit them all in the same space. They also remind of my childhood days when I had all my megos (still have them), with the diversity of all the characters offered in the same scale figure. They give me that happy feeling of anticipation, and excitement when I see new figures and hear news about new lines, etc.,... and when I get new ones...its like Christmas morning everytime!!! Now with all the new announcements of upcoming lines ...I see myself collecting these guys well into my old age! They are just the best little 2 inch package of happiness around!
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