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Everything posted by MinnesotaIceman

  1. Bought Skyrim yesterday, going to sell it today.
  2. Which Ant-Man is this, Pym, Lang, or Eric O'Grady? Oh, f*ck you, Marvel. This is such bull. Storm hates X-force, Psylocke was preparing to leave, and Puck and Spiral are so irrelevant. I don't have any idea what they think they're doing with all of this. Er, is Puck even a Mutant? Granted, there have been non-mutants on X-Force (Deadpool), but even so...
  3. (Re)Playing Legend of Mana an (in my opinion) underrated gem for the original PlayStation.
  4. Reminds me of the time , which was one of Bendis's most flagrant cases of defecating all over continuity. He's obviously never read West Coast Avengers. Hawkeye laid it out explicitly: Avengers don't kill. Period. I don't expect perfection, but screwing up continuity THIS badly is just inexcusable.
  5. Doctor Octopus, preferably one who can wear his tentacles without them always falling off Luke Cage Absorbing Man (maybe a more bulked-up redo?) I want to say "Carnage," because the original is kind of pricey and it's been awhile since he was released, but the Minimate we already have of him is satisfactory, so we don't really need a new Carnage.
  6. can anyone identify some of the other partially shown characters? In the very lower right-hand corner is Starfox's hips/waist/upper legs. But nobody wants a Starfox minimate, do they? I'm always up for a Minimate of an unreleased Avenger.
  7. Currently playing Final Fantasy VII. Fun fact: Today is the 15th anniversary of FF VII's release in the States. Feel old yet? I do.
  8. Late as always But alas, happy belated b-day, Squall!
  9. Michael Clarke Duncan has passed away. R.I.P.
  10. I'd like a Minimate of him, too, in any one of those incarnations.
  11. The only movie I own on Blu-Ray is "The Breakfast Club," and I only bought it because I can't find my DVD of it.
  12. I'll settle for a Doc Ock whose tentacles actually stay on... Atlas = Erik Josten, right?
  13. At this point, the only "must-haves" for me are Mockingbird, Tigra, and Falcon. There are other characters I'd like, too, but as long as those three are made, I'll be completely satisfied.
  14. Still no new figures at any of my local stores. Most of the space is taken up by Gladiator (there are usually 7-8, sometimes more, at Target), who has been warming the pegs for a long, long time. >.>
  15. Marquis de Carabas, you should invite me over sometime. karamazov80, that is simply beautiful.
  16. YES!!!!! Base Wars is f-ing awesome. I wish they'd release it for the Virtual Console.
  17. This makes me a sad panda. Btw, I also have that SMB3 strategy guide. It's in rather deplorable condition, but I love and cherish it dearly.
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