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Everything posted by Jad

  1. Seriously.... I was really hoping the SM3 minimates would break the 'curse' of movie-related mates coming out WAY after the film. Have we even seen Ghost Rider minimates yet? The toy tie-in cycle moves so quickly nowadays. Now I'm seeing Spider-Man toys go on sale. Kids have largely forgotten the Spider-Man craze, and will soon move past the Pirates phase and go right into Transformers in just a few weeks. It would be such a shame for these fantastic SM3 minimates to come out a few months too late and sell poorly, casting a shadow on all future Target-based minimate releases. Who knows, maybe we'll see SM3 minimates when the DVD comes out? Not my preference, but it makes a certain kind of sense from a marketing perspective...
  2. ... then again, if you're dying to jump in to High-Def, I'd go with Blu-Ray. I've been reading for years and have found them to be very reliable. I believe Blu-Ray will win the war. I'm still waiting at least a year for prices to drop!
  3. Wow, a year already! It's been very cool hanging out with you fellas. Here's to many, many more years to come!
  4. My advice would be to wait another year. By then, maybe we'll know which format will be dominant (HD-DVD or Blu-Ray), and player prices will have dropped. The DVD format will be around for years and years. The average consumer loves the familiarity, the ease of use, and the low cost. You can pick up last summer's blockbusters for ten bucks today. Instead of upgrading your equipment in the middle of a format war, save that money for the future, or take your family on a memorable vacation! Then use your existing equipment to show your vacation pics on your big screen. Just my thoughts...
  5. Funny, I was already kneeling, but only because I dropped my pen. Glad to have you here!
  6. Fantastic! I have no problem adding another Daredevil to my collection!
  7. That Joker design is scary, scary, scary. I'd love to see it in Minimate form, and I'd definitely get all Batman Begins Minimates, too. Man, wouldn't it be great to get a BB batmobile vehicle?
  8. If I lived in a world without Minimates (perish the thought!), I would so be into this line. I'd be getting the Star Wars, Marvel, DC, Transformers, you name it. And I'm sure I'd justify it by saying that they're 'for my kids, who will be born in the not too distant future...' But really, they'd be for me! Sigh, not enough money or storage space...
  9. Welcome aboard, I was also born in '76 and I'm from mid-Iowa, my Midwestern brother!
  10. Not necessarily. It hasn't been 'officially' confirmed that BSG will have only one more season. We can look forward to the Pegasus episode & DVD release this fall, then BSG has at least one good solid year of episodes in 2008. Plus, many fans are starving for BSG figures in any style. And I can think of several properties that supported toy lines at least a few years after they were 'finished' (Buffy, original Star Wars, etc.) BSG may be winding down, but we're far from seeing it as over & done with. I really hope we do get to see the Roslin & Zarek pack at some point!
  11. Nice! I'll definitely have to track that one down.
  12. Good to have you here, and I like your avatar!
  13. Whether it's one or two more seasons, I just hope that it is decided well ahead of time, so that the creators can plan a proper ending.
  14. I love the work on Paulie, especially how disheveled his coat looks, and the little booze flask. I'm really hoping we eventually see Hulk, Mr T, and Ivan Drago. A 'villains' box set would round out the series nicely. Oh, and a boxing ring, too!
  15. I think that's a pretty good idea for a normal & exclusive 2-pack. The whole point of doing Multiple Man would be to have several of him. If there were a Marvel Legends Multiple Man (I don't know if there was one) it would be fairly expensive to build an army of dupes. But in Minimate form, it would be relatively cheap to get several. And no matter what costume, he would look dynamic simply because you'd have several of him. I say, bring on Multiple Man!
  16. Seeing the vehicles get made is more important to me, but if these were available as a boxed exclusive, I'd probably pick up a set to do then/now displays, and for extra random background characters.
  17. Thanks for all your input, folks. I've decided to get the Max statue. I figured I'm more of a display-er than a play-er. Now if I can just find it at a halfway decent price....
  18. FINALLY a powerhouse chest Hulk! But also a powerhouse chest Wolverine, which doesn't make sense to me. These look fantastic!
  19. Ivan, you reminded me of a funny story. My friend has a young daughter, and awhile ago she had trouble sleeping. Then the next night she fell asleep early and when she woke up the next day, she was excited to tell her dad, "Ernesto came!" After some questions from her curious dad, it turns out she was talking about the butterfly from the Lunesta commercial! "Ernesto flew in the window and I fell asleep!"
  20. My X-Men teams are tired of fighting Magneto, Juggernaut, and Mystique, so I figured I'd better give them a more hefty adversary. Enter: The Sentinels! Well, just one Sentinel to start off with. But, I'd like to gauge your opinions: should I get the Minimates Max statue, or the Marvel Legends Build-A-Figure? Now just a little about me: I collect every line of Minimates (Marvel, DC, BSG, Rocky, Star Trek, you name it), but I don't collect other action figure lines, except for 12" Star Wars and GI Joe. So, I'm not interested in getting the Marvel Legends figures - they're nice, but I just don't have the space. Anyway, let's break it down: Minimates Max Statue: + exact style as other 'mates + official AA product - around $70 on eBay - not poseable (though there was some talk of customizing one in this thread: but I don't think it got anywhere) ML BAF Sentinel: + around $40-50 on eBay (and therefore cheaper to build an army of them) + poseable - sculpted, not sure how well it matches Minimates style? So there's my conundrum. Any thoughts?
  21. Another thing to consider: All the LOTR sets came with C3 bricks: clear 2x2 plates. They could be used for stands, or you could cut the pegs off and glue them down like Jatta Pake did up there.
  22. Woo hoo! Just placed my order for the complete set with variant. I've been checking their site every day this week, just waiting to get this order in so I wouldn't have to buy a case. Frak yeah!
  23. Jad

    Hulk 2.5?

    My only hope is that they might be able to find/create a loophole with movie licenses. A new Hulk movie is on the way, it'd be great to have a Hulk movie line that could get us some larger figures.
  24. My buddy is a huge video game freak & self-confessed Nintendo fanboy. I drop by his place whenever I need a game fix. He's got a PS2 just for playing Guitar Hero, which as you all say, is a frakkin' fantastic game, though I always play on Easy mode! He's hoping to score a Wii soon, and I can't wait to actually play something on it! I've wanted a Wii ever since I saw the reviews online, though I'm a little concerned by you guys saying there's not a lot of recent games that take advantage of the cool controls. I'm really hoping this doesn't turn into a flash-in-the-pan console. I'd say it's high time for Lucasfilm to step up and give us a proper Star Wars lightsaber game.
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