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Everything posted by velvet

  1. yeah, very nice! damn, just lookin' at YOUR vulture minimate makes me even more bummed out about those crappy yellow wings on mine... and black cat's ja-hoobies look so much better (AND healthier ) in those pics, too.
  2. buttheadsmate: d'oh! sorry, bro. i meant to send ya a PM about your "new avengers" question HOURS ago... and then i had to get offline really quick and i flat-out forgot about it.
  3. i've been reading "new avengers" for a couple of years now, but it's all over the place in terms of quality. sometimes bendis can really grab ya... and at other times his writing is almost ridiculously rushed, choppy, and stiff. it's sort of annoying, frankly. there's been some really good artwork on this book over the past few years, though (with the exception of that billy tan dude, of course--- his stuff just looks sloppy to me). and deodota's (sp.?) artwork on "dark avengers" has been absolutely STELLAR, in my humble opinion. but again: the quality of the writing has been all over the damn place, and very inconsistent on THAT book, too. my favorite mainstream funnybook right now is definitely "fantastic four". hickman and eaglesham are both doing such a nice job so far... it's just a fun, fun book. it has a slightly retro feel to it in a way, but at the same time it still feels up to date and current. if you guys aren't already reading this title you really should give it a shot. p.s. oh, and i just picked up a copy of hickman's "shield" #1 yesterday, but i haven't had a chance to read it yet. i have high hopes, though... double p.s. and i'm SUPER-jazzed about dan clowes coming out with a new graphic novel soon. can't wait!
  4. nice job on that cyclops visor, luke. it looks amazing!
  5. just finished dave eggers' "what is the what" a few weeks ago, and now i'm toiling away at "infinite jest" (by the late, great david foster wallace). after that i think i'll check out j.m. coetzee's latest book that just came out recently... i'll definitely have to check that book out--- i'm a huge david cross fan.
  6. thanks for the tip, man. i'll have to give the ol' toothpick trick a whirl.
  7. exactly! my vulture's wings are the exact same shade of yellow as the one in this pic. ummm... that pic of the vulture from page 9, i meant. That is the same color most of us on the board are referring to as lime-green. IMO it is not banana-yellow or grass-green, but a combination of the two. Hence, the lime-green references. i hear ya, bro, but i have to respectfully disagree. to me the vulture's wings just look... yellow.
  8. exactly! my vulture's wings are the exact same shade of yellow as the one in this pic. ummm... that pic of the vulture from page 9, i meant.
  9. i still don't have that vision 2.0 variant 'mate. oh, and i also don't have "cosmic spiderman", either. everything else i either have in my collection or i don't honestly want. i suppose i'll get around to picking up those first two 'mates i mentioned one of these days...
  10. i buy almost all of the marvel 'mates except for the movie related ones, and i have a complete set of dc minimates. i don't have any of the other 'mates, though...
  11. My LCS have them on their ship list. thanks for the info, battlecat and mtd20. oh, my achin' wallet!
  12. i second that request... fo' sho! i'm really curious to know if some of us got vulture 'mates with yellow wings while others got lime-green versions. oh, and welcome aboard cbat13!
  13. will series 34 be shipping to comic shops next wednesday (the 31st), gang????
  14. i've heard a few of you talk about the vulture's "lime green feathers", but MY vulture 'mate's feathers are straight-up yellow. seriously. lime green would have been A-okay with me, but yellow just looks wrong. sheesh! the vulture is such a cool minimate besides the color screw-up, though... and, yeah: i AM bummed out about black cat, too. the spidey i honestly don't give a shit about (with the exception of that cool TRU wave 6 mr. fantastic, i never give a crap about the battle damaged 'mates).
  15. yeah, that does suck. sorry, man! my LCS dude said that series 33 and the spidey set weren't on their inventory list for this week. should i be worried? i'm supposed to call him NEXT tuesday to see what's coming in then, but i really hate the idea of trying to hunt all these down online after they have already hit everywhere else if it turns out my shop flubbed up on their orders...
  16. lol. i said the very same thing about my son (except i said he couldn't touch my minimates until he was 30 ).
  17. I disagree the newer, more detailed stuff, is much better than the older Minimates. Why would you want such colorful and detail driven characters to be so plain and dull. Because you're confusing "simple" with "dull". Wave 2 Carnage is a great example. Heck, wave 2 all the war around. They were detailed, you knew exactly who they were. I don't need to see every ab crunch on Parker. Carnage doesn't need a new piece for all his wieldy tentacles. Venom has a tongue, which is something they have yet to recreate. Yeah, you need detail. Some characters don't work without it. But my point wasn't that I wish they were all 'dull'. I wish they matched the earlier waves better. Especially the faces. The faces are fer too extravagant now. They used to be cartoony. i tend to agree about some of the newer faces--- too much detail and over-rendering sometimes robs the 'mates of their charm. and while i do enjoy a great many of the extra sculpted pieces for some of the newer 'mates, at times dst goes a bit over-board (like thanos' sculpted fingers, for instance).
  18. absolutely. now if only dst gets around to making the lizard and a bulkier version of rhino we'll have pretty much a full stable of all the major spidey villians. woo-hoo!
  19. i feel ya, bro. i would freakin' LOVE a baron zemo minimate.
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