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Everything posted by funkguerilla

  1. You should totally buy both! <in my best Darth Vader> Search your heart, Minimage, you know it be true. Join us and together we will rule the Galaxy!*
  2. Seeing that Ultron makes me sad that he never made a real appearance in the series. Oh what could have been... Still psyched for that Nick Fury too. When do these hit again?
  3. I got these in the mail from BBTS and I'm floored by them. Well worth the wait and totally awesome with Zemo 2 being the standout for me.
  4. I checked the store in Atwater/Glendale on Thursday and came up with nothing.
  5. Yeah, I'm totally in. Moreso than I thought I would be to be honest. I love that new Fury, can't wait to add him to my burgeoning SHEILD army.
  6. Hey! More updates! Now with opportunities to see the thing! First off, is a special screening in our home away from home, Crescent City on September 7th. If any of y'all are in that area and wanna get in on the action, you can read the details here: Should be a fun time, plus all the benefits go to charity! So you can see a fun movie and help the less fortunate all at the same time! Everyone wins! Second, is another 'special preview' in my old stomping grounds on Tucson, AZ as a part of the Arizona Underground Film Festival! I'm super excited for this screening (for purely personal reasons), and if you're not doing anything the night of September 19th, you should come enjoy the night with us. Read more about it and the festival here: Hopefully that's just the tip of the iceberg. Fingers crossed for more crazy updates in the next few days.
  7. Ugh. I don't want to want that Wolverine as much as I do. Dammit, what's wrong with me? I'm becoming part of the problem...
  8. Omg I want them all! Also that Cap is a great deep cut. Its the pre-armor Fighting Chance Cap. If only we got a Free Spirit or Jack Flagg to go with it.
  9. Amen brother! I do the same thing.
  10. It's amazing to me how DC Comics has some of the most iconic characters in fiction, but for some reason think that the best way to represent them on screen is by loading the backstories with unnecessary clutter. Put plainly, I wasn't really excited about the new Superman movie. And for what it's worth, YB, I agree with you. What makes Superman unique is his unwavering resolve to not kill, even when it seems like it's the only option. I was extremely disappointed when the movie went along and just had Clark kill a dude.
  11. Another quick update: My magazine interview hit the newsstands this past Tuesday. Check it out! SO CRAZY! You guys should find it and give it a read and/or you know, buy it if that's the thing you wanna do with magazines. Things are looking up!
  12. Hey, so, just in case anyone is interested I'm going to go do my first live interview in about an hour. Should be pretty awesome (or nerve-racking!) and you should totally give it a listen if you're so inclined. You can find the show here: Things go live, I assume, in an hour and then the show will remain online and easy to find for as long as the site remains active (I'm guessing until the end of time.) Also Also, my first printed interview will be available next week in Sci Fi Magazine! (WHAT!) I'll try to put up a picture of it after it hits the newsstand, but in the meantime if you're at Barnes and Noble next week, check page 12. It's a real exciting time for me, I hope you don't mind me sharing.
  13. A million times YES. I would absolutely plotz if DST released a similar box set. And, you know, I wouldn't complain if we got an Underbolts set with Boomerang, Techno, Mr. Hyde, and Centurion to go along with it.
  14. Man without a country Cap circa mid-90s Mark Waid stuff?
  15. Coincidentally, first appeared as a Daredevil villain.
  16. Here's a really weird idea: Hydro IronMan and Black Knight 2. What if the wave has an Avengers theme? That would tie into the TRU wave ("2 updates of Avengers") and could give this wave a defacto theme of 80s Hydrobase era Avengers.
  17. Man, I'm digging all this Daredevil talk! I just want to add one thing: You know, it's often overlooked, but Daredevil was always a title that was experimenting with what you could do with a costumed superhero. I mean, within the first couple of years he was in print DD revealed his identity to his love interest, something that was unheard of at the time. Not to mention that he moved to San Francisco for a few years while most heroes were staying put in NYC for a few years in the 70s. And yeah, there were some down times (the post-San Fran 70s or most of Chichester's run in the 90s for instance) but by and large, the book's been a breeding ground for cool new ideas since it began. More to the point, I do regretfully agree that he doesn't have the rogues gallery/supporting cast to fill out a wave. That said, I would love to see Mr. Fear, The Owl, Mr. Hyde & Cobra, and most of all, Typhoid Mary before the line ends. Also, Groundhog, be ready to be blown away by that Waid stuff. It's the best DD's been in years.
  18. Hey thanks, Bob! And yeah, the teaser means that the movie's all done and ready for the next step. Hopefully the wait isn't too long for that to happen.
  19. Is that some Oldboy action? I can't wait.
  20. Minimates made of diamonds? Seems expensive, but I'm in!
  21. i'd be up for a Mister Fear and a Purple Man, as well As an avid Daredevil fan, I agree with these ideas 100%. I would kill to see an 80s Typhoid Mary, a 00s Mister Fear, and/or an Owl of any era. And might I humbly add The Jester to that list. Also I'd like to add Ikari, the newly introduced villain from this month's Daredevil, that would double nicely as a Yellow DD update.
  22. Guess who has a new teaser trailer? (A trailer for people who don't have a problem with some gore, that is. So if you're at a stuffy workplace, or are somehow underage, you might want to sit this one out) Pretty neat, right? I'm crazy excited. I hope you liked it too.
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