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Everything posted by Nessex

  1. And we will get Marvel series 43. Be fair. They'll be revealing the Vulture for NEXT YEARS Spidey wave. Should be wave 35 or 36. Which, as long as we keep filling out Spidey's rogues gallery, I won't mind seeing. Right now, even in a Spidey wave, we get at least three not Spidey characters. As a guy who spent most of the last decade hunting down Marvel Legends, where villains came on per wave, this is Christmas. Seriously? A week after they announced Storm, Black Panther, Moon Knight, Bullseye and Moonstone? Two days after they announced Scorpion and Electro? DST is incapable of giving us characters we've been whining for for years? Really? Funny stuff. It's nice to see the "The Company X clearly hates its customers" is a universal fan constant. When Toy Biz were making ML's, they were evil, uncaring bastards who never listened to the fans and must have wanted the line to fail with their character selection/costume choices/lack of or overuse of X-characters. Then Hasbro got the liscense and Hasbro became evil, and everyone longed for the TB days and forgot they were ever mad at them. Of course, toy collectors are used to hating Hasbro, because they keep screwing up Transformers, and only Takara (spectaclestesticleswalltewatch) ever gets them right. Except the random chrome, but that's another issue entirely. For the Record, I never bad-mouthed ToyBiz. I've been collecting them since i first started buying toys, and with the exception of my pleading for more obscure characters that i knew i would never get, i was always impressed with the Range, Quality & Price of the Marvel Legends. I STILL yearn for them. I think it's kind of cool though that MiniMates are getting to the point where they eventually will have a better range of character than Marvel Legends did (if they haven't already). As it is, we have already gotten heaps of weird/obscure characters that Marvel Legends could never have made, Like Mariko, Safari Jacket Wonder Man, Cloak, Dagger, Firestar . . etc . . . Maybe AA/DST could take over Marvel Legends? LOL
  2. Is there some enterprising archivist with time on his/her hands to catalog every Marvel Mate that's been made? I'd like to see definitively how many Spideys/Wolvies/IMs there have been in proportion to new characters. I'd bet it's at least 2 to 1 for new characters. Best Database Ever: Best Minimate Reference out there. Period.
  3. you know i would'nt mind a Earth-X Spidey from that list Or an Earth-X Venom. I always loved that design. Please don't shoot me for agreeing, but i'd really like an EarthX May Parker Venom. Molded in Deep Red Translucent plastic with black paint work . . . i think it'd look cool and it's one 'varient' that i'd actually display on my shelf.
  4. wow...just wow Yeah, wow is right. There are other wonderful things out there regarding Marvel Comics besides Spider-Man and the X-Men. Sure, they're familiar concepts to everybody... but... you really should read some other things. Like some Avengers, for example, or old Fantastic Four. Point being: If it is signed by Jack Kirby or Don Heck, it's going to be good work and worth your time to read. Then you'd realize why Kang is such a cool villain. In fairness - the Avengers once occupied the same position the X-Men are often accused of being in: Over-popular, Over-exposed & Under-written. There are just as many Averngers titles now as there are x-men titles. Don't get me wrong - there are strong stories and great characters in the avngers too - but they are in real danger of being spread way to thin at the moment, the same way the x-men are. And there was once a time when they were nothing more than a poor mans JLA. Add to that: for a lot of younger buyers wont know who some of our classic heroes & villains are. I have personally never read a story that Kang played a huge role in. EDIT: PS: i WOULD rather get a Kang before we get another freaking SpierMate. I'm just trying to make sense of the line-ups we get given.
  5. But with Boobs . . . they told you about the boobs right? There's gonna be boobs! wow boobs on a spiderman...pass it pretty much might be a spiderman/ben rielly with boobs( ) but it seems like someone can scratch off the boobs,change the head,and boom, an improvement of a ben reillyminimate(which we need) here is a small list of things we need before a new ben reily mate. 1. black knight 2. jocasta 3. long shot 4. kang 5. every other marvel character yet to be minimated 6. world piece 7. really good chicago style pizza 8. a case of miller light 9. cure for cancer 10. recovery from the recession 11. a hole in the head. and that is the small list. Will they all come with boobs too?
  6. But with Boobs . . . they told you about the boobs right? There's gonna be boobs!
  7. Gotta say - i'm with Two-Face on wanting my Hellfire Club & Goons. Sebastian, Black Queen Jean & some goons would be AWESOME. Would love to see a Mastermind, Harry Leland, Donald Pierce & Selene too - but that might be a *bit* of a pipe dream. LOL. I'm a bit torn over whether it's a good idea or not to draw out the release of the Army Builders. I'm pretty sure there has been more noise about Hellfire Goons than about Vault Guards . . . but maybe by keeping us waiting, AA/DST ensures the longevity of the line???
  8. That's pretty much it. Not only is he one of the horde of laziest possible villains (the "evil clone," or "evil doppleganger," or "evil guy who wears the same costume but different colors"), but he was also a Liefeld creation. I'm still having difficulties enjoying Deadpool as much as I should, because I know where he comes from, and that is a dark, dark place. Also, I think he looks incredibly stupid, though the Minimate might be good for some customs. I always thought his costume was pretty crazy (in a good way), and would love to see it materialized in 3D. The original X-Force figure circa 1993/4 was ok for it's time, but i've always hankered for something better - a MiniMate would make an awesome addition to my X-Men Villains (Visually - even if the idea that created him is a bit uninspired). EDIT: I was hoping for a well painted, nicely sculpted Marvel Legend Stryfe, but i think Hasbro has seen to it that we wont be getting one.
  9. So Doppelganger, Six-armed Spiderman & Spiral. . . . and lets not forget Ganesha! Come on AA/DST - make a Chest-Block that can fit 6 arms and start reaping the benefits!
  10. Looks like they are giving in to demands and FINALLY producing a Kang figure . . . I'm waiting for the inevitable '90s Foil Cover Spidey, aka "let's just make him shiny"... it'll probably be in the inevitable Spidey Through The Ages set (we all know it's coming sooner or later). I do like the Secret Wars design, and I wouldn't mind a six arm Spidey someday, but beyond that what else is actually left to make? Was Spider-Man alive in Age of Apocalypse (only other big alternate universe I can think of)? He wasn't really a player in the initial core books. Gwen Stacey was around. Although, i think there was a rather lame ret-con to make SpiderMan a member of the FF in the Age of Apocalypse. It may have been in a 'What If?' title. A Six armed Spiderman torso block could be re-used to give us a Spiral as well. . .
  11. Please. . .please God no. No Gideon, either. Why the Stryfe-Hate?
  12. That's one of the nice thing about being a father... My youngest is 3 1/2, so I get to collect both... for the children you understand, for the children.(we have a LOT of "Iron Mans" and "Pectaclr Pider-Mans", but since he's only 3 he hasn't learned to hate pointless variants yet. Give him time, he'll learn) Of course the downside there is Richie has a Kang for his collection. (and the cute thing is, it's one of the few SHS guys that doesn't have a MM equivelant so he's always asking his older brother "why don' you haff da blue-face bad guy?" Way to rub salt in the wound buddy.) As a single, Childless, 27 year old - i really have no excuse for collecting both . . . . although i do buy them all :tongue: My 'excuse' is that while MiniMates are better, my Marvel Legends Mojo BAF needs Superhero Squad for his X-Babies. LOL
  13. yes - yes - yes!!! Sinister, Stryfe, The MLF, Holocaust, Shriek, The Symbiotes!!! Bring them all on! WOOT! EDIT: I am VERY hyped about Storms lightning accessory! I may need to buy 3 or 4 of her so that i have the 'electricty' effect for shocker, or any upcoming *cough*Electro's*cough* that may be in the works. Also - those new storm shoulders are going to be PERFECT for a 'Rolled up leather jacket sleeve' on a Jim Lee Rogue custom.
  14. Well - that's part of the debate. The point of the 2.5" characters was to make them 'fit' with smaller characters. EG: Bane is huge & needs to be taller & Bulkier than Batman - hence the 2.5" 'Mate.
  15. D@mn it - i'm HATING myself for voting for Molecule Man instead of Storm now!!!!!
  16. Different characters as varients is not nice. I agree - but are if it's 'As a variant - or not at all', then i'd take her as a variant. . .
  17. Just in case you were actually asking , yes, he's in the current Astonishing team. And he has 2 solo titles, 3 if you count his "First Class" series set in the '80s continuity. Plus they release what seems like 2-5 random Wolverine one-shots a month. Not to mention fake-Wolverine in Dark Avengers, and future-Wolverine in a current Fantastic Four spin-off miniseries. Oh and there's a Weapon X series starting up (though that may be replacing one of his solo titles, I'm not sure). Not even kidding a little. He's also in Uncanny X-Men & was recently in X-Men legacy (although he has dropped out of Legacy recently)
  18. I'm reminded of a time when The Punisher was appearing in almost every titles & fighting every other macho hero until one day in the mid 90's . . . *POP* his bubble burst & we really didn't see very much of him for the next few years. God willing, Logan/James/Wolverine's bubble will pop sometime soon.
  19. These Kubricks are like looking into the face of God, and having him say back 'You are my most wonderous creation!'
  20. I'd really go for a Kestrel/Final Fight Deadpool or Gambit exclusive or a before i wanted an Emma or Scott, just because of how big a role they played. I know Scott was present in several parts of the film - but i'd be more keen on characters who played a bigger/more important role than the 'bait'.
  21. Amen to BOTH of those thoughts. I was hoping we'd get a modern X-Force wave - just because i think AA/DST would have a hard time moving X-23, Warpath, Wolfsbane etc. . . without a Wolverine to help 'sell' the wave. (At least i'm sure, that's what their thinking would be) And a big 'Hell Yeah' to the Jim Lee Cyclops, Jean Grey, Bishop - Bring on Omega Red & Sinister too!
  22. And yes, Robo, Maverick is Zero. I only know this because of my X-Men Encyclopedia Volume 2, which lists additional aliases for the given characters. I always knew the character as Maverick, from the 90s cartoon no less , so i prefer that name for him. I've Wikied Maverick/Agent Zero and come up with some info that confuses me. It lists his powers as 'Maverick's primary mutant power is an ability to absorb the kinetic energy generated by an impact without harm to himself. While there are limits to this power, Maverick is able to survive falls from tremendous heights, energy blasts, and being struck by superhumanly strong foes without being injured.' It varies a bit - but it's basically all about shooting energy. For some reason, i thought his powers were that he could see into the very near future - which meant he could see the outcome of a fight & decide whether or not to continue the battle based on his visions. EG: If he saw himself losing, he would leave the fight. He may have been able to use it to help avoid fatal shots or blows . . .? Does anyone else remember this? Or did i have a brain tumour for breakfast? So - no-one remembers this but me, hey?
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