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Everything posted by Lobsterman

  1. Not to mention the guy's got a fivehead. Why did they print his face so low? Is he possessed by Hector Hammond? :tongue:
  2. Okay, really? Madonna? Really? Can I just make a list of movies, then? Ghostbusters. Blade Runner. Dune. Fricking Krull. How about some Monty Python mates? How about we just call this the decade of Minimates?
  3. I saw about 10 packs at my local Suncoast yesterday. If anyone still needs them, let me know and I'll swing by and pick some up.
  4. Okay, DST. You owe us ZombieMates now. Do 'em! C'mon!
  5. Wow. It makes an impact when you see them all together like that. Are we really going to have that many new mates, just from DC by the end of the year? I'm going to need some more shelves... ^_^
  6. It's the final countdown! Beh neh neh neeeehhhhh! Benenehneh neehhhh! Beh neh neh neehhhhh Nenenehnehnehneh..... yeah, you're just gonna have to put that mp3 on. Oh, dude, that better not be right. ---- This weeks DC solicits still say February 28...
  7. Excellent, excellent. Nearly every paycheck accounted for... ^_^
  8. I'll officially register my vote for Hawkeye in the next wave (or – dare we dream – summer exclusive) now. That said, I think this wave is a strategic slam dunk. Looking at the wave as a whole, and compared to other waves, really makes me appreciate that Thor. When AA/DST makes a new part, they're obviously thinking about how many other characters it could apply to. They've been able to get a lot of milage out of the New Phoenix hair – sure, we'd like to see a new hair sculpt for every female character, but, as was pointed out, it works perfectly well here and doesn't diminish the character. Thor, on the other hand, has very few pieces that can be recycled. Unless we do see a "Thor wave," the helmet, cape/chestpiece, hammer and belt molds can pretty much get shelved at this point. Same with Loki's helmet and goblet. They might be able to reuse the boots for someone. That was a big investment in a character to please fans. We all gripe about Spidey and Wolvie variants, but, as the uncle of a six-year-old, I know full well those tentpole characters are what moves product off the shelves at Target. With this wave, they're taking a chance on characters not constantly in the spotlight and a fair number of parts that probably can't be reused. So, in short, thanks, AA/DST for going out on a limb and investing in the fans. I've already seen a lot of positive buzz on other boards about people wanting to get back into Minimates because of this wave. It certainly reminded me why I've stuck around. And, yeah, get on that Hawkeye.
  9. For those with their money on Ant-man and Wasp: Do you think they will be in classic or modern costumes – i.e., will it be Ant-man or Yellowjacket? There is an Ant-man movie rumored to be in the works, and his ant helmet would be mighty cool...
  10. As the necessary parts for Hawkeye are already in the pipe with Green Arrow coming, I'll be really surprised if he's not in the mix tomorrow. That said, a "logical" pairing for tomorrow would be Yellowjacket and Wasp, considering both are considered classic Avengers and both are current in the comics right now. I'd love a Vision mate, but he's been out of the picture in the comics for almost two years now. In any case, this looks like a great wave, and I'll be thrilled with whoever turns up.
  11. Well, we know they already have the molds tooled for Green Arrow...
  12. I can't think of a nicer way to go broke... Can't wait for that Red Tornado.
  13. Nice! He looks awesome. Thanks, DST/AA. This is shaping up to be a fantastic year for Minimates. I will be sending all of my money to you shortly. :biggrin:
  14. Ask and ye shall receive... The fact that the're already in package somewhere would seem to bode well for an early 07 release...
  15. Who does the design for Minimates packaging? I think it could work a lot harder to sell the product, especially considering the stiff competition. Hasbro has made some very aggressive moves in the last couple years toward innovative packaging design that gets attention and showcases the product. Frankly, I think Minimates packaging just gets buried when set next to the competition. I work for a design firm and I'm serious about this. Is there someone I can speak to about pitching the account?
  16. The copy on the Surfer/Torch page reads, "Two-pack of chunky figures includes Invisible Woman and Dr. Doom figures." So they probably just haven't posted the picture yet. I think it's a sure bet IW will be in this wave because there are four sets to a wave, and they don't seem to be shy about releasing female characters – Wasp and Electra both made the cut for wave 2. I have to say, that chromed-out Surfer figure looks awesome. I can't wait to see the exclusive they do for Comic Con...
  17. I thought the same thing, as well. I wonder if these selling through well will encourage AA/DST to do more classic characters that aren't up-to-the-second current in the comics or movie licenses.
  18. Awesome little figures, if only to tide me over until new Minimates show up. I hope this line sees the longevity and diverse character selection of Galactic Heroes. Now if they could stagger the releases so new Squad figs are coming out when new Minis aren't, I'd be a happy camper.
  19. I totally agree. Let me know when you're ready to fund this project because I want in! Has a fully fan-funded production scheme like this ever been tried or worked before? I mean, any person on this board probably spends at least $100 on mates in a year (yeah, that's a conservative estimate). What if every member – there are, what, 500 members on this board? – pitched in that amount to fund some kind of CAM line? Even if half that number pitched in $100, that's $25,000 to get something going. Is it just a capital problem preventing a project like this from going forward, or do the guys in charge just not want to do it?
  20. Neat! Think we can get a F4 wave with Fantasticar on deck for 2009 release?
  21. Very, very nice. Judicious re-use of parts, too; nice to see them getting mileage out of those molds in character-appropriate ways.
  22. Doubt they've got the license for Spider-Man 3. LEGO seems to carry that particular franchise. Lego has the Batman franchise, too, but we're still seeing new Batman mates. Seems like "block building systems" and "2-inch figures" may be separate licenses. Isn't that how they got permission to do C3 in the first place?
  23. The TRU 4-packs have been in my neck of the woods for almost two weeks now, and they seem to be selling about as well as the Darktide DVD sets. I don't know what this says for a plan to pin the hopes of the line on major retail sales. Is it a price point problem? Are people just not shopping at TRU anymore? Target doesn't seem to have a problem moving the two-packs. Has anyone else seen these langushing on the shelves?
  24. That's some mighty fine detective work, guys. Mighty fine. *Next week on CSI: Minimates...*
  25. I'm wondering about their scale in comparison to 2-inch Minimates. Specifically, the Hawkman PSH. More specifically, his wings. Even more specifically, would they work size-wise for a Hawkman or Angel Minimate? So, yeah, has someone already done this? How does it look?
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