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Everything posted by ramseesthegreat1

  1. My guess of Supporting Cast: - Demolition Man (The Yellow DD costume that looks like Wolvie) - Stingray - Pip the Troll - Forge - Vengance - Jack of Hearts - Ka Zar
  2. We'll to me I think it is some cause for concern. The reason being C-3 was a build-able line for DC at first, but was later terminated. I believe it was around the time of the Lego DC launch. DC continued to make minimates for a couple of years after(3). I just hope the sets do bad in order to keep the Marvel Minimates alive. How's that for Brand/Customer Loyalty.
  3. HAHA loved that.....Yeah where the freak is Zemo. I didn't know anything of Kang before the new Avengers show, but I see how people can like him so much. Freaking Task Master -- what the hell is so different? Seriously. Serenity Now!
  4. My top 10 Thor - Thunderstrike wolverine - weapon x experiment w/ helmut dr. strange - with blue mask nova - classic nova look (pre- annihilation) hulk - walk about hulk (pre-house of M) king pin - just give me an updated one with all the advancements made I just think he would look cool mandarin - blue and silver armor sunfire - 90s or 1970's blob - 616 colossus - Magneto Accolyte honorable mention Quicksilver - green costume She-Hulk - FF costume Polaris - X-Factor costume Havok - X-Factor costume Maverick - 616 ( he was agent x in the wolvie movie so it counts)
  5. Has anyone done any research or thinking on when a new series of mates are released do other more estabilished lines (i.e. Mavrel Minis) suffer. I'm trying to think about when the DC line exisited did we get different/cutting edge mates. Just what I have been thinking since hearing this series was going to happen. I'm for it if we continue to get Marvel Minis (and not the re-hassings)
  6. In my opinion, this SDCC sucks (so far)...........
  7. So do we know any more of the SDCC exclusives? I need to financial plan for this summer.
  8. Max. Carnage: Spider Man, Carnage (much needed update), Doppleganger, Shriek Spider Man Against the Mob: Spider Man, Tombstone, Kingpin, Hammerhead Masters of Evil: Baron Zemo, Whirlwind, Swordsman, Quasar (any way I can get him) Max. Carnage: Spider Man, Carnage (much needed update), Doppleganger, Shriek Spider Man Against the Mob: Spider Man, Tombstone, Kingpin, Hammerhead Masters of Evil: Baron Zemo, Whirlwind, Swordsman, Quasar (any way I can get him)
  9. What a good TRU wave. Looking forward to the OM the most.
  10. Same here. The only minimates I bought recently were the New Mutants, a Universal Monsters 2-pack, & a Sunfire off of ebay. Why? Because they are new characters that I don't have. The only thing coming up that I must have is the Magik/Warlock exclusive (Why is it always the TRU exclusives I want?! groan)... and a Lizard would be nice. BTW: I'm not really hating on this wave. The White Tigers and Hand ninjas are new, and it was time for Iron Fist to show up since he was so hard to find the first time (at least for me!). I also understand that not everybody is an X-Men or Spider-man fan (although surprise! He's in this wave too), but the huge influx of redone characters has made me start focusing more on the other toylines I collect. Oh well, maybe Wave 39 will be an Alpha Flight wave or Young Avengers wave or something. As cool as that would be, Wave 39 will most likely be a movie tie-in. Although I could deal with two four-packs in regards to Thor and Cap. Am. Thor 1. Battle Damaged Thor 2. Destroyer 3. Loki (of some nature) 4. Odin/Frost Giant/Baldar Captain America 1. Cap 2. Red Skull 3. Armon Zola 4. Nick Furry/Dum Dum/Bucky-Winter Soldier
  11. If we get mole man do we miss our chance at Annihulus and his alien foot soldiers? I think mole man is more icon and would work great with the first releases of the FF.
  12. The character that needs an update the most is THE KINGPIN. His original sculpt is very weak. Time for an update. The you could pair him with a new Daredevil (red costume). But I agree with Juggs and Rhino as well.
  13. The price has always been $50 for single packs; they come in a case of 12 packs, $4.99-5.99 at retail. 5x12=60. Seems like a steal to me, for $10 less. My bad I thought that was for a 2-pack not a case of 2-packs. Then I would agree with you
  14. the only way i get excited about this set (or what ever) is if they include 616 guys, but if its movie IM I'll pass. Also did you all see the price for this like $50 dollars. Seems kinda high to me.
  15. I forgot that they made Klaws sonic weapon already. So it seems like an easy one to make.
  16. I'm going with KLAW. Two reasons: 1- They have done 2 packs with iconic characters from the Secret Wars and Klaw was one of the pairings. 2- Klaw is BP number one enemy (maybe Man-Ape) So with that logic I came up with Klaw.
  17. If anyone is in NYC the Toys r us in times square had like 15 molecule man/spider woman packs. Plus other wave fours.
  18. Mos Def IM2. But comic version I would like to see. Hulk Buster Iron Man/ Battle Damaged Hulk Crimson Dynamo/ Whiplash Sheild Agent/Whirldwind Shield Agent/ Dum Dum
  19. What if the last mini was Mastermind. Was it not him responsible for turning/brainwashing Jean into think she was Black Queen.
  20. Never got into the Hellfire club stuff., however if Sebastian Shaw came with this set it would be pretty awsome, and the tru set could be with a JL Jean and Trevor Fitzroy. Would have rather gotten Mr. Sinister/Sauron/Stryfe, but hey the complexity and vastsness of the 616 is why we love Marvel. As an aside looking forward to the SDCC exclusives need comic versions of Iron Man Villians.
  21. What is the time frame for purchase? And who is the vendor? Vulture looks nice, but where is the Lizard (not batching or anyhting).
  22. Final after 20 years these guys are coming back. I think this line is what origanally got me hooked on the 2/2.5" action figures. If you don't know about these guys you should look them up. I only had like 4 but besides Voltron they were my favorite. Can wait to see what the guys do with them now. This could be big for them since they were once a playable toy and that seems to be popular now. Fire, Wood and Water. Concept art please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. I've seen some websites sayin 06-27-09. I know that BBTS is sold out of pre-order as of this post. AA's website still says pre-order but not for the Wolvie wave. Need clearification please.
  24. The Variant could be the other spider chick Aria( or something along those lines). As much as I would like a lizard or vulture I think it would be cool to get a character like Doppelganger, Demon Goblin, Tombstone, Hammerhead or Cardiac. Give us a reason to want more Spider-Man waves. Lizard and Vulture could keep company with Kang, Mandarian, Black Bolt and Baron Zemo. Yeah this year should be known as "the Year minimates backrupted Collectors Wallets"
  25. Well who is Spider-Girl's arch villain. And the Army builder could be a Sheild soldier in the traditional Blue uniform. Throw in possibly a Boller hat for Dum Dum Maybe we might get an updated Rhino
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