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Twisted Two-Face

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Everything posted by Twisted Two-Face

  1. Interesting footage. Love the song choice. However i showed my dad, and he immediately asked if this was a satire. I'm hoping they don't play this too light, now.
  2. They're all add-ons; you add however much the one figure costs (shown at the bottom of the page) at the pledge screen.
  3. Between that and the NECA Rambo, it's a bad year for Stallone likenesses. Then again, for Stallone himself too.
  4. I wouldn't necessarily say the line has devolved or anything. Looking at the ToyBiz ones, a lot of those are just ugly figures. Even the good ones, like my Phoenixes, i can't even display anymore because of how awful the articulation and the paint looks. ToyBiz Cap and that neck are awful. Hasbro's doing pretty well aside from distribution and the running changes. Emma with or without a cape is a wonderful thing.
  5. You're right, and the comics should follow suit. We should never have an individual character book again because if the Avengers exist why do Captain America, Iron Man, and Thor ever need to fight alone again? Just call the Avengers every single time for any problem ever. Seriously, that's a silly point to make. Regarding the alien's ONE trailer and they already showed Kronan Stone Men anyway. I mean, come on.
  6. The packaging of this wave NEEDS to say "ONWARD TO FRANCE!" in a big bubble. Loving the tray shots, i can't wait for Zemo, Strucker, and Viper to all stand with Red Skull. Cap is getting some serious love lately. Also, at first i thought Zemo and Zemo II shared hairpieces, and was going to comment how cute it was for Daddy and Junior to have the same haircut, but then i realized Zemo II has one head, and that the piece was for Nova. HA!
  7. I'm only just seeing Wolverine product even at my own store, so Fox is really screwing the pooch in merchandising. I don't necessarily blame them, but it is pretty sad. I'm not sure i'll forgive Hasbro ditching Phoenix 5 Cyclops from their own Wolverine lineup, so that may still be picking at me, too.
  8. I'm gonna get that Michonne just because i hate the hairpiece on the one we already have. Can't stand how high it sits. Governors really impress me. So much character in two little mates. Found the McFarlane Governor today, and there's just something fun about the psycho.
  9. I legitimately frowned when i read this. So very sad to hear of your situation, and to see you go, Josh. You're a fine fellow and you've always got a seat at the table here. Your input was always something to behold. We'll miss you, pal.
  10. $924 on one line of figures...all at once...holy jeez. Not sure whether to be happy or scared for you! Think i'll finally pledge for a few when i get paid Thursday. Raven, Cardinal, White Raven, Quetzalcoatl, Flamingo, and the Bone Wings are all the ones i'd be after, but that gets pricey fast.
  11. Pretty happy with this one; was pulling for an elderly Doctor so this guy fits the bill pretty well. I'd have really dug a Hugh Laurie Doctor. Well, even if that technically already exists.
  12. $215......jeeeeeeeeeeeez. That's a lot of cash for Bruce Willis. Gonna have to debate this one for a little bit now. Oy.
  13. Thanks guys! Went to lunch with a dear friend, saw The Wolverine with my dad and little brother (hey Nessex, SO MUCH JEAN!), and my Star Wars: Black Darth Maul arrived a day early, so the day went pretty well! Thanks again for the well-wishes guys!
  14. It's one picture of a prototype for a figure that doesn't come out till at least 2014, and he's looking down. I'm not concerned. Even it it does become a problem, there's always head swapping. Bespin Luke all the way.
  15. Then you'd best get some spectacles. It's not polite to mumble.
  16. I could have sworn last year was Monday. (But i do remember it going up several times) This year was definitely either Tuesday or Wednesday at noon, because i did not work Monday and they went up when i was working. Missed them regardless, but i had already ordered the Thunderbolts from eBay. Grabbed a Darth Maul from eBay too, he should be here this week. I want Bespin Luke, i don't want R2, and i don't want to start army building Sandtroopers, so for now he's all i want. Not a big prequel fan either, but Maul is a highlight and supposedly the best of the wave. I'll wait for regular Boba. Now, when can i get Wave 2 Han and Bespin Han?
  17. If the 8 people were Carl, Tyreese, Abraham, Jesus, Negan, Ezikel, Dwight, and Rosita I'd feel way different. Anxiously and impatiently awaiting Abraham.
  18. Uranus is the only Scout i'd buy. Well, her and i guess her life partner. And Pluto. But that's about it. No, wait, Tuxedo Mask, Demando, and Queen Badiane. Ugh, dammit Figuarts.
  19. Is Silver Centurion just a normal MMS or is he die-cast? If he's just normal, i think i'll be getting my first Iron Man from Hot Toys. Zod is a must. That is a work of art.
  20. I don't have any interest in the Wolverine or Iron Man packs. After the many Wolverine's we've gotten lately, i feel like it's pretty easy to find a perfect one from that (admittedly fantastic) bunch, and i don't need two Reapers. Iron Man and Hulk i just hate both designs, period. Phoenix Emma is a must have, and I'll buy the Cap set because of my love of Cap; Wanda doesn't look bad, so fortunately she's not packed with Iron Man or anything. Still feels like a worthwhile set even if we just got a pretty great Wanda this year.
  21. I can agree about the individual figure looking good, but if you only bulk up the arms, it won't. You'd have to bulk up all of Thor and then, in a matter of personal preference, i don't want him and Hulk the same size. And realistically, height isn't as much of an issue as mass. Minimates are the same height, so it's fairly hard to differentiate height too much. Girls are the same height as guys, Puck isn't exactly a midget, etc. But making Thor the same size as our Sentinels or Juggernaut or Hulk doesn't work. (Neither does making Logan the same size as our midgets or children.) I get wanting it, but once you start doing it, you have to look at the rest of the line with the same question; should women be shorter, should Juggernaut or Hulk be 3", what the hell do we even do with Giant Man?? It's easier to bend the knees. (I have no clever marketing slogan comment for Thor, sorry)
  22. We all try to block that nonsense out. Jean and Scott 5EVA.
  23. AoA Phoenix and Here Comes Tomorrow remain my biggest Legends Jean Grey must-haves. Minimates too.
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