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Twisted Two-Face

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Everything posted by Twisted Two-Face

  1. Picked up Zemo today (and a Wolverine Viper), and it's so comforting to finally have him on the shelf. Great work on him, looking forward to Heinrich too.
  2. No Willie Lumpkin on those lists? Jeez.
  3. Didn't want Roth?! Heresy! Heresy, i say! Roth is the coolest character!
  4. That Sharon Carter is brilliant. I still can't believe Commander Rogers is finally here; too incredible.
  5. How would this work for Ock, exactly? His tentacles come from his back.
  6. Wow, Nick Fury looks incredible. I thought i'd be glad to replace my faux-official Nick in his traditional uniform, but this combat-ready Polo Nick is actually really, really cool. I already want another one of him for the other Commander Rogers head to go on. Great Minimate, bravo. Angela is pretty neat, i'm cool with it. I've only read AoU with her in it, but that's more for an uninterest in Spawn. Ultron looks wacky and beautifully sculpted, and Stark reminds me of the pre-NOW! Iron Man so i like that too. Dammit, DST made some great calls with this set. Really smart keeping Logan and Goldtron out of this.
  7. Now this is a fun series. Yeti, Scarecrow, Gingerbread Man, Tiki Warrior, and Welder are all so neat looking. May have to jump back into this line.
  8. Boba Fett is Toy of the Year until Han comes out. Incredible figure.
  9. Work got them in today, so Jersey has them. But i missed BOTH Emmas. Son of a bitch.
  10. Dark Phoenix/Classic Emma Frost Sebastian Shaw/Disco Dazzler Mandroid/Mockingbird Mandroid/Hellcat
  11. Those look fantastic. Great consistent marketing there. These just can't get here fast enough. Between these, the game, the Play Arts, Gail Simone's upcoming book, and the possibility of Camilla Luddington actually playing Lara in a film adaption of the game, it's a good time to be a Tomb Raider fan. I just wish the game sold better to warrant a sequel. Sigh.
  12. I've got no interest in the game, but the PVC figures are pretty adorable. I'm considering picking up the Ranger set, Davy Jones, and eventually Mickey, Skellington, Toy Story and the Frost girls just because. Even without the video game connection, this is a nice way to get a Disney figurine collection.
  13. We get 2 fan-demanded team builders, a fan-demanded fix for an old figure to make him even better, and several NOW! figures that some have clamored for....and they're apparently exclusively Canadian. Of course.
  14. The concept was bad enough. The dolls are creepier. The creepiest was the hunched mustachioed man in a bowler cap who walked into my TRU and IMMEDIATELY strolled over to our Equestria Girls endcap. Sigh.
  15. This really will be a nice filler to DC next year, good call. Maul was the first i got because of great early reviews, and he exceeds them. Amazing figure, great imposing look on the shelf; you can definitely hear Duel of the Fates when you look at him, and that's from someone who hates a majority of the prequel material. But Maul pushed me to not wait for Han and Bespin Luke, and here we are.
  16. Not showing on my LCS' shipping list...but i hope they show up anyway definitely. I desperately need these.
  17. I'm guessing (or hoping) that they'll just sell Aquaman, Ice, and Superboy (maybe Damien?) day-of only, since they're all tooled. I subbed late, LATE last night, and almost immediately regretted it. I dunno, i fully support the line, i want it continue, and i want to keep growing my DC Collection, but i'm just feeling so ambivalent anymore. We wrapped up some great releases for the rest of this year, and my last real big want is getting taken care of with Superboy. If it goes through, great. If not, i can't say i'm shocked or disappointed.
  18. He means the little ones. I can't even see Ventress in the 6 inch line, let alone Plagueis. I've already broken my set rules with this line..... I bought Pilot Luke. I bought R2 for full retail. I bought 2 Sandtroopers. I'm waiting on a Boba Fett i paid out the ass to arrive. And so far, they're all perfect. Goddammit Hasbro. God. Dammit. In for the long haul for this one. Someone just start whispering for Bespin Han, Lando, Dooku, and Palpatine in Hasbro's ear...
  19. Saw a funny Tweet the other day. To surmise: "DC Comics: Wonder Woman is too confusing for a movie!! Marvel: Here's a raccoon with a machine gun in space."
  20. I can't remember the last time I saw such an awful cover. Was probably in the 1990s, and of course, I have blocked all those out of my consciousness. You must have also blocked the name "Greg Land" then. Not to defend Land, but he's not THAT bad. That cover is pretty terrible in terms of design, art, color, concept, everything. Land just traces, but at least he's good at that.
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