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Everything posted by monkeycrumb

  1. Great! Now can we get some AIM agents rereleased? With MODOK coming, I need a bigger army!
  2. I hope it's NOT Alpha Flight! Sorry for all of you that want them, but there are so many other's I'd rather see first, like finishing the Inhumans, Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, Thor's supporting cast (Enchantress, etc), Masters of Evil, Wrecking Crew, Fantastic Four allies and foes, and so on. Alpha Flight is so far down the bottom of my wish list. I just don't care for the characters or the designs.
  3. Are... are you actually going to do this? Aren't you?? Seriously though, how many buyers who aren't reading the comic going to complain that he's missing a piece? From a logistical point of view, I can see it being packaged nearby to minimize the complaints from the uninformed.
  4. Cyclops: Will the side printing on the legs actually be on the production piece? Or just on the prototype?... Colossus-Naut: What's the story here? Haven't been following the comics for awhile. Is this actually well written, or as cheap as it sounds? Battle Beasts - meh. Not my cup of tea. Especially the totally rehashed winged guy. meh. Walking Dead - Will Rick come with his hand so people can re-create cutting it off? I'm definitely buying this one. Spider-Poop. Nuff Said! (my excrement senses are tingling!)
  5. Lets see.....Bananas..... Banana Splits song played while Hit-Girl was fighting bad guys. Plus sequel has been announced. It's Kick-Ass minimates! (just kidding - I know it's not an '80's property)
  6. Potassium is not a vitamin. Your logic is flawed. It will be THX-1138 Minimates instead.
  7. With Eddie, maybe we can finally get the child-sized minimate from the Father's Day prototypes?
  8. It's Banana's In Pajamas! WOW! Why isn't Zach a fan of this franchise, I mean, it's pajamas!
  9. Retailers seem to think there is only one Star Trek. They need to diversify and focus on STTNG for their 25th anniversary. Did you know that STTNG is older now than STTOS was when STTNG debuted? (1987 STTOS = 21yrs old, 2012 STTNG = 25yrs old)
  10. So, does anyone else expect Toad on poll #3? Since he was on the older minimates poster back in the day, it would be nice for him to finally get him made. What better anniversary gift?
  11. I agree. Same with Bulked up Grey Hulk. We'll get them eventually. Besides, with Modern Falcon in the poll, I feel there's a good chance we're getting the classic Falcon soon, in either wave 48, 49 or one of the SDCC exclusives. I say vote for the characters that have less chance of getting made. Werewolf Cap is a great example - He requires a newly tooled head. If we don't vote for him, we'll likely never get him. That werewolf head can be used for other characters like Werewolf by Night, an updated Wolfsbane, and others. I also chose Songbird because she's necessary to complete our SDCC '09 Thunderbolt teams. And the more time that passes, the less chance we get of seeing her made.
  12. You could have bought them for $15 when they first arrived online at the Disney store. We posted the codes for 20% off and free shipping. Also, if you have too many extras of the bigger names, just give them away to kids. I plan on unloading all of my doubles/triples to my girlfriend's little cousins that are into legos. Maybe that'll bring in more fans. Sure, just let me hop in my time machine so I can order more. Oh, and let me spend more money just to give away what I don't want, which doesn't change the fact I still have to spend more money upfront.
  13. While I'm happy we finally got Kang, I'm less than pleased he's the only "new" figure in a 4-pack! The other 3 aren't different enough from their wave 43 counterparts, so it really feels like being gouged to have to rebuy them just to get Kang. The other set is a slightly better value but there are still 2 more repeats! I feel ripped off having to pay $40 for essentially 3 new figures and 5 repeats, especially when I have so many Cap, Thor & Iron Men too similar to these already. I hope this isn't a sign of things to come. The worst part is I had planned on buying multiples of Kang, but not at these prices with the 3 other mates in the pack.
  14. Wow. I'm happy for all of you that are getting what you want with the $50 comic order variant. Kudos to Luke for such a saintly offer! That said, I skipped this altogether. There are already too many variants for a line that hasn't even come out yet. Personally, I wouldn't pay $50 just to get a variant of a character I knew nothing about without so much as a picture of it. I like my Alligators that I have, but I refuse to play the completionist game any more. I'll buy what I find IF I like it. BattleBeasts have just broken my completionist mentality. I'm off to BBTS to remove some preorders for other series I was "iffy" on. I've been a huge fan and supporter of DST for the past 10-years, but I refuse to support comic book store gimmicks. I have no need for 25 copies of this comic book.
  15. Tomorrow. Then when does tomorrow's poll go up?? Next Tuesday It's like Star Trek: Generations all over again... The photon torpedoes won't be installed until next Tuesday.
  16. 1) IDW: Locke & Key, 30 Days of Night 2) Cartoon Books: Bone, Rasl 3) New England Comics: The Tick 4) Archaia Enternatinment: Mouse Guard 5) WaRP: Elfquest 6) ICON Press(independant press from Marvel, they are creator-owned properties): Powers, Scarlet, Kabuki, Nemesis, Kick-Ass, Criminal... 7) Abstract: Strangers in Paradise, Echo 8) Oni: Scott Pilgrim 9) Dynamite Comics: The Boys, Project Superpowers, Vampirella, Red Sonja (not sure if they actually own the RS rights...) 10) Archie (Hey, SOMEONE is still buying their stuff, right?) 11) Dark Horse: The Goon, Hellboy, Usagi Yojimbo I've been out of the comics scene for a few years, but those are what I can think of off the top of my head. I'd buy several from your list but I don't think DST can sell enough to warrant most of those. The Abstract books would compete with DST's won Femme Fatales.Scott Pilgrim and Kick Ass were both highly requested AND passed on by DST at the height of their popularity with their movie releases. Dark Horse is a freebie, but seriously, if their properties don't seem lucrative enough, what chance do less popular titles have? We've been asking for so many of those for *years*! Not every comic reader buys Minimates, not every Minimate collector reads comics. So many of these properties are boring people in plain clothes as it is! I actually read The Boys, and I personally would not want mates of them - the designs are too boring. Powers? Guy in suit. Boring. Locke & Key? GREAT book, boring toy designs. If *everyone* who bought the comic bought the minimates, then maybe, but that will never happen. You need interesting enough designs to appeal to casual buyer/collectors. I think Hellboy would be a slam-dunk in terms of sales, but if that hasn't happened yet, why would DST persue the rights to make civilians like Locke & Key? Or Scott Pilgrim, especially after it bombed at the box office? And Elf Quest? How many people would you find willing to actually pay for those? 100 board members? That's not enough. And as for Archie, just because *someone* is buying their stuff does not mean the market can support their merchandise. Sorry, there are so many properties we all want, but not enough to make back the money it would take to license, make, market & ship a lot of them. Even with the cost saved from NO license needed for Pirate Raiders, there wasn't enough sales to make it worth the cost for anyone to carry wave 2. And we expect this to be possible with ultra-niche properties from not-even-in-the-top-three comic book publishers?
  17. He's stated recently that it's all up to TRU - they are waiting to put it out, stated didn't want to ship them during their "slow" sales period. Should be soon, though!
  18. 100 Different publishers, last time I checked Diamond's Previews catalog.Not Zenescope, though, they already have a minifigure line. Of those 100, how few of them even have marketable characters that would sell as Minimates? Marvel, DC, Image, Dark Horse. Boom Studios? IDW? Get much further past that and there's a severe drop-off in name recognition. Take out Marvel, DC and Image then try to name just 10 publishers that have something marketable. Dark Horse, Boom! and IDW have a lot of licensed properties that the comic publisher would have no involvement in licensing toys. (Star Wars, Transformers, etc, etc)
  19. Just curious..... "The top 1 or 2 vote-getters in each category will be produced" per the rules listed. Total of 4 polls. So, total of 4 to 8 total figures to be made from these polls. SO, my questions are: 1) will there be more than 1 army-builder figure? 2) will every character in wave 50 be from the polls? Because if so, the math doesn't work out as stated. Any chance we can get possibly 3 figures from one category, since army-builders generally come one-per-wave? I'm anticipating a blood-bath the next two weeks. Today's poll was tough enough to only pick 2! I feel a lot of us are going to have a hard time choosing the next few weeks. I voted for Cap Wolf today because I love monsters and it's such a unique design that, as mentioned, is our only chance to get. Add to that a cool newly sculpted head piece with good re-use potential makes me want one even more. I also voted for Ghost Rider since it's been awhile since the last one. I want the others from this list, but I feel like Gray Hulk & others have a great chance at getting made eventually. I do like that Cyborg Spidey! I could do without that Wolverine though. I'd prefer Fang Wolverine.
  20. Here's the lowdown on Series One for you guys: (HINT: It's very easy to complete a set with very minimal extras!!) The Blind Packs: There are 5 exclusive figures TOTAL. Plus, they come with one random non-exclusive figure. None of the exclusives are rarer than any other. The exclusives are differently-posed variants of other non-exclusive figures (Chewbacca, Yoda, Vader, Boba Fett, and a Clone Trooper) The Four-Packs: ALL completely random with NO exclusives! This is the best, cheapest option for if you're missing that last 1-4 characters, just keep looking for that one pack. (I never needed to buy one of these!) The Vehicle Packs: Each have a different amount of exclusives (at least Two), and ALL are visible! For the hidden figures in each pack, ALL of those are the random, non-exclusive figures. EVERY figure not exclusive to that set that is visible is completely random as well, so check different store's stock to find ones with the most figures you don't yet have. SO: BEST STRATEGY: Buy the blind packs FIRST. Second, buy the vehicle packs and look at the visible random non-exclusives. Avoid the 4-packs until the end (you might not need any of them). IF you don't want a full set, I recommend looking at the AT-AT set to see if you like those exclusives, but I really recommend the mini-Falcon set with C-3PO and Chewie, as 3PO is only in that one set and really nicely done!
  21. At least you'd be succeeding where his rogue's gallery has failed all these years :biggrin:
  22. You and I may want a shuttlecraft, and I can see a casual collector picking it up after the Enterprise, but multiple shuttlecrafts? That may be stretching it. I think we hope to get to variant Enterprises, but we'll see how this one does. We're only including one figure to keep the price down. Ah. Well, that answers a few questions then. Still, I wish this was getting more love than Knight Rider. FWIW Every Star Trek item made is an instant purchase from me
  23. I disliked this movie Charisma Carpenter is a total sweetheat IRL though.
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