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storm 1:08

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Everything posted by storm 1:08

  1. Ah, but that is why we have the shiny TRU exclusive sticker! To help sell potential undersellers. They can change the ratio to having only 1 army builder 2-pack per box and test the waters. Even then, it’ll be a lot less peg warmers than Iron Monger for the Iron Man Movie Action Figures.
  2. It's probably that TRU's deal allows them a month or so to sell the sets without competition from comic book shops... sales are sales for DST, so I can't see why they'd care which venue the money came from. That'd be great ideally, but it won't happen. TRU's distribution is their own thing. DST usually doesn't know when they hit stores and members here most likely know it before them. Plus not all TRU stores get them at the same time. I usually have to wait a week or so after the first initial report before my local TRUs get them. DST can probably "control" when the CBSs get them, I think... But then again, their shipping schedule is sometimes more like a guide and not always exact.
  3. This is technically wave 3 and the movie wave is a separate thing. Looking at the item codes, the regular waves seem to be 113214 and the Wolverine movie wave is 293108. The 113214 has been used in the past and I believe there was a post somewhere in the past saying that it’ll be used as a rolling item code for new waves or something like that. This is my speculation, but because of that, that is why wave 2 (Heroes/Villains) did not appear at the online store. The website’s computer still probably has lots of stock of wave 1 that is unsold but it only recognizes the item number. If that goes down, it’ll probably reorder and then you’ll get a new wave. Again, this is all purely my thinking on the TRU workings. Now regarding the Spidey. I’m happy to have more Web Spideys. Really. I mean, I think I have enough single baggie ones, but I could use more. I’m just unhappy that they didn’t choose to pack in Torment Spidey. I have been waiting soooo looong for that one to be reissued. I only have one of that Spider-Man!!! If I knew that past Target wave was going to be cancelled, I would have stocked up on the Classic Spidey Box Set. Please help me Chuck!
  4. Oh please let it be a House of Spain Magneto! Come on DST, you know you just want to give us the full list now. Don’t delay the inevitable. Whatever you throw our way, we’ll throw elhonez into it.
  5. Sorry T, but I’m going to have to respectfully disagree. I just don’t think a con exclusive of army builders will do well on its own. I will concede that it would fit the, I don’t know how to say it, spirit of a con exclusive, though. Single packs sounds great, but I can’t believe it would work out as well as the Cylons. The Cylons have a cooler design overall than the Marvel grunts, in my opinion. If it was part of a TRU exclusive and TRU is okay with having a 2-pack full of “grunts”, I think it would do okay since it would reach the mass market and the collectors. Granted, it’d probably be 2 per case but I bet it would be snatched up quickly by most of us here. Plus, there probably would be more grunt packs made through TRU than through a con exclusive, but I don’t know the logistics. Only other solution I could think of would be a 4 pack with a “name” ‘mate. Spidey and his Unamazing Friends! (Skrull grunt, Hydra grunt, AIM grunt) Yeah, I digressed too. But by the reaction here, it’s probably safe we’re getting more Jim Lee X-Men! And by the way, will Wave 28 Sabretooth be renamed JL Sabretooth?
  6. I'm thinking that it was just the War Machine wave that was not at TRU. The lineup didn't seem too mainstream enough, but all other waves afterward seems mainstream. The only way I can see it happening is if they do an army builder pack as a TRU exclusive. Thanks for noticing! It's just an illusion and I have been working out recently!
  7. Is it me or does Wolverine look like he can skate around? Oh please make him roll around DST! That would be awesome!
  8. I wonder if they can somehow get away with a bloody X-Force Wolverine as a variant. That might go with the theme of some of the variant covers being a bloody variant. And if they do another fun game for the next wave, I'm hoping for charades!
  9. I’m thinking the titles refer to Chuck’s brain after not being able to place a single Spidey in this rumored wave.
  10. One of the worst kept secrets finally confirmed to be on PSN and XBox Live! Can't wait for it to come out!
  11. I just noticed that the Silverfox set listing has been taken off the TRU website when you do a search for minimates. It was there yesterday. However, the listing can still be found if you go there directly. I don’t know if this means no more restock for now, but I doubt that it is a long term thing seeing as the movie isn’t out yet…
  12. I’m torn, if I want this set to sell to the masses, I think Spidey and at least one other recognizable character needs to be in this set. Plus the big baddie. Spidey/Storm/Ben Grimm/Beyonder A set full of unknowns (to the masses) is risky and if it doesn’t sell, will it be a strike against future waves in TRU? But, will we ever get another chance like this? I don’t know…
  13. Happy birthday guys! So today, Dan turn’s into a man. While TBT reverts to a baby? No wonder he isn’t around anymore. He doesn’t know how to use a computer yet! And why the heck is there a baby in pub?!?!
  14. Well, if anyone is keeping track, Saturday is currently at 85%. I'm guessing it'll be sold out soon.
  15. I really hate to burst the jovial bubble, but looking through this thread reminded me of an article I read last week regarding sudden deaths and how it affects online friends. When I read the article, I did think about this forum and some of the members of the past. Anyway, hope you’re doing well TBT! And when you come back and start picking on people, we will then miss how quiet you were!
  16. ::sigh:: Thanks Espo. At least I'll know where they will be at Comic-Con. I hate it when something bad happens right when you open the package.
  17. I finally got my Iron Man Movie Hostile Takeover Box Set from my comic shop this week. The Iron Man faceplate is stickered down and when I pulled it out, part of the paint ripped off. There’s a glaring chunk of paint missing now on his right nostril area. And if you didn’t know, it’s white underneath. Anyway, I hope I can get a response... No updates on some of the issues posted makes me a little worried.
  18. And it took a while but they seemed to have finally understood the problem and fixed it permanently. Hopefully there will be no more stories of the RRoD around here. One month seems like a long time. When I sent my DSlite out for repair, I got it back in the same week!
  19. I never realized there were that many near the convention center. The Hilton San Diego Bayfront Hotel wasn’t open last year, I believe, but it seems like it is now. I remember that was supposed to help with the hotel situation (and help bring revenue to the city), but I guess demand is still pretty high. I wouldn’t know where the hostels are, though. As for transportation, there are plenty of shuttle routes that go to most of the hotels, I believe. This is last year’s map but I would assume it would be similar this year.
  20. Going, going, GONE!!! So preview night is sold out and technically you can still attend all 4 days. It'll just be full price. Is this a case of all the hardcore guys making sure they can get in this early? CCI limiting registration? I was shocked to see the bar pretty full already a few weeks back. Good thing I always pre-register a year in advance knowing that I can cancel in June if I can't make it.
  21. If you don't mind my asking---what's the point of using the memory from someone who already beat the game? For the unlockables? Isn't unlocking them part of the reason to keep playing a game? Well, it makes playing at a friend’s place easier instead of carrying your PS3 system. The SFIV game save is locked to the system anyway and you can’t transfer it.
  22. Tell me about it! It took me and my brother almost two hours to beat Seth with C. Viper! Well, I'm just playing on easiest to get to unlocking Seth. I'm too afraid to go any higher. Even then, he can still own me.
  23. Haha. So that’s where the other ‘mates are! I always searched “minimate” and found the classic Spidey pack. I didn’t think of searching for “mini mate”.
  24. Just to further clarify the Ultimates thing, the Ultimate line is just relaunching and rebranding itself as Ultimate Comics after the Ultimatum event. All current titles are ending (FF, X-Men, Spidey, Ultimates). Only three books have been confirmed as coming out of Ultimatum. Spidey’s title is, I believe, called Ultimate Comics Spider-Man, which will continue where Ultimate Spider-Man left off but with a new shiny #1! New Ultimates and Ultimate Avengers will be there too, but I don’t know if they are being called Ultimate Comics New Ultimates and Ultimate Comics Avengers. And I think I went over my daily quota of using the word “ultimate” for one day.
  25. I’m all for it if they can give me all the Batman’s and Superman’s I want and for the longevity of Minimates in general. However, I just shudder to think if an SDCC exclusive comes up. The jumping through hoops to get into the horrendous line for HasbroToyShop is enough for me. But maybe we should try hounding them at SDCC instead of DCD… Maybe… Keep finding those loopholes in the contract, PL!
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