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Everything posted by BannersID

  1. Wow !! That was some tough choices, in particular best overall of the year was a really tough choice, in the end they all rock! Lets have another year of customs like these!
  2. picked up just under 2 feet the past 24 hours in chicagoland. pure misery the whole city is shut down and trying to dig out. not fun
  3. the Mastermind is simple yet inspired, really nice looking batch of customs as always Luke
  4. I like it. I really like the sheild may have to whip up a couple of those for my AIM army
  5. Well I'm going to pin my hopes on The Thing tribute flick with an anniversary John Carpenters the thing set to boot Thanks for the link North Raider that was a good read
  6. really clean looking and I really like the time you took with weapons and such
  7. I'm always reworking and tweaking my QC's this one has always been a favorite of mine the first version used Magneto's body which looked good but the color motif is reversed to the classic look Dormammu wears a purple jumper with red shorts glove and boots with a yellow sash/belt not the red outfit with purple gloves/boots Magneto wears.
  8. that pixie QC is spot on, nice job. I have to wonder why DST doesn't play up the customizing side of these toys more. I have a huge parts "graveyard" and have as much fun with that as I would a bucket of LEGO'S
  9. I'm apt to agree with these sentiments. Quantity over quality is a recipe for disaster where I come from.
  10. having found all of the exclusives to date on the shelf at cost I would encourage all of you to be patient and wait. Wave 8 (the FF wave) was the most heavily distributed wave so far, from what I've seen online and in stores I have to speculate that trend will continue for at least the next wave and this one.
  11. the change from nazi's to HYDRA was made in the new Avengers cartoon as well. I have to admit as much as I like watching Cap go after hitler and his goons I really like the change from nazi and hitler, to HYDRA headed up by the Red Skull
  12. Glad I could help! It's well worth the money and any effort you put in on the kit. It makes for a really fun play-set, but also leaves me pinning for more TOS mates.
  13. Nice that was an ambitious project to tackle for a first build! I would also enjoy MOTU minimates,I loved that toy line when I was a wee laddie. bright colorful characters one and all, they would make for great MM subjects
  14. I can confirm that the bridge model kit from amt works GREAT with minimates,
  15. that is hilarious, in a really good way. nice work!
  16. wow your brotherhood and x-men customs are spot on the detail in sunfires costume is fantastic! really nice job all around
  17. HOT DAMN! that is one sweet sleepwalker, great use of parts there. i was a big fan of this series for whatever reason, I need you to make that 8-ball bad guy to go with him now!
  18. didnt the Raven chick from the DC line have some sort of long loin cloth type of thing in a purple-ish color? yeah if your willing to apply a little paint I would use Mephistos loin piece
  19. howdy, always nice to see another plasticrack addict come forward. Have no fear your among friends!
  20. wow I love the look of lizard, cant wait to pick these up
  21. I fell from about 15 feet roughly 8 years ago and my back is still a disaster to this day so I really can empathize with that poor fellow. dont misunderstand my finding humor in spideys face palm as me taking delight in some ones pain. its not the case at all
  22. lmao I have to agree with spidey here .. can you say travesty?
  23. my solution to the mole man cape problem. silver age mandarins cloak repainted with the neck area removed so moleys head would fit on his neck peg
  24. yeah that mohawk piece is nice. thanks for the kudos
  25. A small batch of my trek efforts Civilian Vulcan and klingon crew member vina with new hairpiece and a fem officer and a two alien female officers hmm also wanted to share this one I really like another QC but a Green Lantern this time Recipe: John Stewart chest block and shoulders, Lower arms any black, hands John stewart, glove cuffs Mohawk storm, head kree soilder, hair mohawk storm, pelvis and legs mohawk storm hope you guys like it hes one of my favorite customs I've put together
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