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dr baghead

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Everything posted by dr baghead

  1. If that was directed at me, I apologize, I was AGREE with you on the flawed logic of TRU, not making fun of you at all rather trying to point out how the "exclusives being hard to find will make people spend more money" logic works in reverse.
  2. THIS!!! Now it sort of makes sense on paper, you don't find 'x' but you see 'y' so buy it as a consolation prize, you repeat this until you find 'x'... Maybe 'y' isn't a new Wii or a recumbent bicycle or even a peg warmer from the same series of figures you wanted to get the exclusive from, maybe you're like "F**k, well might as well grab a candy bar since I'm snackish and they're right here"... if person makes 13 trips to find 'x' and ALWAYS gets snackish, TRU has made $13 on candy bars they wouldn't have if the toy was there. However here's how it works in reality: "Where's Hulkbuster..." Answer A: "Here it is! Sweet... might as well get some more Stilt-mans too, see how tall I can make him. Oh hey (new movie) has figures! Maybe I'll grab one of these since too since the trailer looked good anyway. Oh look a new flavor of KitKat, I'll try that too! OMNOMNOM" Answer B: "Not here... S**T!!!! Goddamn Scalpers, oh well, maybe it's at the TRU 3 miles down the road, I better hurry to beat the scalpers!!! TUNEL VISION not seeing any other toys, only the exist and... Kinda snackish, oh hey candy bars!... WHOA!? look at that line, I'll buy a candy bar later..." at least that's how I am, I'll buy a crap ton of custom fodder when TRU gets in something I want to purchase, but I'll let it rot if there's nothing else NEW I want there.
  3. I thought this thread was going to be about those "the Edibles" candy block figures they made a few years ago I can't find pictures of. They were basically "Candy Minimates" and came in Spider-man ("red" flavor of some sort, since they had themed names I want to say it was "Spider Sense Strawberry" or something), the Thing (orange of course, I believe it was "Fantastic Orange"), Hulk ("Gama Sour Apple"), and Wolverine ("Weapon X Banana" which really, at that point someone should have said 'why are attempting 'themed names' can't we just call it 'Banana'?) They came with a little stand they clipped onto so they could "fight" because teaching kids Block Figures are food wasn't good enough, you got to make sure they rub their half eaten Jolly Ranchers against other kid's half-eatten Jolly Ranchers to spread germs. I always wanted to try one, but at $3 it was like "That's the price of a REAL minimate I won't be crapping out the next day, how the f*** do you figure you can charge $3 for a Spider-man themed jolly rancher?!"
  4. That's not a bad idea! I've been looking into getting a CD shelf for my minimates (right now they're in a book case which is too much dead space even with a raiser) but with a few changes those shelves would be ideal!
  5. I've read all of "All-Star Batman and Robin" (or should we start calling it "Dark Knight: Boy Wonder" now?) and it's only "very bad" if you're not in on the joke, otherwise, it's possibly the finest achievement DC's ever made in the past 76 years (what?! yeah. I included an EXTRA year on there) Everything about that book is masterfully crafted. If you know it's alternate universe (Earth-33 I believe) the 'out of character' psychopath Batman is acceptable (no one reads "Red Rain" or whatever it's called and says "pfffff! Batman's not a vampire! worst out of character story ever!") If you know it's in-cannon with Dark Knight Returns start picking up on continuity nods (when we first see the Batcave Batman's building the Bat-Tank and the Kryptonite filled T-Rex, he gives Hal a speech Hal repeats in DKSA, Batgirl goes on a cussing spree in the same 'arcade' we first met the mutants at)... most reviews tend to read the book as if it's a trainwreck and Frank's writing it dead serious and we're the outsiders looking over the wreckage all like "HAHA! What the fuck is that?! This guy's insane!" but really the book is a well crafted 'stunt show' every crash is well planned, Frank is aware it's a joke and while we say "LOL!WTF!" he's saying "LOL! They're gonna laugh at this bit for sure.." how can I be sure? Well: Vikki Vale calls the main character "a goddamned Batman" in the very first issue, it's subtle, she's complaining Metropolis gets a hunky man-o-steel while gotham gets... YEP! It looks like Frank completely lost his shit and after the Internet decided "I'm the goddamn batman" was hillarious over used it, but he intended from Book 1 to have the character called "the Goddamn Batman", it was HIS running joke not an internet meme he adapted into the story. anyway... back on track, All-Star Superman is a different animal then ASB&RtBW aka DK:BW but they need to animate it and DKR too!... Strangely for the love All-Star Superman gets and as much as I love ASB&RtBW I never read it, I couldn't get into Superman.
  6. As bad as the cartoon was (and made me MAD AS HELL as a Child to see "Ghostbuster" in the TV and find out I woke up to watch THAT.) I honestly wouldn't mind minimates of the two dudes and the gorilla if the rights were cheap and available. We've gotten so many versions of the REAL Ghostbusters (hopefully someday soon we'll get several versions of "the real Ghostbusters") it'd be sorta fun to have their crappy knock-offs (who actually pre-date them) along side them... Like the sight-gag in that one Simpson's Halloween episode were it pans over a field of Homer clones and Peter Griffins standing there... you'd be looking at your shelf and be like... GB1, GB1 Gooey, GB2 blue with Slimeblower Ray and Winston, GB2 tan with Luis, Courtroom, Ready to Believe You, RGB, RGB Citizen Ghost Human, RGB Citizen Ghost Clear Green, Two random dudes and a Gorilla, Random Variants like Lab, Slimed and World of Psychic... WAIT?!?! Two guys and a Gorilla?!?! I'm just rambling but, it would be pretty neat.
  7. I was out looking for a Batman:Brave and the Bold Action League Scarecrow and Chemo and found another Hulkbuster today... If anyone is still looking for Hulkbuster but has access to the Action League Chemo set send me a PM, I'll pay the difference in trade for Hulkbuster... I'm just tried of hunting for that sets.
  8. I rather like these as non-minimates, I'll probably get a couple to go along with my 7th Kingdom stuff.
  9. grrrr, I had bought an Athena to use her hair for a custom, I put in a box labeled "do not lose!" with a couple other parts, a few days later I hit the box on accident and sent the pieces flying across the room... I found all of them EXCEPT Athena's hair. Then I went to the farthest away TRU that still has some BSG mates and NO ATHENA! Long story short, if you or anyone else just bought it because you could I want the hair!! Trade or sell me that hair!!
  10. I was waiting until I had received mine before responding, but this is like saying: "eh, I saw a couple episodes of Clone Wars, I don't think I need I watch the 'original Trilogy', I've gotten my fill of Star Wars" (not that you have to watch it, especially given it never got a good DVD release, just saying you picked the perfect way to phrasing that to cut a hole right in my heart) Lum's the first Figma I've bought, she's HUGE, she's in scale with 6 inch figures (I have the full line of 'real' Street Fighters from the Revolvotech SFO line, I was expecting something in line with that) so I guess Lum's gonna hang with the Goddamn Batman and Power Girl rather then Ryu and Ken, but that's cool. Figma's seem nice, I like the sculpt and articulation style a lot more then the Revolvoteches and EVERY American made female action figure I own, if they ever make any more from a license I like (c'mon Sailor Venus...) I'll get more
  11. I think this is the weirdest thing about toy collectors If we get to a store and we've missed out on the best figures it's always a "scalper", why do we assume whoever beat us bought their figure out of hatred and greed and not love for the figures? Are we so alone in life we can't fathom someone else shares our hobbies and lives within our city limits? Anytime a new wave hits if someone finds the remains of a case it's never "grrrr! beaten by a fellow collector!" or "gah! an employee must be a fan and took that for their own collection!" no, it's always "DAMN SCALPERS!" or "I think an employee's getting to them first to sell on eBay!!" I just think it's odd our brains work that way...
  12. ME! I do, if you gave me the choice between this thing and a classic Thing minimate: This one if you gave me the choice between this thing and one of the same bulk but with no texture: this one incidentally, what I like least about it is the unsculpted parts, I hope they fix his untextured face. (Although to be fair, as much as I like the sculpted body, I hate sculpted faces, I think the head shape, as well as the cylinder arms and sqared off lefs works as a carry over design point, Kilowog and 4-arm GL who's name escapes me annoy me with their non-minimate heads) I like the texture, I like the bulk, If this was a Hulk I'd buy a crapton for custom fodder since I LIKE minimates with different scales. Maybe it makes this Thing not a "block figure" but I don't buy minimates because they're "block figures", I think they look TERRIBLE when mixed with Lego sets (not so much those Mega-Bloks with the mostly prefab pieces though, those match minimates in the 'lego pegs for function, sculpting for ascetics' vibe), I buy them because they're fun little versions of characters I enjoy and I like a nice Thing figure with rocky texture. If it ends up the way it looks like it's ending up, this is gonna be awesome!
  13. I rather like the two the Things, I've been saying since Iron Monger "why can't they do this for the Hulk" and well, they did it for the Thing, but the Thing seems to be the "gateway" minimate for these sort of things (he got a powerhouse torso long before Hulk, and "Hulk Hands" long before Hulk, might as well continue the tradition and let him be the first "Hulked up" 2 inch miniate)... I hope he comes with a pair of "classic" thing fist though, I don't much like open hands. I hope Gamma Hulk in TRU wave 7 is built this way... but I doubt it, gonna have to wait a little longer until the Hulk Buster has a Hulk to Bust, it also means we can expect ANOTHER Gamma Hulk in a few waves with this new bulking technology.
  14. This figure is the one I wanted most from this wave, but ever time I see it I'm kinda glad we didn't get it. We need a Cowboy Sam Elliot minimate (I'd prefer his character from 'the Big Lebowski though, just so we could get the rest of the Big Lebowski mates to go with him), however this one looks NOTHING like Sam Elliot, a cobbled together mate with a random head (might I suggest General Ross, for extra 'could have been' ness) and Doc's hat would probably look more like a Cowboy Sam Elliot as the 'real' one.
  15. Woooo! I helped this master work come to live in a very small way, I feel so proud!
  16. You DON'T like Lum?! Then you sir are the WORSE kind of person!!! although in all seriousness, thanks for checking around to see if there was a cheaper option for me, I guess I'll just have to see how my budget is next month and pay $50 for her (Lum's worth $50 I guess, even if $15 of it is S&H)... and even if you had announced her pre-order, it wouldn't have helped me, I have a passing interest in Figma/Revoltech that amounts to ignoring them for months then saying "Hey, I wonder if there's any new Revolteches I might like!" then looking at pictures on-line and it looks like my window of wonder completely missed Lum until yesterday when I saw her in some show room shots... SIGH!
  17. I literally just found out they made a Figma version of Lum from Urusei Yatsura, so now I must know: How exactly does one obtain Figma figures? Hobby Link Japan says she's "discontinued" (but the blog pics I've been seeing of her in pre-release state are from Dec 2009! How can she be discontinued in only 7 months?!) and eBay wants $50+ dollars ($15 shipping?!?! In this economy?! I'll swim to Hong Kong and back to pick it up before I spend HALF of the figures worth on S&H) ... I guess if there's no other options I could hit up Japan Town and then have a crepe when I'm disappoint all they sell is tiny little girl (or shower man) Figmas and Giant Robots, or wait until the local con season starts up again next year... but there MUST be a place on-line option that still has Lum right?
  18. Your Plan is flawless except for the end. Just Ocean 11's that crap and have someone cause a panic at one of the other DC related lines (someone in the Mattel line yells "WHADDYA MEAN THERE'S ONLY 4 Plastic Man Suit Cases Left?!?!" or stands near the Graffiti-Designs booth with a sign that says "Line starts here for White Lantern Sinestro: no ticket needed" then watch the fun start when 80 people start yelling they waited for 3 hours and didn't get a ticket because the line said they didn't need one) then all of the "ELITE Security Team" will have to go to those locations asking them to please use their inside voices and NO ONE will be able to stop you from chucking Blamoids and Mez-Itz Jokers (that Mez-Itz Batman is awesome, it does NOT suck!) at Brewer and he'll HAVE to bring back minimates.
  19. YAY Bishop and Jubilee. ... so Profesor X completes this set then?
  20. Has relevance ever stopped an Iron Man Movie minimate exclusive before? -The "Hostile Makeover" set was one new character, a new Tony variant, and then two Battle Damage figures -The "Stark Expo" set was based on a scene so important it was cut out of the film -The "Battle Tactics" set was one new Tony, an inferior Ultimate Nick Furry, and two Battle Damage figures -TRU has three figures that were needed, and 5 redunant figures (we have Tony in a suit, maybe not themed to the Senate Hearing or ExpoTuxedo but we have two suited Tonys already. We have a mark 2, not based on it's look in Iron Man 2 but we have one. If you have a mark 2 then you have TWO Mark 1's and it's not that fancy to being with. And the two drones were already released, if you bought one Dump case and then those drone packs you get 3 of each but if you troop built BEFORE TRU wave 2 was announced you're stuck with extra drones) -Boarder's Mk4 was a nice touch, though there is NO reason it couldn't have been the default Mk4, and the Battle Damage on Whiplash does not reflect his damage in the actual movie. For getting 6.5 relevant figures (Raza, Racer Tony, Playboy Tony, Black Widow, Mk 6, Military Dress Rhodes, with half a point for Mk4 sunglasses) we got ELEVEN needless variants. (wether or not you have Ultimate Nick Furry you can add a point to the relevant figures... but UNF is still the better Sam Jackson likeness and more detailed figure) So nothing is over! There is still a chance for Final Whiplash!!! To have a new 4-pack we just need to figure out how to fill the following gaps: -New Character -New Tony -Two Battle Damage Armors So the new character is Final Whiplash we know that. Now what Tony do we need? (oh pro-tip: If you want a 'Drunk Party Tony', replacing the Mark 4's head with Senate Hearing Tony's works pretty well, switching the head from Battle Tactics War Machine to either Mk 2 makes for his accompanying Rhodey) we could have boxing Tony, that could give them an excuse to release the Blobs slushie since he was drinking something in that scene I recall, we could have a Topless Tony with the jigsaw veins this Racer Tony has a weird black shirt not the bare torso from the prototype. Battle Damages? Well Mark 5 is appropriate, Mk2 and Mk4 could be done since they probably got scuffed up in the fight, can they put two Final Whiplashes in a set? Because one Battle Damage reflecting the movie would be pretty awesome. I guess they could do a BD Black Widow too, since someone out there wants her in torn clothes I'm sure. Or maybe even a BD Racer Tony to go with the Mark 5, he got messed up before getting the armor. See, that's more then enough for a 4-pack just following "the rules" but an ideal 4-pack would be: -Final Whiplash -a Pepper Pots who looks like Gweneth Paltro (yeah, I spelt it wrong) for once -Coulson -Howard Stark It's theme: "HOWARD STARK used the Stark Expo to show case tomorrow's technology today, after his FINAL defeat at the hands of Tony Stark WHIPLASH detonates his drones, and Ironman must race to rescue PEPPER POTS. Meanwhile, AGENT COULSON heads to Arizona to find a surprise..." They could release to TRU some sets like: -Final Whiplash w/Drone -Battle Damage Final Whiplash w/Drone then re-issue the Mk4 and Mk 5 packs, those sold out fastest at my TRU (seriously, I can walk in right now and get Mk2/Widow but when I wanted a second War Machine I was SoL) and will probably do so again in wave 2, and if TRU doesn't want more, maybe Boarders will take 'em to go with the DVD they sold well enough the first time if offered a refresher case and a new exclusive they'd probably bite. Or they could take the Justin Hammer Route with another Army Dump: 1x Final Whiplash 1x Battle Damage Final Whiplash 2x Ironette Dancer (Black Hair) 2x Ironette Dancer (Brown Hair) 3x Ironette Dancer (Red Hair) 3x Ironette Dancer (Blonde Hair) tl,dr: Yeah, as of right now we're not getting Final Battle Whiplash I'm going to remain hopeful there's some way we WILL get him though, even though as it stands it ain't happening. (at least I have an extra set of Whiplash gloves, a Razor Cylon, an Iron Monger Torso and when I get the Mark 6 a spare drone... it's kitbashin' time!!)
  21. Context of the quote is important, so if sighting the actual source is that important keep in mind the question was: "Hi, compliments on what you’ve done with the Iron Man 2 Minimates. Since there will be a second TRU series for them, will it feature a final battle Whiplash?" Paraphrased: Is Final Whiplash in TRU wave 2? NOT: Is Final Whiplash coming out? Yeah out of context "we didn't get reference in time" can be VERY bad, but in the context of being asked "Is he in wave 2?" it's a valid explanation as to why we got suit Rhodey in his place. Granted it's the last known wave of Iron Man 2 products, but that doesn't mean it's the last Iron Man 2 products EVER. It'd be like reading there response of "We've shown all our Ghostbusters products for 2010 already" (I'm sorry: "DSTChuck: I think at this point we’ve showed fans all we have planned for 2010, so well have to see what we want to do next year before I can comment on the variations you thought of. ") as "welp, we're done with Ghostbusters, walking away now!" (which is probably how someone read it, much like how last year everyone thought the line was dead going into 2010, it'll be 'dead' going into 2011 until we're flooded with Peter variants and crazy ghost and then it'll be dead headed into 2012...)
  22. In TRU wave 2, the questioner asked "Is there going to be an Iron man Wave 2 at TRU? will Whiplash be in it?" and the response they got was "Yes IM2 wave 2, but we didn't get reference for Whiplash in time for him to be in that wave" We already knew that much: We've seen package shots of TRU wave 2 and we know the exclusives are Mark 6 and Suit Rhodey with the drones. That answer actually explained why Whiplash Mk2 wasn't included in that wave, it was not a definitive no (unless your hopes were Whiplash Mk2 was a secret 5th pack in the second wave, then it was a definitive no.) I'm better closer to DVD release (they said TRU wave 2 will be 'out shortly' I'm betting it's a summer release and not tied to the DVD like Wolverine Wave 2) we see a "Final Battle" Box set or another TRU wave or maybe an exclusive 2 pack or something Final Battle Whiplash, it would be crazy to assume, given how much they've milked Iron Man 2 for already, they wouldn't figure out some way to milk it just a little more to get out the one last character everyone wants. while a better answer would have been "he's not in TRU wave 2 but you can get Final Battle Whiplash in this set/series:____" I'm going to remain painfully optimistic we're getting one later until they answer a question with "our Iron Man 2 license has closed, STOP ASKING!"
  23. I think they were just explaining why he wasn't in TRU wave 2, not that he was never coming... I wouldn't be surprised if we don't get him because the window of time could close, but I don't think Hasbro or Hot Toys has made him either so it might just be a matter of time and TRU wave 2 came too soon for him to make it. I could see that being more a case of buyers wanting to wait to order a Pirate line closer to when there's a media buzz for Pirates 4. Think of it this way: Back to the Future minimates released with decent success. Ghostbusters has the game to remind casual fans they exist, minimates sell like Gangbusters (off topic: should we start referring to non-marvel minimates that sell well as "selling like Ghostbusters"? No, no we shouldn't), Ghostbusters success leads fans of 80's comedies to look into minimates, see they made BttF and now you can't get BttF set 1 for less then $60. They wait until next year and people will have Pirates on the brain, they go to buy some Ghostbuster minimates (which yes, I think those will be around in 2011 too, at the end of last year we didn't think they'd be going into 2010 and yet here we are...) and they say "OH HEY! Pirates in scale with Ghostbusters, nice!" or they go to buy some Pirate Mega-Bloks (or legos now maybe?) and see these "off brand lego pirates" and say "Hmmm, this $45 ship only comes with Captain Jack and 'new chick pirate', maybe I'll grab a couple of these $7 two-packs to give li'l Stevie a nice crew instead of buying these $15 'build-a-cannon' sets that only come with one guy"... that's called synergy! If they had made "minimates: DRAGON RIDERS!" or "minimates: Greatest Greeks" I can guarantee those would have been rushed out he door earlier this year to cash in box office returns much like this year "minimates: armoured billionare" was a big success at retail to leech off a similar movie, but since it was Pirates, gotta wait... This made me laugh out loud... I wonder if they have a Q&A where they're like "Hey, we would have loved to see those Kelloggs minimates released too! Stop bugging us and go bug DST! If they want to release them we're all for it!!!" and "I'm sorry, but we no longer have the rights to make C3P-O's, we have a small window of time after each movie to release a tie-in product..." and those 'Raisin Fan' commercials are actually mean spirited jabs at the members on the "KelloggsMultigrain" message boards.
  24. So did the fact they're both Ryan Reynolds making their merger the obvious choice occur to you before, during, or after you made that wondrous custom? (you could use movie Deadpool's head for an unmasked version and still keep perfectly with your theme!)
  25. As others have said that's never stopped anyone in comics before PLUS
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