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Everything posted by dj87

  1. Thanks! I don't know why, but I love Smasher's design... The cost comes from this kubrick guy, I modified the jacket to make it torn apart. I checked eBay for you, and there are four listed. All kinda pricey for just the coat though... I luckily got the boxed set very cheap at a crap store's going out of business sale. I think hes got a new costume now... if the advert for JSA is anything to go by. Still, thats the one I prefer. Appreciate you having a look for me dude, think it's a little pricey for now (just bought a few bits from ebay), but i'll keep looking for a bargin.Reckon I'll just end up moving on to sculpy pretty soon. keep up the good work... love the commission Titans!
  2. I'm a Reyonalds fan, a huge Green Lantern fan... especially Hal (the PROPER one) Initially, he doesn't seem the 'perfect' Hal Jordan, but quite frankly infinately better than the other proposed candidates, and I have every confidence that he'll get the part right. I'll be following this films development, filming, etc. closely, which is not something I do often. I'll admit to already scribbling down a few ideas as to how they costume will look post-big screen 'tart up'. But more so... I'm excited about seeing the likes of Kilowog and Sinestro. Also, give me a Alan Scott cameo, if possible... please.
  3. Bizarrey, I've not seen this thread before... skimming through the last few pages, i've definately agree with a few of the suggestions, such as Umbrella Academy, American Psycho and Dexter. the licenses I'd (literally) have no choice in buying would include: Dexter Heroes Lost Peep Show Fight Club Star Wars Ryan Reynolds Through The Ages Ghostbusters would have been on that list a little while back
  4. my internet's been down for less than a week, and you've beaten me to the 3" Atom Smasher! It's a fantastic job, good work (mine is half done... but hopefully it'll look similar!) i love that Grundy as well... that jacket taken straight from a Kubrick? ... how hard is this Kubrick to... acquire?
  5. cheers for comments and suggestions gang glad you like Nessex, especially after the Bat villains build-up. I assure you, the eyes look a little better in real life, and quite frankly, I'd be terrified to completely ruin the whole thing if I started farting around with it again. Bobbo... i certainly know what you're saying, and it does feel a bit of a let down not being able to get v.good pics. I've not very good tools for the job what so ever, for all the mates i've done in the last few months i've actually taken a dozen or so pictures of each... those are the best, believe it or not. I do appreciate the advise, when I next have some time on my hands, I'll give them another go.
  6. ... are you making Blue Beetle's Bug? That was the first thing to spring to mind, reading that and that Lego Factory... wow, looks like good fun. Downloading it now.
  7. i'm afraid they don't, but I agree... it's a massive improvement! so, a few more... Poison Ivy heavily modified Star Sapphire head, Starfire hair, and gloves from Dr.Fate. mainly influenced by Jim Lee's Ivy. Two-Face finally! suit from BSG's Vice President Baltar, coin cut out form an old cape, and a Brick Arms revolver. The face (and half the hair) is from BSG's Admiral Adama, with the glasses removed. The rest of the hair is from Defender's Hulk... both hair pieces were cut slightly over half, and then sanded until they fit together perfectly. main influences were my own interpretation of Dent, as well as The Long Halloween, and the Animated Series. The Red Hood pretty simple, entirely repainted mate, with a Scarlett Witch cape, and a repainted Giant Man slip-over mask. As always, thanks for looking, hope you enjoy!
  8. cheers guys, will know better next time!
  9. righto, while we're here... does anyone have a scientific (or made up) reason for why yellow paint is so notoriously difficult to work with? i'd heard the rumours... but hadn't witnessed it first had until this week.
  10. And my axe! And my sword! And my bow! you carry the fate of us all, little one... (I actually watched all 11hours of LOTR over the last two days... i'm awesome)
  11. i am also in the UK, and have had plenty of items take that long, and longer shoudn't worry, just yet
  12. don't mind me boys and girls... just look for directions. where can we Brtis ask our fine American board members for help aquiring Bullseye/Moonstone? EDIT: don't know how i missed the last few posts. Certainly seems unlikely i'll have much luck *sigh*
  13. It always was inevitable... ... but even for a comic book resurrection, this is very quick, surely? Either way, I'm v.pleased... I heart Steve Rogers
  14. don't forget crime families for Batman or the Punisher, etc. to bring down!
  15. i'm not an eddie murphy fan, nor do i like this film, but i'll certainly be getting these mates... more gangsters/goons for me! did the Godfather mates get cancelled? or are we just referring to them being guys in suits? just making sure i didn't miss something
  16. supports my 'perfect for this contest' theory! look forward to seeing it
  17. As a kid, I had those little Metamorpho and Plastic Man records. Wish I still had them. not quite the same as the proper record, but you can download the album from here: Songs & Stories About The Justice League the songs are awful, but i can't help but love them
  18. here is my entry for the vanilla mate contest... Metamorpho he is a basic mate, completely re-painted. As soon as I have some spares I intend to add SM3 Sandman arm pieces. A couple more pictures are in the contest thread. Oh, while we're here, this a nice quick fix for Doctor Octopus... a nice pair of movie SHS tenticles. ... the movie SHS glider, with a quick paint job, is also
  19. i've never entered a contest before, not having moved onto sculpting my own parts or anything, so this one worked for me, thought i'd give it a go. i've been intending to make this guy for a while, and seemed perfect for this: Rex Mason, The Elemental Man... Metamorpho! as usual, my picture quality is pretty poor, but hey... it's the best i can do. He'll look great eventually with SM3 Sandman arm pieces! But for the purpose of this contest, Metamorpho has C3 feet, no accessories, no sculpted parts! hope you guys like! EDIT: source, for many, many pictures, and a delightful little song! Dial B For Blog - Metamorpho Page
  20. they're all fantastic, good work... and I was right, horrah. any chance of and Abe next?
  21. I must admit... never did I expect to see a Bruno minimate... in this lifetime, or the next. Good work... good work
  22. i noticed this just yesterday as well. seeing as the release dates aren't for some time, i won't be pre-ordering just yet, although this will certainly be where i get mine from. play have also stocked the marvel movie mates before, spider-man, hulk and iron man. It is worth checking every now and then.
  23. the big picture won't load for me, but there's a couple of items in particular which give it away 3 of them are pretty obvious... is the last one ?
  24. I can't tell if you're joking... it's new Kirk! This is exactly why i changed mine, it's a ridiculous! Sinestro Corps? Yeah... fair enough, that works. Other than that, I disaprove... anything other than green = massive, MASSIVE thumbs down from me
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