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super spider piggy

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Everything posted by super spider piggy

  1. Yay! I guessed right! Here's hoping for a Kit Fisto and Bossk!
  2. If they don't come out you could always make customs. Blade would be a good start.
  3. "Spring/Summer" according to ToyFare. No word yet from DST, as far as I'm aware.
  4. Her are some pics taken by Mini-Myte:
  5. If im right its old school apollo but im not sure(I have never watched the show :tongue: ) and can someone post pics of the first box set Here are some pics: I have seen the razor thing but nothing else and by old school apollo it was his dad on the planet that did the ***SPOILER*** testing with the cyborgs.... You mean these ones right?
  6. All of those look awesome! also what is the release date?
  7. If im right its old school apollo but im not sure(I have never watched the show :tongue: ) and can someone post pics of the first box set Here are some pics:
  8. DUDE THAT IS AWESOME!!! i thought i was the only aztek fan on the board lol and i am sighing up for the dcd message boards asap Yes, Aztek is my most wanted DC minimate ever! He's also my favorite DC character and superhero! A Minimate of him would be awesome! I'm signing up for The DCD message boards soon!
  9. That Husker is awesome! Or is it Apollo? Any way I'll definitely be getting this set!
  10. *whacks TM2 Dinobot again* Stop criticizing wave 7, dammit! IMO the second best DC wave is wave 7 (the first best is wave 3)
  11. I'll do anything for for an Aztek minimate. He's the best DC character. He's also my favorite. I want a minimate of him so bad :sad:
  12. Take off Bane's head and mask, put the skull on, and you will have a zombie Bane!
  13. 1.Will we ever see a Moon Knight Minimate? 2.Will we ever see an Aztek Minimate?(for DC,of course) 3.Any chance of Robocop MiniMates?(favorite MGM movie, by the way) 4.Will the new license be Star Wars? it possible you guys could re look Street Fighter and make wave 2? (Ken and Blanka is my most wanted Minimate set) 6.Will wave 21 and 22 have Gambit,Deadpool,Psylocke,Black Knight,and Moon Knight?(Moon Knight is my most wanted Marvel since Archangel) 7.Could you possibly make a Civil War Spiderman and Cosmic Spider man two-pack? (Cosmic Spiderman is my favorite Spiderman) 8.what happened to the Marvel 3-packs? 9.Is Husker's hair from the Razor box set Apollo's prototype hair?
  14. Anybody know what issue of Toyfare has the Rocky III and Platoon MiniMates pictures?
  15. My grail right now is the black symbiote Spiderman.
  16. Those are awesome! I love the South Park style!
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