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Everything posted by elhonez

  1. Sweet! I'm psyched about Thor, and it will be fun to army-build Sentinels while simultaneously picking up some extra Phoenix stands for Dark P and Secret Invastion P. Anti-Venom and Menace? Meh. I don't go for modern stuff, with a few exceptions. But I've been spoiled on classics in waves 31-32, so I suppose it's good they get their due.
  2. Can anyone post a pic of the Kravens side-by-side? I didn't know there was a color variation. Cheers, elH
  3. Does anyone else agree about this proposed change? I think it's much more comic accurate... anyone else want to weigh in? I see the image got "nuked," here's a link: DST seems to using the half-mask and dark blue of #4 with the boots of #10. They already released #10 as a variant to Archangel, btw.
  4. That's not a bad idea, thanks! As for here, let's discuss it -- anyone else prefer to see the version I linked above? I figure we already have a blue/white body with the white boots, from Wave 19.
  5. To whom it may concern: Is it too late to shift gears on Angel's S31 deco? When Angel originally wore his blue/white costume, beginning in the Neal Adams era, his boots were also blue. Please see below: Cheers, elH
  6. I totally agree... a couple of waves come to mind that were all heroes, like the Astonishing X-Wave and the upcoming Ultimates Wave. We need at least two villains in each wave! The villains vastly outnumber the heroes in the MU, and I'm hoping for a more villainous focus in 2010. Credit where it's due: we are getting a couple of villain-y box sets -- the Doom/Skull/Mags/Goblin set was awesome, and the upcoming TBolts minis look interesting. But it would be swell to see some more hero-villain matchups in the regular waves. For instance, I'd kill for an Iron Man wave with IM variants, each vs. an IM villain like Crimson Dynamo, Constrictor, Titanium Man, Blizzard, Mandarin, Blacklash, Madame Masque, Controller, Beetle, Comic Iron Monger, Ghost, Unicorn, etc. Mandroid army builder, anyone? BAM. I just rattled off TWELVE. Plus an army builder. So far our non-movie iron-tally is 14 variants, with 1 villain: Spymaster (and arguably, Ultron). And the thing about IM is, there are still many variants to plunder. Here's hoping they start pairing them with his foes.
  7. I think the problem may be that Hasbro prob has the Marvel "urban collectible" license with Muggs. Also, every scale of "poseable action figure" conceivable above 2". So something immobile is the best we could hope for. I'm speculating that DST/AA wanted to do a big Sta-Puft for the MiniMates, but since Mattel has the license for action figures, rotocast banks were the closest thing they could get a license for. Immobile, but good for dioramas and better than nothing. Again, this is all speculation on my part. And knowing large-scale poseable 'mates are off-limits, I thought I'd start this topic to discuss if folks might be receptive of something as immobile as MAX, but a potentially cheaper way to get around the licensing constraints [i.e. rotocast plastic instead of resin]. However, as mentioned in another post, it's likely that someone already has the license for Marvel banks.
  8. In looking at the first 30 series, counting variant figures as unique (i.e. each wave contains 7 figures) and excluding movie waves, the ratio of heroes to villains is: 120:41 [!!!] My "accounting" may be questionable to some. For example, I logged Silver Sable as a hero, Chameleon as JJJ as a villain, Venom as a villain, etc. But most were pretty clear-cut. It's time for more villainy! The question: Would you support a heavier balance of hero-villain 2-packs? Or even villain 2-packs when applicable? (e.g. Cobra and Mr. Hyde, Viper and Silver Samurai, Batroc and Zaran, Pyro and Avalanche, etc.)
  9. <best Shatner impression> elhoneeeeeeeeeeeeez! </curse> MUA-HA-HA! [twirls evil moustache] Sadly though I was not able to decode the last message, as I've been off the grid for the past few days. But congrats to the winners of the prize packs -- I'm anxious to see what kinda swag you end up with.
  10. The Vault Guard is cool -- I like that they included alt hands and feet to make the old O'Brien Guardsman. For Scorpion I was hoping for a bendy tail, but it's cool that it has some articulation at least.
  11. I think a Vault guard has potential to be pretty cool, especially if it looks like the original O'Brien Guardsman. There was a Vault Guardsman figure long ago in the ToyBiz 5" lines, but it was just an Iron Man repaint.
  12. I'm still hoping for an exclusive four-pack with one each of Hydra, AIM, Skrull, and maybe a Hand Ninja or Hellfire Goon. I'd buy an alarming number of those.
  13. We must be in synch, MiniFiend, 'cause I was just thinking about this this morning. I can sum up the gaps by wave, but it would be nice to see a table like Joe Ace's sometime. Listing those "yet to be made" in the Minimates line, by ML wave: ML1: Toad ML2: Trenchcoat Thing, Torch with "4" on chest ML3: Ben Affleck Daredevil ML4: Goliath, Jim Lee Beast ML5: Howard the Duck ML6: Doop, Thomas Jane Punisher, Classic Cable ML7: Transforming Classic Ghost Rider, Phasing Classic Vision ML8: Man-Thing, Black Costume Jim Lee Storm, Yelena Belova Black Widow ML9: Deathlok ML10: Omega Red, Mister Sinister, X-Factor Cyclops ML11: Vengeance, FA Thing, Hulkbuster Iron Man, Ionic Wonder Man ML12: Bishop (hair), Sasquatch, Snowbird Sasquatch, X-23, Red Iron Fist, Maestro ML13: Pyro, Blackheart, Onslaught, Melted Abomination, Crown of Lies Loki ML14: AOA Sabretooth, AOA Wolverine, AOA Burned Wolverine, Lockheed, Captain Britain, Scott Lang Ant-Man MLWM: Mojo, Longshot, Falcon, Modern Falcon, Zemo ML15: Beta Ray Bill, MODOK, Captain Marvel, Genis-Vell, Modern Wasp, Thorbuster Iron Man, Destroyer HML1: Annihilus, Planet Hulk, Banshee HML2: Blob, Xorn, Green Quicksilver, Yellowjacket, Lord Thor HMLFF: Ronan, Mole Man, Blue/White Mr. F, Blue/White Johnny Phasing, Blue/White Sue HMLSM: Movie Doc Ock, Movie Green Goblin HML3: Modern Black Knight, Danger, Marvel Girl, Cosmic Marvel Girl, Brood Queen HMLH: Fin Fang Foom, Wendigo, Doc Samson, Savage She-Hulk, King Hulk, The End Hulk HML4: Warlock, Silver Savage, Spiral HML5: Ares, KANG, Ult War Machine, Crossbones, Heroes Reborn Iron Man, Guardian HML6: Nemesis (Holocaust), Black Bolt, Tigra, Classic Nova, Combat Punisher, Camo Punisher MLBoxed: White Elektra, Labcoat Beast, Electro, HERBIE, Franklin Richards, Heroes Reborn Mr. F and Sue, Vulture, Lizard, Dracula, Zombie, Frankenstein, Werewolf by Night, Young Avengers x4, House of M x4, Ka-Zar, Zabu, Shanna MLFO: McF Leader, Modern(?) Red Skull, Mandarin, Jigsaw Punisher HML2PK: Forge, Hand Ninja, Dugan, Maria Hill, Sharon Carter, Generic SHIELD, Kree Soldier, FA Captain Marvel EXCL: Stan Lee, Black Queen Jean, F4/Lawyer She-Hulk, Marvel Girl Jean, Cable variant, Domino, Cannonball, AOA Sunfire Actually, quite a long list. Oops! Blizzerd beat me to it.
  14. That's an excellent question... Wolverine will be packed with Deadpool in the regular series, and the Wolv/Sabe 2-pack isn't labeled "exclusive." Is there something unique about either the Cap or the AIM agent? I'd also like to take this time to appreciate the awesomeness of that Bullseye.
  15. Looking at the (presumably) rotocast Ghostbusters banks -- Slimer and Sta-Puft -- made me think of a possible angle to get more MAX-sized Minimates, but at a more reasonable price point. My questions, for those of you who may be in the know: The original MAX statues were cast in resin and as such were pretty pricey. But they skirted the license limitation of two inches by making them non-poseable. Are materials part of the license as well? Meaning, they weren't cast in plastic because they couldn't be? I'm just thinking that, say, a Fin Fang Foom plastic "bank" in the Minimate style could probably retail for a much more affordable price than 80 bucks. I would SO drop 20-30 for a Fin Fang, Goliath, or Ultimo. And then I'd fill them with change to support my Minimate addiction...
  16. There you go! Cheers, sirs! I can weather the burning hatred, especially in a year where we're delivered Champions, Safari Wonder Man, Union Jack, Red Skull, Black Panther, FA Sabretooth, AIM and Hydra... Marvel Minimates kicks all kinds of asz with character selection. A sincere "thanks" to DST and AA for making this reveal fun. It's mighty cool of you guys to do this for us. Also, lest I forget, Scorpion! Yes! Here's hoping for classic with a big ol' bendy tail.
  17. Now that's just cruel. Let's give it up for our man elhonez, cipher king extraordinaire! I just knew this code would get broken eventually! ... although, unless they're planning to give us another House of M variant to go with him, a new Spidey just sort-of screams... Thank you, thank you... while I appreciate the votes of confidence, I'm guessing AA will up their game tomorrow. Anyone else think there might be a totally new cipher?
  18. Personally, I prefer the "House of Pain" Magneto:
  19. Yes! Bring me Vulture and the Vulturions. Other Spidey villains that wouldn't suck: Doc Ock re-do (longer bendy tentacles, a la Mr. F) Lizard Puma Scorpion Morbius Carrion Electro Beetle The Rose Humbug Jackal Swarm Kangaroo Boomerang Rocket Racer (a man can dream...)
  20. I know! I struggled with that for a while, trying to decide which number represented a space. I'm glad it's a slow day at work today...
  21. New Cipher: - 72 A 7 B C D 45 E 69 F 85 G H 48 I 96 J K L M 21 N 74 O 81 P 12 Q R 80 S 59 T U 8 V W X Y Z
  22. At least they're revealing the main character first... hoping for some classics in this wave.
  23. Codes are backwards now, with no spaces.
  24. If it IS backwards, it could still be Spider-Man. Can anyone do anything with this? _ _ _ S E _ _ M SPIDER-MAN I GOT IT! House of M Spider-Man!
  25. Don't know if this has been mentioned yet, but Moon Knight could easily have a variant -- Classic and Fist of Khonshu.
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