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Everything posted by elhonez

  1. Great lists! Some good 90s love there nandoninny. +1 to spiky iceman minifigvig, there is definitely more to mine under the AOA banner. Trekker I agree Proteus feels essential (and re: Juggs I really hope they find an outlet for the animated mates). Hellfire Samurai, like Trekker I thought they'd already done Mohawk Storm -- did you mean a different version? I made a custom FA Kitty but I'd be down for an official release.
  2. I've been looking through my MiniMate X-Men collection, and overall I am very satisfied with the coverage. That said, there are a few itches left to scratch when it comes to classic looks for our mutant heroes. Below are my top five, but I'd love to see yours as well: 1. Ariel (Kitty Pryde) 2. Colossus (80s Lapel) 3. Rachel Summers Phoenix 4. Mimic 5. Polaris (Shi'ar Costume)
  3. Wrestling does make sense. I think we had pretty much guessed everything else still on the air that wasn't a major franchise sport (MLB, NBA, NFL, etc.).
  4. W00t! I guessed one! (my track record of guessing your customs Luke is really, really poor)
  5. These are awesome! I like to see Jazz getting some love -- he still hasn't had a Masterpiece figure.
  6. Thanks! I had dug out all of my Outback-related X-Men mates, and recognized that with Mirage Michelangelo's spinning 'chucks I could make a pretty decent QC. I'm still not 100% on the head (TWD Gabriel), but it works for now. And if I get ambitious, I may someday use the second spinner to do a Talisman (80s Contest of Champions), the only other character I know who uses a bullroarer.
  7. BatMankind, the Animated Series Mankind vs. Wild The Mankind from U.N.C.L.E. FireSuperfly
  8. Yeah! That's gotta be the source. So great -- I love that you applied the yellow detail to the hands.
  9. You nailed it. For the red arms and legs, I am forgetting -- I could have used any red figures, like MK Daredevil for ex. I think I used a SA Angel torso bracket for the wings, to match Firestar's yellow torso. On the right, it's parts of Jewel, plus maybe blond Archangel's wing bracket (?), and Martian Manhunter's blue boot cuffs and feet. I was going to say the wrist cuffs were from Booster Gold, but they look darker than that, so I'm not sure.
  10. I'll be at SDCC this year, looking forward to seeing these in person!
  11. This would be the Wasp I'd want. I customized one, but I'd really like to see a standard release:
  12. I love the diversity in these lists -- it really reflects how much territory MiniMates have covered.
  13. Remember those old 3" Bruce Lee mates? Anyone still looking for any of those? Context: A few years ago I had picked up the Hong Kong Dragon figure because I wanted to see if his sanjiegun would work for a 2" custom (it didn't), and I never got around to selling it. Are you a big Bruce Lee fan? Did you happen to miss this figure to complete your collection? Something you were always interested in but never picked up? Let me know, I want this guy to find a happy home.
  14. Madcap and Spider-Punk are my favorites -- very creative use of parts!
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