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Everything posted by battlecat

  1. I hadn't picked up any of these except a polybag Gandalf and Bilbo, but yesterday I randomly saw the hobbit hole set on sale at my TRU (nothing crazy, basically just going for the high US MSRP instead of the crazy-high Canadian MSRP) and impulse bought the heck out of it. Whoever designed this thing is a bit of a mad genius, I just love the look of it. Not that bothered about the minifigs though, so if anyone's looking for them check out my post in the want/have thread. Anyone bought the huge Saruman tower yet? So tempted.
  2. Personally, I think pop culture awareness of POTA is way, way higher than LiS. And while Minimate horses would be great, I don't think they're that core to the main Apes characters -- I mean, with Ghost Rider the bike is part of his power set, and part of his name even. Even the Eastwood mates being horseless didn't ruin that line. And I'm not a Apes superfan or anything, but I do think a set or two would really sell.
  3. Wow, thanks for gathering all that extra info for us monkeycrumb! The fact that some Kubricks were made seems like a silly reason not to do a classic Apes set, it's never discouraged them from pursuing Minimate licenses before.
  4. Title reuse only, Ultron origin story, no Pym. Whedon:
  5. It's kind of a weird pose, but she's got the top from Spidey's costume behind her and she's pulling on the arms. You can see it a bit better in this pic:
  6. Some statue prototypes from Dark Horse
  7. Thanks for posting the pics Storm, get some sleep! Some great surprises in there, Winter Soldier/Falcon set seems like it could actually be a "shut up already MMMV" selection , and I feared the window had closed on getting a Rescue so that's awesome. I even like the Ultronbot from that silly comic.
  8. Yeah, I noticed the leg thing back when the first series of Walking Dead mates came out. And I noticed it right out of the package, not from close-up photos, because I think it leaves a weird looking gap between the top of the legs and the bottom of the torso. I think some of the WD mates since then have gone back and used the old legs though.
  9. Yeah, for me Superior was an idea that sounded terrible, but then the execution has been so great that it works, just like when they brought Bucky back or turned Flash into Venom. I've liked this series way more than Slott's stuff in Amazing leading up to it.
  10. I think it's 5000? The eBay prices are mindblowing...
  11. Man, I loved Parker's run right up until it switched to Dark Avengers, thought it kind of fell apart after that. Cage T-bolts would be awesome, but I'd want Troll in there too, maybe with Boomerang to round it out.
  12. I loved their short-lived Turtles line, and I think I still have the Bride from Kill Bill around here somewhere, but overall I'm not that into realistic video game/movie figures. Some of their sculpts are definitely impressive for that scale though, from what I've seen on review sites. Their Gremlins line almost pulled me in a while back.
  13. Uh, hey there universe, thanks for the quick response. It's also a shame that I don't have a million dollars. Just putting that out there.
  14. It is very in-character for that movie... where he acted totally out of character . I skipped Die Hard Picard but grabbed the rest, hopefully I can find the boring old TV show Picard soon, he looks great in the photos people have posted, and if that's the Darmok knife he comes with that's pretty rad.
  15. That's an old/common misconception -- it just looks like they keep growing because a dead body dehydrates and kind of shrivels up, but hair and nails don't shrink, so they look like they've grown in comparison. The more (gross stuff) you know!
  16. Yes, but I would basically just want a Walt Through The Ages set -- underwear, Heisenberg, yellow lab suit/gas mask, and I guess throw in a Jesse for the final spot.
  17. Nice, looks like my extreme procrastination finally paid off! I still hadn't gotten around to buying any of that clear coat stuff, so my first T-cats set remains unopened...
  18. The Smith & Robot prototypes they had on display at Toy Fair were in color.
  19. Well it looks like they all have white chest light thingies, not blue, since Stark isn't wearing them...
  20. I would so buy a Namor in hobo clothes... that is all I have to contribute to this discussion.
  21. Wow, I like Smith & robot in black and white way more, definitely picking them up...
  22. Gah! They finally make a great looking Baroness and she's stuck in a $100 exclusive set!? So probably $200+ at BBTS. Sad now.
  23. Death Star is $400, in the States anyway. For us lucky Canadians, Lego mark up their MSRPs a bunch for no apparent reason, looks like this Ewok set will be $300 here. And I was just starting to talk myself into getting Saruman's tower from the LOTR line, which looks awesome too...
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