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Everything posted by maxcarnage

  1. very cool! have never seen a mess up like that before
  2. these are sweet. if some has an extra I would trade you for a MIB raft sentry or Frosty Iceman?
  3. Sometimes I find myself at target or even TRU and I look at all the toys and say to myself " these figure really blow, I wish they sold minimates." Although on a rare occasion I am tempted by star wars, really only clone troopers and bounty hunters and only when they have some crazy articulation. Really the best comic figure are minimates. I mean even ML has gone down.
  4. here is a great picture showing batmen and catwomen scales
  5. Ok so after I finally clamed down. I called back my LCS and asked when they were going to get the re-stock that I paid for. They said they should be in next Thursday (a week from today). So a week I guess I can make it. But I did realize it is better that this crazyness happened with this series. For this series I was not too thrilled about (although checking out those pictures I have been changing my mind) especially looking at next wave. Wave 3… Wonder Women, Green Arrow, Aquaman, holy cow!! Thus this was a great lesson to learn: ALWAYS call ahead and reserve minimates, especially those DC ones.
  6. those look awsome can't wait until next week, that is when the re-stock is suposed to be coming in my LCS. If some could could they post a pict of Brainiac 13 next to one of the other mates?
  7. well here in AZ NO one has gotten any bsg minimates. I have called 3 stores 2 in phoenix and one here in tucson all have ordered the BSG mates but noen have reseved them yet. my LCS has called dimond and they keep telling him they are not out yet. sure it has been almost a month since these came out but still none in AZ. so really the answer is... no one knows.
  8. Those guys look great. I love the open shirt on peter and that transforming venom is wicked cool.
  9. I would have posted some pictures (see my post) still really pissed off. I don't think I can even look at the pictures or bring my self to read the reviews.
  10. So I went to my LCS for wave 2 of DC and what did I find all sold out! The guy in front of me bought them all. The store had just opened not 5 minutes before.You know I you would think you shop at one store and only buy minimates, you would think they might hold them for you. Nothing. Really pissed off. Then because I am such nice costumer I give them the money anyway and say when they get them in again (next month) to at least hold these for me. And to top it all off still NO Battlestar galactica minimate, that’s right is has been 3 weeks and nothing in this whole crap ass state. Now some of you might ask well why not get them somewhere else. Well, this is the ONLY comic book store with in 100 mile (no really, 100 miles I would have to go to phoenix). Now normally I would go, but forget it by now they are most likely all gone. Oh yeah and I already paid for them. What about online? I don’t believe in buying online call me crazy but I don’t what it is. I may have to get over that though. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! Sorry I really needed to vent, because NO one else really cares; family, people at work, friends. No one would understand that if I had only gotten there 5 minutes earlier I could have had them. But now I am stuck here with nothing, I had planned to post pictures this evening but no. really sorry.
  11. green goblin II looks cool. I think he even comes with his board/glider.
  12. For those who have ordered this set how much was total. You know after shipping and handling?
  13. They look awesome! And why wouldn't spiderman3+minimate=awesome. I am really excited to get a good look MJ to replace the ugliest minimate 3 years in a row.
  14. These sets look great! I am really exicted. Although some of the mates look a little weird. Bizzarro's face and the sgt. rock. Oh well they may still change and if not, I will still get them.
  15. I thought they were always coming out this week?
  16. does anyone know if these will be available at our LCS?
  17. WHAT!!!! you left the cylons at the mall!!!! nooooo!!! Quick go back and get them. they rock, they are awsome! but don't bother with the speed racer save your money for dc wave 2 and xmen3!!!
  18. If you had asked that question last year you would have gotten a totally different response. But as of now I think minimates are some of the best toys out there. Check out this review: Also hit up and to see what is out there.
  19. Disclaimer: I should note that I am a huge fan of the x-men movies and costumes and thus is may (and probably does) cloud my judgment. I have been eagerly awaiting the arrival of the BSG mates for a long time. And since last months awesome DC wave 1, I have also been eagerly awaiting wave 2. So when I call my LCS and they said minimates were in I was overjoyed, when they said they were the x-men 3 mates I was… ehhhh. But I have to say that this line is the best marvel minimates since… maybe the Fanatics Four wave or the Punisher/Blade wave. While that is not saying much considering the past 4 wave kind of blow especially when put next to the latest DC wave, these mates are different. There is NO reuse of parts. Even where there could have been (wolverine’s hands, beast’s jacket) nothing totally new molds. I was getting very worried with minimates for sometime now. With the latest marvel and speed racers lines, AA was really starting to let me down. But everything to come out this year has been great and totally blown my mind. This line lives up to this new standard. True there are some drawbacks. Storm’s oven mitts, Colossus’ hair, Jean’s dress not allowing her feet to move (a problem through out minimate history), but these are minor when the set is looked at as a whole. And when put next to the astonish wave, well just see the picutres. These little guys and gals rock and totally blew way by expectations.
  20. here you go EDITED by Shanester
  21. To any who has not seen this movie: Watch it. It is one of the best minimates movie ever. And it is the best dc minimate moive ever.
  22. this is cool i am glad they are doing box sets. I love box sets. i think thsy are a great idea.
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