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Everything posted by maxcarnage

  1. while I do agree with the punisher. I almost missed the deadline myself thinking that the 18th was a Sunday, so let them join. Besides I found a really hot babe for my "minimate and hot girl shot," I am in really good spirits.
  2. This is very exciting. at first I was not looking forward to this set at all. but I have been reading up on the characters and seing how great the rest of the DC stuff is and now I am really exited for this line!
  3. Just called my LCS they are get wave 16 this week! I can't wait.
  4. Interesting... who did you steal parts from to make it? free comic book with Kingpins torso? It's actually not a unique mate but is so far unique to the contest so I'm going to allow it. One of the mates in the 'bag of blanks' that is up for grabs for the 'First place winner' includes a pretty rare and only available if you know who to talk to "pure white blank" minimate from AA. These are used by their artists to create prototypes etc and out side of AA or working for them are not easy to come by. T. Thanks for allowing it in, I thought I was being really clever. My other thought was to go all black, but that meant taking apart a classic cylon, this way was a lot easier. it was actually kingpin and wizard world white, but really close. Today I did rubberband ball and buying minimates. The guys at the comic book store had a lot of fun with the "buying minimates." most likely because I was actually buying minimates and not staging them. That is what I was going to do but luckily they had Boomer and Cylon so I bought them. I am hopefully going to get "pretty girl" today too.
  5. I have been reading up on these guys. I think they are really cool and I would tottaly buy them, IF thye were not 10 bucks a pop! think about from that price you could get 2 minimates. Maybe if they come down in price I would think about it. I really like the idea that they are not licensed characters and so off the wall.
  6. I hope I am not too late!? I figure less is more.
  7. After some searching I finaly found these guys. I got the stormshadow pretty sweet. They remind me of the VCT star wars. Wish I could buy more, but more minimates are on their way. mine did that too. It happened when I put him in a crouch, adn his torso bent.
  8. I just got Scotty and Bones pack and in case you wanted to see how the old Kirk looks compared to the new:
  9. here are some picts of star treks mates I did not have enough money to get Scotty and Bones and finish off BSG wave 2. I should be going back toady to get those. hopefully
  10. it looks like the 3in body (that is the Sauron size) to me. but either way they look awesome!
  11. Ok you had the better. congratulations
  12. Awesome! a suncoast exclusive too great. I bet if this sells well (which I am sure it will) DST will try and get FYE to buy the lost target spiderman wave.
  13. I just happened to be in the neighborhood of a different comic book store, that I do not normally go. This comic book store does not carry minimates, which is really why I do not go there. BUT... today they did! They had the original 5 packs from TRU AND the 4 packs that came out later! They had been opened to see the mystery figure, but other untouched for $12. I bought the hulk/daredevil pack, and will most likely be going back tomorrow to get the spiderman pack. OK so maybe is was not the best find in the world but I know there are a lot of new collector out there that missed their Hulk and Banner. so check out my want/have list, and make me an offer.
  14. that is logical as they were not selling the chase at SDCC. Wait did I just "logical!" Too much Star Trek.
  15. I was never and Huge fan of the sho,w but it has grown on me too. I think mainly because there are no other comicbook shows on any more. Well they are starting the spiderman so I guess if that does not suck we will have another tv show that we wished they made minimates for.
  16. That would be a cool set, based off a cool show.
  17. I was kind of hoping to get him with the jacket. Oh well still a cool set.
  18. Targets should have them by now anyway, so you don't have to worry about going to K-Mart anymore. Of course, that's only if your Target hasn't sold out of them. The one I went to sold all of their 5-packs (about 6-7 of each) in one day. I actually went to Target first (needed to buy clothes) and they did not have them. but I think on my way home from work I will stop at a target and TRU
  19. After reading this tread I decided to check these guys out. I drove out to the only k-mart and they did not have any, I was a little bummed. But I had forgotten why I don't go to k-marts. I have not been to a K-mart since the days of C3. They are kind of dirty not like Wal-mart but pretty close.
  20. I agree they are so cool. I really like the pilots. see how cool they are at:
  21. sounds like as good an answer as any. either that or DST hates us.
  22. Sorry I meant this week. "ever again" would be grave news indeed.
  23. I just called my LCS (west coast) and they said they are not getting any new minimates
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