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Everything posted by MisterPL

  1. Zach, please tell me DST is somehow taking advantage of this partnership between CBS and WB. I'm not sure I'd be up for characters from The Big Bang Theory dressed in Trek uniforms but I'd love to see Legacy Minimates adorning Sheldon's computer desk. I'd send them some samples if I were you. Trek's ongoing presence on one of TV's top comedies can't hurt, right?
  2. I understand your concern but they can't plan or design anything until they know this multi-era formula is a winner. I think this is how Trek 'mates should have been offered from the start and expect it to work. The great irony is that they're trying Trek again in a movie year with a film based on TOS characters so there's some reasonable doubt. Fortunately there's not a lot of Trek merchandise on the shelves to compete with. Hasbro's Fighter Pods seems to be it. I was happy to see the Star Trek logo nice and big on the Legacy packaging, though. The only problem is that new fans of the films looking for their favorite characters won't find any they recognize. So again, there's doubt. I'd love to be optimistic but apparently even pre-orders haven't bolstered DST's confidence enough to plan Series 2. They'll wait for sell-through, see exactly which SKUs sold best, and move forward from there. I don't think it will take long after they finally hit retail to determine whether this formula works or not so hopefully they can start planning the line's future in late June/early July. Zach already said "I imagine more TOS would be in the offering, specifically in the classic color-coding they use in the new films." That leads me to believe that 1) They want to take advantage of the recent film look and 2) They want to keep at least some of the designs simple enough to produce quickly. Fortunately a good deal of Trek characters wear simple costumes that don't require a lot of new sculpting and tooling, if any. They should be able to turn a second series around within six months, maybe less as they did with X-Men: First Class.
  3. Yeah, sorry I missed your hint. I'm tired. I agree, some backdrops (whether printed or sculpted) wouldn't hurt. If there was a way to turn the packaging into a simple diorama, maybe by printing something on the back of the cross promotional insert, that might suffice. Personally I'd prefer a shuttlecraft but I'd settle for an ink-on-paper backdrop. But only one X-Man belongs on the bridge of the Enterprise:
  4. They're toys. There's no wrong way to play with them. I never watched the original Thundercats cartoons and may have seen half of the new ones. That's a lot like saying I've never seen the original Star Trek but I've seen the first Abrams flick. That doesn't keep me from appreciating, collecting, and enjoying the Thundercats Minimates. They just appeal to me even though they're from Thundara (or wherever) and not Manhattan. Same with Halo. I've never played the game and know very little about the property but I liked the 'mates and vehicles enough to add them to my collection. All that said, I've always been like that. My Mego collection knew no boundaries but those of my imagination. I had no problem having Kirk's crew travel back in time to Gotham City to get Batman's assistance in solving a mystery on the Planet of the Apes, one that somehow involved Tarzan and Spider-Man. I didn't care if it didn't make sense because it was fun. It still is. Is it a personal thing? Maybe. Any toy's probably easier to appreciate if you're already familiar with its respective brand but that doesn't mean you shouldn't be able to enjoy it as a decent toy.
  5. I think DST is being understandably cautious. In the past, they've banked almost exclusively on TOS-era Trek, especially with Minimates. Now that they're offering a mix of eras, they're waiting for sell-through before green-lighting a second series with either a similar mix or one that skews toward those 2-packs that sell best. Personally I hope they all sell well. They've got the license for more than a year or two, I'm sure. There's no hurry (unless you're only collecting Trek 'mates). I'm as eager as any fan to fill my collection with more of these little guys but I also want them to be done right. Hopefully this mix of characters will be a huge hit and DST can move forward with confidence. And as someone who collects other lines (Marvel, Walking Dead, Disney, Thundercats and hopefully Tomb Raider, Invincible, Lost in Space and Aliens), I'm okay with Trek taking its time while other, more finite offerings fill the void.
  6. I have a favorite Trek series and a least favorite (same with films) but I'll take Trek 'mates from ANY of them. I'm not picky. Gimme a feather-dancing Uhura!
  7. Fighter Pods. They come in a small variety of flavors like Star Trek, Star Wars, Transformers, and Marvel Comics. Maybe Squinkies? They've got even more licensed and non-licensed properties to choose from.
  8. My hunch was right. Just went to TRU at lunch and scored a whole set. All that were left are the Mark 42 and Iron Patriot sets, two of each as I recall. Now for the opening and the huffing... Very cool. I'll give that a try! Thanks!
  9. Do I need a smart phone? All I have is a Kirk Classic flip phone.
  10. I'd be up for a collection-filler series: Hulkbuster Iron Man Iron Spidey Justin Hammer Battle-damaged Hammer Drone AIM Soldier SHIELD Agent (Of course that's just my collection.)
  11. I'm not an idiot. I know how to properly capitalize. The same cannot be said for the board software. I recently started a topic with "DC Comics" in the title and the software apparently disagreed with me and "corrected" the abbreviation. It wouldn't even let me use "D.C. Comics" and insisted on changing it to "D.c. Comics." I know this is nitpicky but, damn, these futuristic tools are supposed to help makes thing better not promote illiteracy. My blood pressure is through the roof over this and my therapist doesn't take calls today for another two hours. If we could shut this feature off, it would save me a trip to the doctor. ANd maybe the E.R. (Sorry: "E.r." ) Thanks.
  12. If anyone's looking to play a DC game with a comprehensive cast of characters, this is it. I'd love to see DST get into the video game arena, if only by licensing their patented Minimates bodies to a game developer so they can slap popular characters on them. But I digress... LOADS of characters in this game, all adorable. Still, shouldn't the game be called "Scibblenauts Masked?"
  13. I'll gladly add whatever Minimates DST wants to produce from this line to my collection, whether it lasts two years or twenty. I can already see myself buying multiples of some of these sets. Even the Enterprise vehicles – which I was not happy about a couple Toy Fairs ago – have grown on me. Speaking of being a completist, I really need to track down a Unification Spock. I don't need Elf Spock but I'd love to get that TNG version.
  14. Even the tampo colors appear different (at least to me). Now I'm tempted to put the gold armor on the TRU body. And since these are tied in to an event movie, maybe they'll show up quicker than usual at most stores. It would be nice not to have to wait another four weeks to see these on pegs.
  15. This could be interesting. On one hand, DST's never really exploited Marvel TV properties, even Spider-Man cartoons. On the other hand, this show ties in directly to the very successful live-action films so it seems like a natural extension of that. I'd adopt a wait & see strategy. See how ratings go, figure out who the most popular characters are, and see if any costumed crime-fighters make cameos. (Unless of course Disney decides they absolutely need Agents of SHIELD Minimates to tie in to a Disney Store promotion this fall. Then I'm in. )
  16. If recent history is any indication, TRU's Iron Man 3 assortment won't show up in these parts for another month so, yeah, I'll be on a Minimates fast until then. I may do a little foraging for quick customs or work on some displays but I really should be stashing cash for all the Trek, Marvel, Walking Dead, and SDCC goodness coming this way. (And congrats to Jeff!)
  17. As long as DST doesn't shy away from offering characters other than captains, the line should do well. The aliens help make the 2-packs look unique on the pegs but fans of Trek have their favorite characters and they don't all wear captain's uniforms. Spock, Data, and T'Pol are just a few examples. This property has the potential to be as broad and deep as Marvel. There are a lot of characters and viable variants of the most popular ones. Add to that the potential for vehicles – starships, shuttles, etc. – and this line could go on for a decade, too. Hopefully Star Trek Into Darkness will bring in more new fans while reruns of the TV shows nurture them in between movies.
  18. I never get to ride the fire truck. Good find, Jettstorm! The hunt is on!
  19. Sorry for the late reply but, no, they don't come with the hard plastic stands. At first that disappointed me but after trying both with my Hall of Armor display, the softer, rubber stands fit better. I'd buy those by the dozen even though some are warped.
  20. When does the Game of Thrones license get announced?
  21. My TRU is down to four boxes from this series; two of each FF. It'll be interesting to see if they get more in. The clearance prices don't seem to be moving many of the others (Amazing Spider-Man, Series 12-14, Marvel vs. Capcom). I expect the Iron Man 3 series to blow out once that hits if only because or pent-up demand.
  22. The one exclusive I'm looking forward to most is probably the stands. I'm committing to displaying my collection after years of being put in tackle boxes and need about a thousand of those little pegged discs. (But I'll probably start with a couple hundred.)
  23. I would buy tickets to visit this factory.... You don't need to buy one if you find the Golden Ticket! (Or the Mustard Yellow Ticket. Depends on which half of the factory you gain access to.)
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