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Everything posted by MisterPL

  1. When it's this early in the line, I don't see how they could lose by showing concept art for the next couple releases, even if those series aren't set in stone. Just show the art without assigning them series. I'd just like to see something to build consumer confidence, to get collectors off the fence because the manufacturer doesn't seem committed to delivering more than four of the big players in a line brimming with popular characters. If they can launch Marvel that way, why not GI Joe? Imagine launching a line of Star Wars figures with just Boba Fett and Darth Maul. Oh, wait... ?
  2. LEGO minifigures have used cloth goods for decades. Maybe it's time for DST to look into using fabric where it makes sense.
  3. I thought Legacy was the way to go from the beginning. Give us characters from every era. But by the time Legacy came out, the line had already been so TOS-heavy that even a pseudo movie tie-in couldn't save it. It's long past time to give TNG-era Minimates the spotlight, especially since TNG, DS9, and VOY were the longest running series, not to mention that new shows like Picard, Lower Decks and the upcoming Prodigy are set in the same timeframe.
  4. Would anyone be LESS interested in GI Joe Minimates if DST showed us designs for the next two assortments? Back in my day, I'd pick up a cool toy at retail and flip it over to see what else was in the line. Sometimes they'd show stuff that was "COMING SOON!" I don't recall ever seeing what might come next and deciding, "Oh, they're going to offer even more cool toys for this line? No, thanks!"
  5. I think it'd be challenging to launch a line of Star Trek Minimates a third time without Kirk. However, it doesn't have to be Shatner's Kirk and, as Captain Paco said, it could be an alternate version from any number of popular episodes. But I agree, Shatner's Kirk is pretty low on my list thanks to all the Minimates I already have of him.
  6. Congrats, Carlos! This is one of the few 'mates I was tempted to leave in the packaging because of that retro vibe. Very cool. ?
  7. #BlackLegsMatter DST has offered stands. I was hoping that would at least lead to accessories and tiny props. (Gimme an arsenal of firearms or melee weapons or PEW PEW! FX.) For some reason they (Chuck) are reluctant to offer blanks. I'm guessing it's because blanks might be perceived as a construction set and that distinction is what has kept Marvel and other licensed properties in their portfolio.
  8. I think I've already posted at length about what Kirk variants I'd be interested in so I won't bother Wishlisting them all over again. Suffice to say episode-themed sets would be welcome from any era so long as they didn't retread what we've already gotten SO much of. (Offer a "Best of" assortment for the uninitiated if needed.)
  9. They definitely need to move away from TOS. There's so much more material pre- and post-TOS. Hell, gimme Arex and M'Ress from TAS or ANYONE from Lower Decks before yet another ShatKirk in uniform.
  10. I lost track of how many sets from Series 4 I picked up. That was a pretty solid series. Got lots of Fury 161 inmates out of that one set. ?
  11. I hate it when the studio starts with an arbitrary release date. While I'm sure they must have something in mind, they didn't disclose the creative team or any of the cast. That said, I'd be happy if Paramount just made a Star Trek movie on the sly and suddenly released it. That way I wouldn't have to hear all that incessant bitching from prejudiced "fans" leading up to the premiere. But, yeah, Star Trek Minimates! Gimme more.
  12. How appropriate. ? I never considered myself a huge fan of this franchise but, damn, I have a hard time NOT buying every Alien Minimate I see. If DST ever gets the chance to continue with Alien 3, Resurrection, Isolation, and whatever Disney cooks up, I'm there.
  13. Well, dang it. Now I need a Sharon Rogers. ? ?
  14. I got your Hydro Amour right here. ❤️ ? #AllArmorsMatter
  15. Yeah, half of this assortment is loaded with must-haves for me. I love Iron Man but I'd prefer a new armor (although this is a chance for newbies to get one at retail).
  16. [adds to weekend To-Do list...]
  17. I may have to do some actual surgery and painting to get the desired effect so, yes, a labor of love indeed. I'm just not sure if I want to go with the more practical leggings from her earliest appearances or nude. The latter would certainly help her stand out from the boys club.
  18. Outstanding! That looks like an expensive crew to assemble. I'm working on a Blackhawk Squadron a little at a time. I've only got a little work to do on my Fury 161 inmates from Alien 3. I appreciate the dedication it takes to reach a goal like this.
  19. I'm not sure which is more profitable for Diamond, the comics or the merchandise. I've been waiting for someone to snatch up DST for a while now.
  20. I just picked up that Iron Giant Vinimate today. It is glorious.
  21. That poster was a woman's idea? If so I'll gladly rephrase. Either way, early promotion showing so many different characters was a great way to boost consumer confidence regarding not only how many characters might be on the immediate horizon but how deep into the franchise DST was willing to go. Yeah, we had to wait a while for Toad but it was great to see him in the crowd. I'd be content with a motorcycle but as an old school Joe fan, I wouldn't mind seeing DST's version of this set. ?
  22. Agreed. Remember when Marvel Minimates were announced with that lone 4-pack? ? Fuck no. Art Asylum went balls first. There was a promotional poster featuring two dozen character designs. It's sad enough that Marketing apparently has "zero to do" with bringing a franchise like this to DST. Promote the latest licensed property the way it's worked in the past. At least put an ad in IDW's comics.
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