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Everything posted by pickle

  1. i would like to see minimates for Dynamite Entertainment: Red Sonja, Army of Darkness, Comic style Battlestar Galactica, etc. mostly though, just give me comic style Battlestar Galactica :tongue:
  2. yeah haha. i have not heard anything definite. I mean if you heard the core collectors say stuff like "i will only buy it cause i buy every minimate anyway" or "i am going to skip this one", would you release it? They also missed any sort of prime time release date, so best to take the loss and move on to better things.
  3. yeah, just my guess. but i guessed wrong. just getting my hopes up.
  4. Great Call!! thank you i try real hard.
  5. wow, sure are a lot of giveaways and contests going on. does this happen after most conventions? sure is a nice forum, nicer then most.
  6. the only DC set i would want to see would be: Corrupt Supergirl (Kara-Zor-El) / 2.5" Darkseid
  7. ah yeah!!!!!!!!! thank you the fine folks at SciFi channel ans Shanester for the heads up.
  8. I sure hope the rest of us can get wave two at our LCS on the first, i don't think i can wait too much longer. being as how i mainly only get the BSG minimates, i am always happy to get more cylons in different packages. i am very excited to see this exclusive(well, kinda an exclusive)
  9. could someone grab me one? i will trade a McQuarrie boba fett for it
  10. when a girl brakes up with you, then you move and and your ex comes back and is all like "i miss you". twice this has happened in the last year!!!! but the most complicated things are the things worth doing. also, when money problems come up and you can't even afford the zombie minimates you said you wanted. sorry about that guys, next time i will make sue i have the money. please forgive me.
  11. maybe it is a simple black blank with the Sci-fi channel logo on it. or maybe even the BSG symbol.
  12. does anyone know if the unmasked spidey will come with the peter parker head, the half masked head or will it come with both heads? i like the half mask a lot more! sorry if this question has been asked already.
  13. :o whatever it is i want one ...........or three
  14. those look great! how did you do on this final project? do you have some marks you will share?
  15. My name is Kevin Thomas. When I was in grade eight I had a friend who had a sister who dated a boy named Kevin Pickal. He just started calling me pickle as a nickname and that is the name I have decided to use. My avatar is a piece of art by Hoang Nguyen called Little Red. I have a signed and numbered print of it on my wall. he is one of two artists I adore. The other is Takeshi Miyazawa (of spider-man loves mary jane). ..........I really am a Herald of Galactus.
  16. look it up at Minimates Central! should be the answer you are looking for
  17. well, i am going to take a shot in the dark ummmm: 1, Eagle 2, Nervous 3, Shanester 4, Storm 1.08 5, dockingbay97
  18. i will pick the unlucky 13 oh, and happy birthday
  19. they got the the new bumblebee in the zellers where i live today!
  20. i am a big fan of rap/hip hop like Mos Def, DL Incognito, anything that spits hot fire. my favorite group is the British downtempo group Zero 7!!!!!!! Mozez is great as well.
  21. woot woot, now on to your question
  22. dang the answer is the coffee bean. and i am also quite embarrassed that i am the only one who reads mary jane who is galactus's first herald?
  23. is there not a second I,Robot coming out with Ronald D. Moore writing it? maybe we might see the minimates.
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