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The Vox

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Everything posted by The Vox

  1. I was surprised to find these at my LCS yesterday! Just 3 packs set aside for me (with variant) so I still need to get standard sabertooth and maybe an extra Gambit and Deadpool because they are toooooo freaking sweet! A little bummed out by the bad paint on Psylockes shoulder.. a bit weird as it looks like the flesh color was painted over top so I have a spot where that paint was rubbed off.. but nothing worth dampening my excitement over the rest of the wave. Strangest of all.. I have still not seen the Ulti'Mates wave here yet. Hmmm... maybe next week. Well between this and Blackest Night, I have had some great visits to the LCS!! Great Deadpool comic by the way.. hilarious pictures!!
  2. Odd, I usually get a call from my LCS by now when a new wave is coming out. We didn't get 27 last week so I don't know what is happening here in SLC. Any other Northern Utah people see these waves yet... anywhere? SOOO stoked about Deadpool & Gambit :mrt: er.. Mr. G. I've only read Deadpool a little in his own books.. but I made a character in City of Heroes that was deadpool in every way and I can't tell you how much fun it is to play as that type of character... I wish I had the free time needed to get into a game that deep again.. Blades, Teleporting, Healing Factor, hand to hand combat... and I was a smart A. Good times.. now bring on the mini!
  3. brilliant! got a real LOL out of me.
  4. darn, I thought this was a thread for Chuck Norris as Walker, Texas Ranger!! Now that's a mini I would support!! vox
  5. The Batman Season 5 Minimates would have been the coolest wave of minis ever made. I didn't collect the regular figure line.. but when I saw how they did supes, flash, martian, green lantern, hawkman.. I had to track down every single one of them.. so tired of the JLU figures look. The Batman was a great show and would have continued to make amazing minis if given the chance. seriously tho, any art on any DC minis pains me. These would have been cool.
  6. Hoping to go next year. I remember checking our bags at the con on Sunday after checking out of the hotel worked out perfect back in 07. I should see if I can hire a friend to run my stuff back to the room for me next year. Maybe if I run into that Greedo that had a sign saying, "will shoot first for food".. I could hire him to watch my purple Hal Jordan (or whatever is the uber prize of the con that year)
  7. I actually do think of Marvel Minis when I see a character printed somewhere.. but I guess my positive nature comes through.. I tend to notice characters and say to myself, "Hey, there is a minimate made of this figure". Vox
  8. So will the site have a "make your own" minimate? I figure maybe a generic color and face change thing.. It would be really cool if you could actually have one made for you. I'll have to try and log on tomorrow and see whats what.
  9. I'm surprised how many Utah collectors are at the show.. if I would have known you were all going I would have tried bribing you ahead of time to pick me up a Blue Hal Jordan (or yellow.. or red..) :biggrin: I just should have realized months ago that the 50 year anniversary of the character would be a big deal at the show. So.. what are battle beasts?
  10. If there are any DC fans there I would make it worth your while if you can get me a Hal Jordan of one (or more) of the different colors. Blue Hal, Red Hal, Yellow Hal, (or Orange Hal). I'd pay cost, plus troubles, plus undying friendship and help tracking down future mates.
  11. ya the game really REALLY feels like you are playing through a third movie that is set just a few years after GBII. Lots of fun.. though now that I played it I keep thinking of other ghosts that would have been cool.. its all good... I'm sure I'll track these down eventually.. my wallet is a little overwhelmed by all the mini news combined with all the green lantern news.
  12. Congratulations 2009 graduates. Oh wait.. there's a minimate in the picture too! (see 1st pic posts) got hosed at the LCS on this one.. he sold the ones he got in and i'll have to wait till next shipment. TRU pulled through and these things are amazing. Makes me want a real big stay puft now. That picture of the big puft is amazing. Just watched GB1 again.. probably have to see it a 3rd time sometime this month.
  13. The problem with making Star Wars Minimates is that they would be way too sweet. It's right up there with getting 15 Waves of DC Minis.. It's just too right.. so it can't happen. On the bright side I've heard good buzz on the possibility of a Thelma & Louise box set.
  14. ya... but wouldn't it be cool if they made Electric Blue Superman?!?! (sorry.. couldn't resist) He's dead Jim.
  15. My case of 12 had an extra Slimer/Slimed Peter & Winston/T-Dog. According to Ivan, the Winston/Dog set seemed to be the only ones left at most stores in this area. I guess I could pick up another one and stick real marshmellow on him to make a custom variant. Ivan: ha ha ha I can't remember his name either.. I was just so excited to find the mates.. ha ha.. hmm.. let me see I think it was Ceasar or something similar. Honestly I may call the store and ask because I would like to have at least one place in Salt Lake where the staff are happy to put up with my calls and visits. I can't wait to get off work and crack these mates open.. I really want an Ecto 1 now!
  16. I always thought that was funny when Peter didn't have anywhere close to as much marshmellow on him... I wondered if when reading the script he said, "I already get covered in slime.. I'm not doing marshmellow too!" ha ha Just got back from the Sugar House Toys R Us (Salt Lake City) and ran into Ivan. They barely got a case in of GB so we each scored a full set. Funny to run into another MMMV member in a store. Up until now I have only met some of you at SDCC. Sounds like there are quite a few regulars along the Wasatch Front. ;P My nephew is a huge ghostbuster fan and lives about 45 minutes north of me. He came up empty twice this week at the Layton TRU so I grabbed him the extra Slimmer set. I believe that Layton TRU is the last store in Utah that hasn't got these yet (unless they got them in today) and now every store is wiped out. Crazy. That's 5 TRU's in a smaller population state that sold out instantly. Anyway, the TRU people told me on the phone that they got "12 in" and then no one at the store knew anything about it. Finally an associate found the case from the back and brought it out. He told us all (my wife was with me as well) that we needed to fill out the customer servey and state that he was helpful. As for me, I am happy to do anything that will promote any sort of assistance for collectors! Did you fill yours out Ivan? I know there are many people missing out on these since they are in such high demand but hopefully selling out this fast will mean good things for the future distribution of the line. They look fantastic and I can't wait for more.. Hopefully Volts (LCS) will get me a box set soon.. I got hosed on the first shipment.. I ain't fraid of no ghost, Vox
  17. These look fantastic.. my LCS said he'll have these in next wednesday.. so I'll have to wait. At least I'll have time to dig through my spare parts and find some black legs and torso for the hell hound. Can't wait for more of these to come out!!!
  18. hmmm.. I usually get a voicemail message when new minis are coming in... I may have to give my LCS a call.
  19. Sad to see that recent review of the Phily convention (Wizard World I beleive) where the statement was made that DCD has no interest in doing anything with DC minimates inspite of decent sales. I know any and all conversations about DC Minis get hit with the dead horse thing but the same thing happened after C3 ended.. all hope was squashed. I know it is an extreme long shot but I have still kept hope that there was some way of getting 1 or 2 box sets even if it meant another version of Batman and Superman but included some JLA, JSA icons that were overlooked. The odd thing at this point is that Minimates are closer to being a mainstream toy, right now at this point in time, more than any other time since inception. If Toys R Us keeps rolling along and the marketing team can keep release times close to time periods of great hype over the particular items.. (i.e. Ghostbusters hitting at the 25 year anniversary and the same summer as the video game/commercial hooplah).. Minis could still be growing in popularity. TV shows, Classic and Modern Movies, Comic events & Comic history are rolling on at a crazy pace.. and DC seems to be missing the punch. In the realm of collectible figures they seem to be content with overwhelmingly strange distortions of their properties to brand new lines that go 1 or 2 waves then dead forever.. or into extremely low QC paint jobs on overpriced figures with little to zero display ability. I'll never profess to understand the collectible toy industry and it's decissions beyond bottom line profits.. but this just seems dumb. It makes me wonder if there is some personal issue involved. If I were calling the shots, I would look at this as a line where we already have a built in collector base with pretty much built in sales and I would look at our comic competition planning their 30th WAVE of the line.. and with comic heroes making a huge come back in the last decade of movies and literature.. it would seem the only thing missing is a smart distribution plan and pull the trigger. Of course I am a fan and this is overly simplified but out of all the collections I've had over my life time.. this is the only one that still feels incomplete. Sorry for rambling on and on.. but its Monday morning.. and avoiding work is a strong temptation. Vox
  20. I rented the Ghostbusters video game for PS3 this weekend and as a fan of the movie and a casual gamer it is a blast!! I nabbed Slimer, torched Stay Puft and tracked down the librarian ghost.. really fun pullin' in the ghosts.. kind of like fishing. With all the actors voices in it.. it feels more like the 3rd movie and you get to be in it. just my two cents. It really makes me look forward to the minis all that much more!!!
  21. thanks for the great info. So many options.. so few quid.
  22. I swung through a TRU in Salt Lake during lunch and still nothing new.. A few Wolverine Movie mates and some Terminator ones.. They usually get their shipments in on Fridays so I thought it was worth a shot. Too bad sounds like the bullseye Moonstone packs may be very limited. Oh well, I'm just antsy for something new. It's kind of funny, this year has more minis coming and going than any other since I have begun collecting.. and instead of feeling like its too much.. it's making me less patient on release dates.. haha oh well.. its FRIDAY happy weekend everyone! Vox
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