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Trekker 42

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Everything posted by Trekker 42

  1. Seriosuly, topic. Another feature I think is cool are the mini handcuffs (that's what they are right?). I like them better than the batcuffs and Arrowcuffs.
  2. oops I have had it since around launch. i just forgot when that was. it was the Christmas after Launch
  3. sorry. What i meant was that these are not created by the multiverse. i made these so that MMMV members could post what they think are the best and worst of the year. it's not really a poll, it's just a counter to the official academy (at least the companion to this is.). It is just meant to have some fun and show what REALLY was the best and the worst instead of letting a bunch of pricks who think they know movies better than the people who pay to see them pick the best. Also I edited it to not tick off Admin (literally) Uh, that's how the book ended too. Life's not always rainbows and sunshine. I know. I had not read the book before I saw this on Starz or whatever it was. It just came as a shock. Also, read the rules. NO JUDGING OTHER VOTES! I think I need to remove that defense provision. It could strike up arguments which is not what this thread is about
  4. I think even posting on this forum qualifies us as nerds. Nerd pride-quick everyone make the "live long and prosper" sign with their fingers! It's the nerd version of the black power salute (amongst my nerd herd anyways). Speak for yourself... Nerd herd... *Tut* Send her off to the Nunnery now to stop the corruption of the poor wee soul! Although if any proof of nerd status is needed, go check out the 'Do you carry a minimate with you at all times' thread *shudders* T. Hey, that's my thread, and now I have Baltar on me... NERD AND PROUD! GET TIMBO! AFTER THE SKRULL!
  5. This thread is like the NEW Academy, but the opposite. These awards are for the worst of the worst. The same laws apply as the rules in the first post HERE with some minor adjustments to categories: Worst Picture Worst Director Worst Actor Worst Actress Worst Supporting Actor Worst Supporting Actress Worst Screen Couple Worst Screenplay Worst Sequel or prequel Worst Original Song MMMV CATEGORY ONLY: Worst Ending Once again, vote only where you want to vote. Also, NO CRITIZING VOTES. EDIT: No defending either. That rule is removed. Keep this thread for voting only. If you wish to argue the points made here, create a new thread My picks: Worst Picture: Happily N'Ever After. Remmber this movie? Well it sucked with a capital S Worst Director: Whoever directed Happily N'Ever After Worst Actor: Chow Yun fat; Pirates of the Caribbean At World's End (For sheer pointlessness) Worst Actress: The Queen from 300 Worst Supporting Actor: Julian McMahon: Fantastic Four Rise of the Silver Surfer Worst Supporting Actress: Amy Adams: Underdog (A razzie and an Academy Award!) Worst Screen Couple: Toby McGuire and Bryce Dallas Howard Spider Man 3 Worst Sequel: Fantastic Four 2. Lightyearsahead of the first; worst of the sequels this year that I saw Worst Ending: Bridge to Terabithia. Damn it, that ending was so f'ing depressing. Worst. Ending. Ever. Good movie otherwise.
  6. So we all know that the Academy Awards and Golden Globes are more about promoting movies than about actually picking the best of the best (especially after gay cowboys won anything.) so I decided that the MMMV members must form their own Academy. Time to pick: Each member posts a response to as many of the official categories as they care to choose: Best Picture Best Director Best Actor Best Actress Best Supporting Actor Best Supporting Actress Best Original Screenplay Best Adapted Screenplay Best Original Song Best Original Score Best Animated Feature The usual rules apply for the movie. It must have come out at or after 12:00 AM on January First 2007 and before 11:59 on December 31st 2007. Also THOU SHALL NOT CRITICIZE OTHER VOTES! I WILL find a way to have demeaning posts deleted As founder of this particular academy, I shall vote first Best Picture: Transformers Best Director: Sam Rami Spider-Man 3 Best Actor: Johnny Depp: Pirates of the Caribbean At World's End Best Actress: Amy Adams: Enchanted Best Supporting Actor: James Marsden: Enchanted Best Supporting Actress: Queen Latifah: Hairspray Best Original Screenplay: Enchanted Best Adapted: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Best Original Song: That's How You Know: Enchanted Best Original Score: Beowulf. Seriously Best Animated: Beowulf: only animated I saw this year PS I will start a MMMV Razzies in another thread someday.
  7. You're not alon there. I'm far too paranoid to buy over the internet. By the way, I do believe that this particular thread needsa return to topic post so... I have to say that these 24 mates have some of the coolest accesories ever. I won't get them just for the accesories, but I like the stretcher.
  8. I count myself among the lucky. I've had my PS2 for seven years, since around launch, and have had only one problem with it: It doesn't play DVDs anymore, but I don't care. I have enough DVD players to use my PS2 just for games.
  9. They seemed like fairly obscure characters to me (of course, I don't keep up with Marvel currently, so as far as I know, Taskmaster is the new Wolverine and USAgent is the new Cable). So, even in comics shops, I would expect a more conventional 2 pack to sell more. But hey, I'm just "speculatin' on a hypothesis. I knows I don't know nothin'." See, neither do I Karamazo, but I do read Wizard and know that both of these characters have come to the fore front of some storylines. Not to mention, correct me if I'm wrong gang, Taskmaster trained USAgent aka Steve Rogers replacement as Captain America back in the day on how to duplicate Cap's (SR) moves? Now USAgent is part of Omega Flight and I think there's something major going on with Taskmaster too. For some reason I can't remember what that is though? I'm just glad that this will be in my LCBS and not an exclusive, if I'm being honest. Not trying to crack your stones, just trying to put things in perspective. Like everyone, I look forward to this set and hope they give us the accessories needed for the set. Taskmaster is, for lack of a better word, Camp Hammond's Drill Sergent I have to wonder though, will my LCS get this in? I asked them to order it from previews along with BP/IM and BP/IM came in, but there was not a pack reserved for me nor was I notified when it came in. The shop also recieved the regular Zombie pack without (to my knowledge) any sort of order, so I thought maybe the Zombie IM/BP pack came in because my LCS loves Zombies. I wonder if it will come...
  10. Surely you can't be serious! (please use classic reply)
  11. i just watched the movie again and CSM hair was very grey so i suppose the mate is of the later episodes CSM. as for spoilers the joker dies rosebud is a sled north beats south America and her allies beat the axis powers opps hope that didnt spoil anything for you now get off the internet and go watch the rest of x-files,for crying out loud you've only had what 10 years or so? oh and the next movie comes out in 2009! so watch fight the future(first movie)too. -M
  12. Words cannot describe how awesome that is. New Gothopolis. Dang.
  13. How about Hannibal in the White T-Shirt, with nightstick and bloodied face and the security guard who loses his face Gruesome..sure, but i bet we'd all buy it. I know i would anyway Heartly Agreed. We do need a bloody Hannibal. It's better than the angry one. That still makes no sense to me. He is angry, but when he lashes out, he never looks angry. Sidenote, but related: Anybody else think that Lecter looked like Gene Hackman's Lex Luthor at the end of SotL?
  14. I wonder if this is actually permanent. I mean, this could be one huge freaking What If story. Who knows? I, for one, hope that at the end of Brand New Day that the last page is Peter and Doc Strange standing over some sort of crystal ball and Strange says: "See, that is what would happen if you take that deal." "Oh," says Spidey. "Well, I guess I should tell Aunt May goodbye." END
  15. Well, if this is truly the end then President F.D. Roosevelt words truly sum this up Should Marvel die, I do believe that DC will be able to fill that gap, continuing to dazzle us more than usual. Minimates are not dead. I repeat they ARE NOT DEAD! Sure marvel may just be gone, but the gap will be filled. DC is big enough. Heck,this is hoping that something bigger comes along. Or should I say someONE. Someone who breathes heavilt and wears a very black mask. Or maybe a suave superspy. Either way it goes, minimates will go on ad on. (Side note: Perhaps DCD should get a license fr just box sets. It would give us what we need (CHARACTERS!) and Marvel what they want: Mass Market possibility. Think. No more variants, no difficulty. Also, I believe that a line of these would be more attractive to your random retailer than trying to carry a series. Too much to keep up with.)
  16. Original Spidey and cap and I think that Magneto is amazing. I like Xavier for the accessories. Chair and ablanket and Cerebro! Nice!
  17. I like the moth, but I don't like the expression on angry Dr. Lecter. In fact, I don't remember him looking angry at all in the Silence of the Lambs. He always seemed so... unpassionate. I would have rather had Buffalo Bill's victim instead. With lotion and basket! Also Bill needs the puppy. Put calm Lecter's head on the prison suit and then make a Catherine Baker Martin. Can I get an AMEN!
  18. Hunka Hunka Plastic Crack! King FOREVER!
  19. BSG, Defenders, Street Fighter and Web Armor Spidey in one sweet package.
  20. Wave 3 will have a Klingon. A Klingon. There is an Empire's worth of Klingons out there and so more than one is needed without having to get about eighty Kirks. (We already have two. Spider-Man and Wolverine (and Batman) does sound familiar.)
  21. Sooooo... Who's Mr. Stay Puft supposed to be?
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