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Everything posted by minijeff

  1. First up in my reviews of M.A.X. series 2 - the Law Enforcement 2-pack! Jeff of the Miniacs
  2. bbbbrraaaaiiiinnnssss...... Jeff of the Miniacs
  3. Hot dog not having to import that warthog might be really nice for a change!! Thanks for the heads up! Jeff of the Miniacs
  4. these are seriously in the system to be in stores?? Jeff of the Miniacs
  5. Another great shot man, nothing like a good laugh to start the week off on a good note! Keep em coming! @Bob - glad you liked my shot! It really just seemed to set itself up for a joke like that lol Jeff of the Miniacs
  6. My review of the Captain America army builder case! Hope you enjoy it! Jeff of the Miniacs
  7. My review of the Arctic Warthog is up! Check it out! Jeff of the Miniacs
  8. Today is a review of the X-Men First Class box set! check it out and let me know what you think of a box set review, I have 2 more review posts coming up this week - again they will be of different formats so I have a chance to cover the different ways minimates are released. Jeff of the Miniacs
  9. wow was not sure I was going to get this done in sure is a hectic life being an intern teacher in 2 different classrooms and three grades! click to enlarge! Jeff of the Miniacs
  10. or perhaps this one? How many do you need? Jeff of the Miniacs
  11. Thanks for the heads up on this, while I don't collect Halo for the mates I do for the vehicles, I will have to find someone to hook me up with these bad boys, luckily I should be able to resell the mates to recover part of the costs lol Jeff of the Miniacs
  12. Wow! I think these are great and would definitely be interested in a few of them! Jeff of the Miniacs
  13. Day 4, the final set of wave 41! I hope everyone has enjoyed this little detour, please let me know what you thought of it and maybe I will make reviews a regular spot in the blog! Jeff of the Miniacs
  14. Day 3 is up and up, thanks for all the encouragement with this little detour from my usual take on the blog...the traffic increase has been amazing Nessex - of course I would save this on for the last lol Danny - I know what you mean, I had never heard of the site either and after the low quality of that review I won't be checking out what else its about either! Jeff of the Miniacs
  15. Day 2 of the wave 41 review is up and running! Jeff of the Miniacs
  16. I was kinda annoyed at the half baked review of wave 41 done by so I decided to do my own! Here is day one! let me know your thoughts as it is my first review type work! Jeff of the Miniacs
  17. Another great installment man!! Keep up the great work, these will look great all collected too Jeff of the Miniacs
  18. So I had a strange experience yesterday....after my intern orientation I hoped over the the LCS to grab a few mates, including a Cap/Red Skull set for my son. When I gave him the set last night he was thrilled to be expected and was looking it over when I noticed something odd about the back of the package...he turned it over and commented on some of the characters on the back. I looked again at the back and sure enough the packaging was a TRU cap wave package! Now its not a huge deal as the mates were the same in both waves and there was no TRU exclusive stickering but still the fact is that this was bought at my LCS, fresh from the case and the TRUs in Canada dont carry these minimates, or many minimates at all really lol. Jeff of the Miniacs
  19. Hot dam! methinks I need to find a kind hearted US soul to scoop me up one of those sets for that price! Jeff of the Miniacs
  20. so while this may @#*& you off, it kinda makes me happy since I don't have any of the First CLass or wave 10 yet and might still be able to get them at cost not scalper prices Jeff of the @#&*Miniacs
  21. sounds like some one is hunting whumpus Jeff of the Miniacs
  22. Can anyone confirm if they did indeed have the arctic warthog for sale at their booth? I was looking at the store display photo on facebook and it looked like it. If they did and anyone could grab me one that would be cool! Jeff of the Miniacs
  23. BWAAHAHAHAHA I cant believe I didnt see that one coming!! Great work man! Jeff of the Miniacs
  24. The government debated for 58 straight hours before taking their summer holidays and finally forced both the union and Canada Post to let the works go back to work and get the mail flowing again. Jeff of the Miniacs
  25. I am now much happier that the mail in Canada is flowing again, I have packages to ship that I will be able to finally! Anyone waiting to ship stuff to Canada, or to get stuff from Canada I sure will feel the same way! Jeff of the Miniacs
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