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The Scarlet Spider

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Everything posted by The Scarlet Spider

  1. Dang now I want to read that Jim Lee book. Is it too much to hope that there's a trade with it somewhere? Any suggestions?
  2. I've always wanted Ewan McGregor to be Smythe from Spidey.
  3. I'd get 2 of these for the head piece and the swords. I might be in the minority here but that civie banner suit is badass enough to also be a reason I'm getting 2.
  4. I think a crouch leg piece would amazing. Maybe it could be in that never gonna happen accessory pack with thwip hands (seriously you make spiral thwip hands and not spidey's???) and a web net/chute.
  5. Thor's swords are look awesome. That green reminds me of Skies of Arcadia.
  6. I'm not as big of a classic guy as some people on here but I'm super happy about this. Possibly just because of the hype from you guys lol. Hopefully we can get some cosmic Star Jammers, Shi'ar empire/Lilandra type stuff soon!
  7. If anyone finds any extras could you hook a guy up?
  8. So will these be somewhere like the Daredevil sets were? I need to go ahead and start stressing about another exclusive I have to track down. Guess it's that time of year again.
  9. There's a telephone number on the Walgreens link. Perhaps we should all call the number and tell them to put the minimates online. If enough of us do it they could possibly be persuaded, cause I don't know about you all but I'm sick of stopping by walgreens all the way from Louisville Kentucky to Nashville Tennessee and not finding anything.
  10. Well Loki or a comic Malekith? I'd love a comic Malekith. Then again I'd love like 2 waves of Jason Aaron's Thor.
  11. Jackal head Ben Reilly is a pipe dream. I saw the jackal being teased in a new Homecoming article but it's sad when you don't even have enough faith in a company so you'd rather them just leave an arc alone than try to tackle it (MCU is almost the new fox for me) in an interview Holland didn't even know the original clone saga just the ultimate version... dude is like a couple years younger than me lol. I'd rather them just focus on Pete for like 8 movies than introduce other Spider-Men or Women. Oy how I dislike Spider verse. I think pre-Spider verse when we had 10 Spider people it was already more than enough. Lol
  12. If we're talking KH2? Every organization 13 member is crucial for me. I know we probably won't see that though.
  13. I need the wave at Cost + shipping too please >.<
  14. Ahhh I wasn't familiar with that. I'm still not sure why they skipped out on including hands. Like they didn't give Jules normal hands in the Pulp Fiction 2 pack either and that's a MAJOR bummer for me.
  15. These are extremely lacking in accessories. I've been noticing this in a lot of packs that really should have at least a spare pair of hands. Like no clawless hands in the Magneto or Lady Deathstrike packs? Like they didn't even give Magneto an extra hairpiece. Cripes it's not like there's even that much new tooling for any of these...
  16. I thought it was definitely the best DC movie but that's not saying much considering Suicide Squad was hot garbage in my opinion. However, I really liked this movie except for the very end. I did think Gadot was amazing as Wonder Woman and all the scenery was great and the amazons were badass.
  17. I know it'll probably never happen.. but Trailer Park Boys. There's tons of characters and vehicles. Ricky, Julian, Bubbles, J Roc, Tyrone, Randy, Mr. Lahey, Sarah, Lucy, Trinity, Cory, Trevor, Jacob, Philadelphia, Sebastian Bach, Cyrus, and more! There's also Ricky's Shitmobile, Julian's Monte Carlo, Mr. Lahey's car, and we could finally get a riding lawnmower piece! I know no one else would probably be interested but I'd buy em all.
  18. Finally back after a hiatus and I just had to say yes to most of your Marvel descriptions XD I'm not sure what the obsession is with "this teenager is better than everyone else in their field now" that's the lazy part to me. It seems to be their big play right now, though. I want something different like a single mother of 2 that's over worked and sleep deprived yet fights crime while her kids are in an after school program and struggles with the decision of risking her life to fight crime because if she dies then it puts her kids at risk of being orphans? Like where's that kinda fresh stuff? Too much old blood like bendis and not enough new blood at marvel that's for sure. Richards, Pete, Tony, etc. have slaved for their craft. How many comics have shown Pete pissing away potential (tests and such) to fight crime and making those tough calls? To me it kinda takes away the merit when you're like "this teenager is now the smartest person in the universe or just as good as (insert old A/B lister here). "Their struggles are the same ones we've seen about being 98% perfect and not completely 100%" If anyone was gonna take over Iron Man's spot I woulda wanted Rhodes but they had to kill him. As a Reilly fan I tried Scarlet Spider, it's okay. Yeah it seems OOC but I guess I could pass it off as delirium from being brought back. I even didn't hate the costume cause it reminded me of a Spidercide + Gwen molding. speaking of which Miles and Gwen? She totally seemed like she had a lot in common with Kaine I guess he might be too old for her though idk. Honestly when I read summaries for Marvel's comics right now they just remind me a lot of Adam Sandler/Rob Schneider plot lines that are proposed in South Park
  19. I Wanted purple tracksuit, jock flash from TAS. What it looks like I got is a guy that can get physically bullied by Peter.
  20. I dig Jeff Lemire as OML the original didn't do nearly as much for me. Jeff's run might be one of the best Marvel Comics right now but then again that's not saying much ? I would take the silent monks with OML or Sabretooth. I really wish DST would do build a "playset" with interlocking pieces, there could be the danger room, a church, a fully articulated sentinel to scale that no one would have to know about.... edit: I'd buy the wave and the vehicle though.
  21. I hope the Venom movie they're trying to push bombs. You can't have Venom origin without Pete. It just doesn't work. I think if Sony would just attempt to work with Marvel everyone would win. They could start with a Silver Sable movie and have Tom Holland Spidey in it and go from there and he could be a bridge between it for more crossover and more Holland. I want this Spidey to last and if there's one company I trust to make decent films to milk the money out of people it's Disney.
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