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Everything posted by Netglow

  1. Zach is the Sex Panther of Marketing Supervisors. I can't stop laughing. I demand a new member title and avatar for Zach.
  2. It's like Christmas with the info!! Can't wait for the DV!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. I was kidding, Zach. But yeah I figured you guys get limited info to work with too. Zombie Stilt man works too ... *heart eyes emoji*
  4. I'm thinking the little spoiler will be released after civil war at some point since she won't be in it, but the red spoiler will probably make the civil war wave.
  5. I mean, even if they milk it, chances are we wouldn't see it until like "fall" 2017. By then would people really care for the 3 amigos?
  6. Yeah, no kidding. I got my shrinking set yesterday and it had so much extra stuff, I don't see why they don't start making that the norm. Battle damage all the things!
  7. No kidding. They should just adopt the blizzard slogan "...when it's ready."
  8. I used to buy my nephew tons of CoD megabloks stuff 'til he moved on. Then he gave me most of the stuff back. I use them for display sometimes. Really prefer them to Lego.
  9. ...and there's my first hot toys purchase.
  10. Oh! Someone was like "We need more zombies!" "Turn to a random page and make a 4pk!" "Genius. Give this man a raise!"
  11. NO. Aww. Somebody's got a case of the Mondays!
  12. That would also explain why my local ones look like the zombie apocalypse just hit...
  13. AFX just sent me shipping confirmation. Should be receiving mine soon!
  14. For the glove with spikes on the hand, have you considered the moon knight hands?
  15. tfw you realize you are one year older.
  16. Great last couple of customs! Really love the steel serpent!
  17. The robo appendages a la yellowjacket Minimates? *gasp*
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