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Minimates Central is closing

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Hi everyone. I am sorry to say that Minimates Central will no longer be updated. As you can tell with my lack of reviews and news, as well as my dwindling presence here, the site isn't being updated anywhere near regularly enough. My enthusiasm for the hobby has waned in the last few months and I do not have the desire or motivation to continue.

I have run this site for nearly 4 years, not a bad stint for one person, but now the time has come to draw it all to a close. The site will remain and hopefully still be a valuable resource for Minimate fans. I would like to thank everyone for their support over the years, the site has been a big part of my life and the community aspect of it has been fantastic. Special mention and thanks go to Timbo, Amazing.JL and AdyCarter, without whom Minimates Central would have been very difficult to maintain.

Thank you once again for making Minimates Central such a big success. Take care everyone and I wish you all happiness.

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I think that you have done an absolutely immense job over the last four years. I'm sure I'm not the only one, but your reviews are what really got me into collecting Minimates, and really helped me to see what was out there, and what was good. You've done a really excellent job, and I don't blame you one bit for giving it up. If you don't enjoy doing it, there's no point to it anymore. Minimates Central will always be my reference place when I need to know about Minimates. The community will miss you.

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*Sheds a tear and Hugs MMC never wanting to let it go*

I'll start this post with a story...

My nephew in the UK's Birthday was coming up a couple of weeks back and I was talking to my sister as to what he wanted as a gift. The answer was that he'd been online and seen a really cool website and wanted the Darktide and GSXM packs because of the reviews there... My sister then said had I heard of the site it's called MinimatesCentral.... I had to smile. This sad part of this story is that I was relaying it to Danny he was posting the above...

MinimatesCentral was my first window into the world of minimates and I know that so many of you found the joy of mates through the site. Danny and MMC were hugely influential on my early purchasing choices and Danny's Reviews have always been unique and honest... Even though the updates have been scarce lately I will really miss them.

Good luck Danny in whatever you decide to do with you time and talents, Central will be sorely missed and marks yet another close of an era... Just don't be a stranger ya hear!

oh and one last word for Danny... Boobs!


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Im saddened but not surprised by this news, I hope whatever the future holds for you is enjoyable Danny, and like many, many people I'll miss MMC, especially seen as it brought so many of us, myself included, into the hobby and the wider community.

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Hey Danny, I'm sure I don't know why, but as the site is staying, why not have people from the boards you REALLY trust write the new reviews? I doubt it's possible, as I feel it would have been suggusted or mentioned already, but if it could be done, why not?

Thought I'd add that you got me, as well as MANY others, into minimates. Hell, DST should be thanking you! :biggrin:

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Oh, Danny, Divebomb, your site will be missed. I always thought that if I ever got into writing reviews, I'd certainly use your work as an excellent example. And don't trash your code just yet, please.

What concerns me more is your fading from the hobby in general. Does that mean we won't be seeing you around these MMMV halls?

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I can only echo what has already been said: MMC was what introduced me to the world of collecting Minimates and one that I continue to check daily. Thank you for all of your hard work and I hope you'll stay around the boards and keep collecting. It wouldn't be the same without you.

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Wow that is a bummer.

You survived the lean year, to give it up in a high volume year...

I really will miss your reviews and hope you havent given up completely on minimates.

It wouldnt be the same with out you


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Definately sad to see the site go silent, I'm yet another person that the quality and detail of your reviews helped tempt and convince me to collect the little buggers :)

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Just echoing what everyone else says. Danny, your site was the first and the best mate. Most of us wouldn't be here now if it wasn't for Minimates Central. Thanks for everything buddy. :thumbsup:

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I was 'drawn into' the cult of the minimate via MMC too, after a stint boycotting AA altogether.

'tis a sad day indeed :(

All the best and i'm sure we'll still see you around....won't we?

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Damn... I was introduced to Minimates via MMC, and still use it for reference when buying older packs.

Well, this is indeed a dark day for Minimate fans. Any chance one of the more prominent posters here would be able to take over the site?

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That's too bad sorry you got bored with Minimates. That can happen. But it's good you aren't totally giving up on it and letting the site stay open. That way perhaps after some time you can start up again. Or pass the torch to another reviewer.

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As seems to be the case all around, your site was one of the things that drew me into the world of minimates. I recall researching my latest find on eBay, only to discover a whole world of minimates, outlined on MMC. From there, I was hooked. And my "illustrious" custom "career" wouldn't have happened had it not been for your list of featured customizers. To my knowledge, MMC was the first website devoted to these little guys and will always be the benchmark for every site since. It's web presence will be missed, not only by myself but by anyone who has stumbled across its domain.

With first Ady turning over the keys to the Multiverse and now Danny stepping back from MMC, it feels like the end of an era.

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Back "in the day" your site was what really got me hooked... I had picked up a few 'Mates here and there, but was never really a collector until I found Central. Your reviews were (and still are) very good and helped me to figure out what to go after next.

Danny, MiniMates Central will be missed... alot.... alot alot.

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I just read through this thread, and this is a sock in the gut. Like many others, I've used your (Danny's) site countless times for countless reasons. I do hope you will consider keeping it open and letting other people submit reviews.

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I'll throw my 2 cents in here as well. Your site was the first one I cam across. I'll never forget it.

Though I will point something out. I've been around the internet long enough to know that 3-5 years is about all a person can do and then there is usually a staff change. So this is normal, don't feel bad. Maybe you can pick it up again in a few years.

And if you're getting out totally... can I have your toys? ;)

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Danny, you will be missed. MMC was the first minimates website I ever visited and is still one of the best. I never buy a 2-pack without reading your reviews of the figures first. Sites like MMC don't grow on trees!


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Sad news indeed. Your reviews have such clarity and attention to detail. I mean, MMC is the only place you can go to find copyright date-, torso hole-, and knee joint-variations. That level of devotion is hard to find. Thank you for sharing it with us.

Your presence will be (and has been) missed, but as preferences and attentions change, so must we all. I wish you all the best in whatever project or hobby you choose next.

Good journey.

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