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Donny B

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Everything posted by Donny B

  1. I’m not too knowledgeable on Bruce Lee, but this set seems like the perfect assortment. And they look fantastic
  2. Excellent! I'm always stoked any time you make new decals like this
  3. Anyone else notice tampo issues with this wave? Several of mine are looking a little messy
  4. I was pleasantly surprised to find these in my area (Roanoke VA). There was only one set and it was accompanied by a restock of Animated wave 8. But given my area’s track record, I was expecting to go without these for a couple more months
  5. Donny B

    wave 77

    Warcraft mates would send me over the moon. But I’m not going to get my hopes up... I learned my lesson from the cancelled 80’s TMNT line ?
  6. Ladies and gents, my very first hand made pop-up card! The Front/Cover: The Interior: For anyone who is curious about how it functions, I made a simple video giving a look at it opening:
  7. I’ve got an entry in the works ?? Im just insanely swamped with other things or I may have had it finished by now
  8. I’m pretty excited to see what else you’ll come up with. Another year + of your customs is great news! Heck, I’d be down for a lifetime subscription
  9. That is fantastic news, Zach! I know we've seen photos of Super Sonic, Cream & Cheese, and Silver. But I haven't been able to track down any images of Knuckles. Has he been shown anywhere?
  10. Packaged photos are up on DST's facebook page
  11. Yeah, the phrasing all but screams that Disney pulled them from Netflix for their own streaming purposes. the only thing about this development is that all prior seasons are remaining on Netflix. It reminds me of a quote from Loeb about the idea that ‘The Defenders’ don’t necessarily need to be the 4 characters we’ve seen up to this point. The team can adapt and evolve their roster just like in the comics... I wouldn’t be surprised to see these shows migrate to Disney+ with a soft reboot of sorts
  12. My closest locations each put out 2 full sets (one location put out 3) and as far as I can tell, I’m the only one who has purchased any
  13. Donny B

    wave 77

    Assuming this box set is in fact Captain Marvel; I would love to be able to army build some MCU Skrulls... but not from a 4 pack.
  14. I’d be down ?? I just barely missed the first opportunity
  15. I can confirm Prowlar’s statement. Mine had a glob of paint holding the joint together, and I freed it up with some careful cutting. Good as new
  16. I got the survey too. I was eager to give positive input on what they did with this wave, and to encourage improvement on Minimate availability. and I absolutely second the suggestion for everyone to fill out the survey if they get it
  17. The impression I get is that the general activity of the Minimate fandom is being dispersed between multiple outlets. Even on Facebook, there are a few different groups. It isn’t all concentrated in this one forum like it had been in the past, so it’s going to seem like things are dying down even if there is still a strong fan base out there. For me, it feels like the strongest representation of this community is over on Instagram. That may be partially because of my own interests and the number of Minimate fans I follow over there. But I see constant/growing Minimate-related activity daily on that app
  18. What a legacy. Everything will bear his absense moving forward. I’ve been dreading the day we will no longer have a Stan cameo in a Marvel movie
  19. That’s a great custom, Luke! And a creative accessory/cut-out, to boot This is the first time I’ve ever heard of that character, but holy cow that description is a bronze-age comic book concept if I’ve ever heard one ?
  20. Yes, there’s a peg hole for the hood she comes with
  21. Same here. There was a lengthy drought, then a flood of BC Avengers and nothing else
  22. I’m sure Disney will want all the shows it can get for when they launch their own streaming service. Letting the existing Netflix/Hulu shows run their course then porting anything they can over to Disney Play seems like a strategy that company would embrace
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