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Comic Style Crimson Dynamo?


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Haven't had a red Daredevil since the Target exclusive wave a few years ago, but all the other figures on there were released in the last year or so (oldest seem to be Spidey/Venom re-releases) or are forthcoming. I figure we'll get both Dynamo and some other Iron Man comic characters alongside the release of the 50 movie figures, and DD will possibly be a Toys R Us Exclusive. In line with the recent updates of Silver Surfer and Captain America only available via that outlet.

Edited by karamazov80
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Haven't had a red Daredevil since the Target exclusive wave a few years ago, but all the other figures on there were released in the last year or so (oldest seem to be Spidey/Venom re-releases) or are forthcoming. I figure we'll get both Dynamo and some other Iron Man comic characters alongside the release of the 50 movie figures, and DD will possibly be a Toys R Us Exclusive. In line with the recent updates of Silver Surfer and Captain America only available via that outlet.

Crimson Dynamo would be awesome! If only we could get a Soviet Super Soldiers boxed set to go with him with Darkstar, Vanguard, Titanium Man and Transforming Ursa Major!

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Haven't had a red Daredevil since the Target exclusive wave a few years ago, but all the other figures on there were released in the last year or so (oldest seem to be Spidey/Venom re-releases) or are forthcoming. I figure we'll get both Dynamo and some other Iron Man comic characters alongside the release of the 50 movie figures, and DD will possibly be a Toys R Us Exclusive. In line with the recent updates of Silver Surfer and Captain America only available via that outlet.

Crimson Dynamo would be awesome! If only we could get a Soviet Super Soldiers boxed set to go with him with Darkstar, Vanguard, Titanium Man and Transforming Ursa Major!

An Ursa Major would make me a pee little.

Also, am I the only one that now desperately wishes you could pose mates like Norman Osborn is posed on that poster?

Edited by jjbrwesq
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That was 2006 I believe. 4 years ago, and it was only released at Target so that he's pretty difficult to find now. He's one of the most important characters in the Marvel U, and is worthy of another update. Wolverine, Spidey, Hulk, and others have been re-released out the wazoo already, and probably will be again before we get some of those you mention. That's just the way it goes. Whatever the case, his being on that poster suggests to me that Daredevil is coming one way or another. Just a matter of how and when.

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That was 2006 I believe. 4 years ago, and it was only released at Target so that he's pretty difficult to find now. He's one of the most important characters in the Marvel U, and is worthy of another update. Wolverine, Spidey, Hulk, and others have been re-released out the wazoo already, and probably will be again before we get some of those you mention. That's just the way it goes. Whatever the case, his being on that poster suggests to me that Daredevil is coming one way or another. Just a matter of how and when.

Wait. So your theory is that when enough time passes, and things become hard to find and go up in price on the secondary market, they need to be reissued? Excuse me, and I say this truly with no malice, but that is a load of BS. They got him perfect. They've had 2 releases since him (Zombie and Armored). He wasn't rare (how many of us have Riot Spidey packs still laying around from the same Target wave?) just very popular. Deadpool was very popular too! You can't find him. He's $20 loose. Do you think they should reissue him as well, just because he's hard to find?

I am not coming from the position of "I have something you don't, so that makes me a better human. I win at life." I'm upset because I see you talking about reissuing stuff when you don't like how rare or expensive something is. That's the exact same prevailing attitude Hollywood has. "Oh, it's been 3 years. Reboot this franchise and suck more money out of it!" If something's good, leave it alone.

Also, being rare could be considered a blessing. It could be impossible to find like some Kubricks.

Like I said, I'm not angry. For some reason your words hit a particularly sensitive nerve. You want older stuff reissued. I say it's out there, let's go, do more new stuff that none of us have seen. Though at this point I'm surprised DST doesn't openly reissue variants. <_<

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No, my theory is that when enough time has passed, DST is going to re-release popular characters, not that I want it to happen (though I am frequently happy when it does). It makes more sense to do so when the initial releases either become outdated or are difficult to find, because that better ensures that more people will buy them. And personally, I'm not going to sit around and complain about not getting new characters when, first off, we get plenty of them (how many Marvel releases did we have last year?), and secondly, DST's MO with Marvel is to re-release all the bigger characters over and over anyway. So, it's gonna keep happening whether you like it or not, and frankly, I'm glad to get them with characters like Wolvie and Daredevil because the older ones could use updates in my opinion.

Should they re-release Deadpool? Probably, because he would make them money. Do I care? No, because I have him. But I am not generally one of those to get upset over figures/characters getting re-released. Same thing with Kubricks. Except they are a bit worse, because they will take extremely rare figures (say, 1/96 blind boxed chases) and re-release them in $30 2-packs. But at this point, you are gonna have to accept that this stuff happens, because it just is.

The Target Daredevil is OK, but perfect? No. The detail painted over the old, molded mask that doesn't match up bothers the crap out of me personally. So, the first Daredevil release is extremely outdated, the second is both flawed and was not available to a wide audience. The zombie version is a zombie and the armored version is a completely different outfit, so they don't count as updates of the red suit version.

B lister at best.

He had a movie based off of him, has been around since the early days of Marvel, and was among the first wave of Minimates ever made. After Spidey, Hulk, and Punisher, he's probably the most well known "solo" Marvel character there is. That's a b-lister? Sure, he isn't Wolverine, but damn.

Edited by karamazov80
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Re-releases, repaints and redoes of characters are a given in any long running action figure line.

Companies always re-release/repaint/redo popular characters after awhile because they sell and help bring new people in.

Does it suck for long time collectors who already have the previous version....for the most part yeah it does unless the old version was just horrible and the new version is a lot better (i.e. the Green Goblin minimates).

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Okay. You know, I guess I hadn't looked at it like DST making more money from the reissues for some reason. So I understand why they would. I understand why most companies make reissues; not because they feel sorry for the fans who don't have them, but because the first time around it was so popular they can essentially double their money by doing it again.

I was about to bring up a point that yes, people SHOULD pay that much, because they stopped making it. You pay that much if you want G1 Transformers. Then I remembered they actually do reissues of them all the time.

Meh, it's no big deal, I guess. It still bothers me for some reason. Sorry again for jumping on you.

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No problem at all, I didn't mean to cause confusion. And I can understand your frustration. However, I personally think that this is a fight you just can't win with DST, because they have a strategy with Minimates where re-releases play a major role, and the expansion into Toys R Us simply strengthens that focus because of the increased number of casual collectors who are gonna run across these things. Do we need another classic Captain America just a year after we got one with the Heroes set? Maybe not, but we're getting one.

And I just saw jjb's post. That Stilt-Man is officially the coolest G*d damn Minimate of all time. Seriously. Freakin' awesome.

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Holy crap. Coolness. I KNEW a Dreadnought might be around the corner. And I'm PSYCHED for an old school Mandarin, Crimson Dynamo, and updated Silver Centurion! Stilt-Man is just beyond... don't know how they slid that past the height restriction, but sign me up for this wave!

I love being right :-)


Edited by elhonez
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and DD will possibly be a Toys R Us Exclusive.

Why? We just got one a few years ago, he's piratically bran new!

We're still missing Toad, Sunfire and Ult Collosis. Do we really have to go over this again? :/

We might have to go over it again . . . i'm pretty sure Sunfire never featured on the original MiniMates poster ;)

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That Stilt-Man is awe inspiring! I wonder if he'll come with alternate varying stilt lengths?

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That's going to be a great wave. It's about time we got a Mandarin!

And yeah, anyone know how they got around the height restriction? I'm guessing it's because the legs qualify as a stand rather than an part of the figure. Clever DST.

Also, great poster, let's hope they start selling them, been saying that for ages though.

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I'd say DD is a high B - lister.

Daredevil has had his own solo title from the Silver age straight on through till today. At no time has he lasped into reprints, unlike certain X-people we could mention, and has maintatined that book despite never really been a "joiner" and getting additional exposure in a team book. And he's had one movie made, and another one in the works.

On the other hand, Daredevil's never been popular enough for multiple titles like Spider-Man, and has always been a middle of the road seller.

I also consider Thor and Sub-Mariner B-listers. Love me some Thor, but he's not on Marvel's A-list. (Iron Man and the Avengers as a team only recently reached Marvel's A list)


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