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Sword canes

TM2 Dinobot

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So my father is getting up there in years, and his balance isn't what it used to be, and he finally admitted that he'd be willing to use a cane. So I thought with Christmas coming up I'd nab one for him. I also understand how my dad feels; being older he isn't able to defend himself and his family like he used to be able to. When he was pull of piss and vinegar he could have stopped a bullet just by looking at it. Now if there was ever any trouble, he wouldn't be doing so hot. So I thought I'd give him the added bonus of having a cane with a sword in it! That and he'd just really get a kick out of it. ;)

So I've started looking at sword canes. The problem I’ve run into is that there seem to be 2 general types; those in the $19.99 range and those in the $100+ range. I've had experience with at least 1 sword cane before, and it was a cheaply made little number where the sword just rattled around inside and the tiny aluminum casing was bent just by my weight (the owner was not happy with me) so I am well versed in what I DON'T want.

Onto what I DO want. I'd like a cane with a handle on it. Not necessarily a crook, but something my dad could grab with little trouble (he's got arthritics) and also possibly pick things with a handle up/pull himself out of a chair with. For the sword, a quick release would be nice, but I have no experience with them at all and have no idea how easily they break. A screw connection is sturdy, but it takes time to unscrew, and as with all weapons, when you need it, you need it NOW. But if it will come off when you don't want it to is also another issue to consider. Lastly, I'd like it to be full metal, because I find wooden ones with only 1 metal strip down the middle to be a bit tacky. Another reason being that, now I’m not planning on this because I doubt my father will ever do it for the rest of his life, but if he were to fly, I’d want it to be something he could possibly take on the plane with him without raising any alarms. Though I'm sure a simple wooden cane is just as good for beating up terrorists. :P

Now! Onto the main event!

I really like the Cold Steel but it tends to be expensive.

This is my next choice down, but there's precious little information about it, and the price makes me leery.

The double blade has a certain appeal to me, but the lack of a handle makes me cautious. And again, the lack of info, but it may be the site itself. let's move on.

I like this site and this one seems nice, though it's on the outskirts of what I want to pay. Not what i will pay, but what i want to. ;)

There's that double blade again.

Crook. I'm not against a crook. I'm just not just if my dad would get as much, practical use, out of it. He might think it makes him too old. I don't know. He's weird like that. I think he'd want more class.

Cheap, and that worries me.

At this point, we start to circle back in on ourselves. Ideally I’d like to spend about $25-40, however I'm flexible. The main thing I'm worried about is how they stand up against wear and tare. If you have had personal experience with any, or you know any online reviews, PLEASE post here.

Thanks guys! Yall are the best!

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I genuinely applaud your motives but I feel that I have to bring to your attention that, statistically, people carrying blades of any description are more likely to be the victim of a stabbing ,often by their own weapon :(

edit: Those that live by the sword inevitably die by the sword.

Edited by buttheadsmate
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I don't think he would be able to take it on a plane but then again I haven't been doing much reading on the subject. Old Miyamoto Musashi killed his opponent with a bokken that he had carved from an oar. I've been hit with one before and can tell you it's not a pleasant experience.

Edited by Zombieboyfiend
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I dont know what the diffrence in laws between the UK and the USA but conceled weapon comes to mind In the UK the police would do you for having a sword cane in public just for what it is.

My father used a cane before he died and he had 2 that he used depending on which he felt like carrying. Nither where the standard style bamboo hooky things you see most times. The first is just a pure metal bar milled to have a hard metal handle fitted and powdercoated black nothing special to look at very inconspicuous but real real heavy It caught many a person out when they would just pick it up. The second is a from south africa brought back for him by a friend its called a knobkerry. Its a long stick with a curved ball end like an irish shillelagh not as heavy as the first but the curved end packs one hell of a wallop.

I now have both these canes myself and the one thing my father did say if I was going to hit someone with one dont swing for the head as they see it coming aim for the knees they dont expect it then smack em over the head.

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Actually, in most of the US, and especially Texas as far as that goes, I can walk into any store with an honest to goodness katana in hand and nothing will happen. Is it deadly? Yeah. Is it considered a weapon? Actually it's either a prop piece or a tool. The only thing the law gets touchy on is a knife over 6" that's double bladed. Single bladed and serrated? No problem.

Fire arms are much the same story. I am (hopefully) going out for my conceal to carry permit later this year. I feel sorry for you UKers who can't even carry pocket knives.

Either way, a sword cane doesn't qualify as a concealed weapon. I'm not sure it even qualifies as a weapon period. I'll have to check.

And no, I'm not taking it to the airport. That was just a generalization. :P

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I am (hopefully) going out for my conceal to carry permit later this year.

The quote above scares me more than anything I think I have ever read...

If there is one person who I would pick to never be allowed the responsibility of carrying a firearm it would be you Dinobot... Your maturity level is almost up there with my 8 yr old nephew...Dude seriously why on earth do you need to carry a gun let alone concealed?

I have still to hear a reasonable answer why anyone outside of law enforcement/military needs to carry a firearm in a built up area or a handgun anywhere at all. I doubt the "I need to open this cardboard box BLAM BLAM BLAM, there that's better!" excuse stands up.

The rules here are different as I live in California where the knife and firearm laws are considerably tighter ( more like those in Europe). Common sense should still provail, even in Texas I'm pretty sure If you are walking around any public area waving a sword or large knife then I'm pretty sure you'd get into trouble. The simple statement where you even questioned if they'd let you on a plane with a Sword/Cane or your belief that the sword inside the cane is not a concealed weapon shows that you really aren't in touch with what is and isn't acceptable in this post 911 world in which we live.

Before you call me a wooly minded liberal who wants to ban everything...

I will openly admit I have a habit of ''everyday carrying" fairly small pocket knives and have done so since I was about 8yrs old (It was the 70's things were different back then). I carry them because they are useful in everyday life.

I have a spyderco ladybug that lives on my keychain for box opening/sheeple friendly tasks and I will frequently carry a slightly bigger knife in a pocket incase I need to cut something more solid. However even discrete use of the Ladybug which is pretty tiny (1.5" blade) has drawn comments in the post 911 Sheeple filled world in we live. I suspect that the airplane ban is partly to blame for this shift in attitudes but the prevalent attitude is that knives anywhere but a kitchen are seen as a threat these days.

I was recently reading about the changes in the knife laws in the UK since I lived there and was surprised at how draconian knife laws in the UK are these days.

Illegal to carry any form of fixed blade ( over 2"?) or ANY locking knife in public without good reason ( Just in case I need to open a box is apparently not a good reason and saying for selfdefence definitely get the item confiscated and you fined/arrested). Apparently this is due to a serious increase in knife related crimes over there, so there is a comparison with guns in that it's not the idiots that carry them that get the bad press but the knives themselves.

This pisses me off immensely as the upshot of this is that even the humble swiss army knife which is a great everyday tool now suffers from "omg he's got a knife!!" and causes sheeple panic reactions.

Ok yeah so that started with one point and drifted to another, finally coming neatly back to the strting point... but in summary...

If you want to insist on the right to bare arms DinoBot... Buy a T-shirt not a Gun...


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I am (hopefully) going out for my conceal to carry permit later this year.

The quote above scares me more than anything I think I have ever read...

If there is one person who I would pick to never be allowed the responsibility of carrying a firearm it would be you Dinobot... Your maturity level is almost up there with my 8 yr old nephew...Dude seriously why on earth do you need to carry a gun let alone concealed?

I have still to hear a reasonable answer why anyone outside of law enforcement/military needs to carry a firearm in a built up area or a handgun anywhere at all. I doubt the "I need to open this cardboard box BLAM BLAM BLAM, there that's better!" excuse stands up.

Ok yeah so that started with one point and drifted to another, finally coming neatly back to the strting point... but in summary...

If you want to insist on the right to bare arms DinoBot... Buy a T-shirt not a Gun...


Because I've had a gun pulled on me twice. A shotgun. In. My. F*&^ing. Face. Working as a process server is a dangerous job.

That, and I'm not stupid. I'm a very mature person. I just don't act it online because I really don't give two shakes of a stick what happens online. I'm here to have fun and play with toys, not solve the world's problems.

I already carry a knife. I have since I can remember. 6 or something like that. But I fear that the one time a guy busts in the back of the church doors and starts shooting, or some guy calling himself Ismael walks into school and starts slaughtering people, a knife will not take care of the situation.

I've had the training. I've been in the military (CAP). I have the maturity, and I see no reason NOT to arm myself. I don't have any kids. I don't have road rage issues. I'm not going to snap and kill 30 people. (revolvers only carry 6-7 shots)

I'm sorry, but I don't see what the big deal is. I've been handling .22s since I was 10. I've been handling knives since i was younger. I suppose weapons of any kind might seem a dangerous thing if you are unsure of your salvation and fear death. Then again, I do know some people who don't like them just because they're dangerous. maybe it comes down to personal preference. My point is, it's like a condom. I'd rather have it and not need it, than need it and not have it. And no, keeping it in your glove compartment isn't an option. Shooters aren't going to politely wait for you to go and get it.

I know in some circles this is a hot button issue, but I must say I am a tiny bit surprised at the reactions. I have never encountered the issue of gun control with anyone. Let alone knife control. Then again, I forgot 60% of the users here are in the UK. Even my most liberal friend (who think people should apply to NOT have an abortion) thinks guns are icky, but everyone should have them.

I don't mean any hard feelings, just as I know no one here wishes ill will on me (though I think I'm on Timbo's bad side now) I started this topic for open discussion. I see it's strayed a bit, but I don't mind. I can always take my ball and go play somewhere else.

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  • 2 months later...

This deserves an update, especially seeing as how it seems I will forever be remembered on here.

After scouring the internet and IRL, I decided I liked the Cold Steel ones, but wasn't willing to pay $100 for one. The only thing I could find was those stupid pressed fiberboard ones that I wouldn't trust to hold up a feather. I ruled out sword canes very shortly after the last update here, but it was still impossible to find a cane that was sturdy and didn't look "old".

I went looking for a Blackthorn Shillelagh and couldn't find one under 50 years old. Does no one know how to make Blackthorns any more?!

So I went with this one. My dad loves it, and best of all he doesn't actually use it. It's great.

So yet another auspicious chapter of my life closed. Remind me to never tell yall about the time I caught my shorts on fire. :blush:

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I'm sincere when I say that despite your often bizarre views I generally leave reading your posts with a smile ;) I cannot believe that until today I didn't realise how interesting shillelaghs could be & I've just been mesmerised by the current availability from our neighbourly friends across the Irish Sea :rolleyes: Check this bastard out :ohmy:

If you're going to have one then that's your baby.

Crazy thing is that every year I make 'Sloe Gin' which I'm not sure you have it in the US but it is made with the berries of .......Blackthorns & there are friggin dozens around my place! Can you see where this is going..........I'll keep you posted . Blackthornmate's Shillelaghs a certain ring to it :huh:

Edited by buttheadsmate
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I'm sincere when I say that despite your often bizarre views I generally leave reading your posts with a smile ;) I cannot believe that until today I didn't realise how interesting shillelaghs could be & I've just been mesmerised by the current availability from our neighbourly friends across the Irish Sea :rolleyes: Check this bastard out :ohmy:

If you're going to have one then that's your baby.

Crazy thing is that every year I make 'Sloe Gin' which I'm not sure you have it in the US but it is made with the berries of .......Blackthorns & there are friggin dozens around my place! Can you see where this is going..........I'll keep you posted . Blackthornmate's Shillelaghs a certain ring to it :huh:

Oh see? Now that is VERY nice. I'd love to make some like that. I just wonder if there's a market out there for them...?

You know, good or bad, you have to admit this: I never go unnoticed.

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