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Star Trek - TNG, DeepSpace 9, Voyager

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Any rumors to any of these lines being produced? At one time sample pieces and packaging was produced for the larger minimate figures. I would love the Star Trek theme to continue.

As would we all! While there hasn't been any "official" news, I would be very surprised if they didn't expand the line to include the other spin-offs. There's actually probably more interest in NG and DS9 than the TOS (from what I've seen), but bear in mind that this is the 40th anniversary of the original so it is only logical (sorry, TOS topics make me talk like Spock!) that they would concentrate on it first. They mentioned that the first three waves would focus on TOS, but (no offense fans) I'd personally like to see at least one more wave as I don't feel that we've got enough aliens/adversaries. I need (more) Klingons, Romulans, perhaps an Andorian, and others before we shift gears.

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I'd personally like to see at least one more wave as I don't feel that we've got enough aliens/adversaries. I need (more) Klingons, Romulans, perhaps an Andorian, and others before we shift gears.

We can get all sorts of aliens as they branch out. Andorians had a big part in "Enterprise", Klingons and Romulans from "ST:TNG", The Borg from "Voyager" and Cardassians, Ferengi and Jem'Hadar from "DS9". "DS9" had the best aliens.

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I'd personally like to see at least one more wave as I don't feel that we've got enough aliens/adversaries. I need (more) Klingons, Romulans, perhaps an Andorian, and others before we shift gears.

We can get all sorts of aliens as they branch out. Andorians had a big part in "Enterprise", Klingons and Romulans from "ST:TNG", The Borg from "Voyager" and Cardassians, Ferengi and Jem'Hadar from "DS9". "DS9" had the best aliens.

It's true that the aliens can continue throughout all lines, but I think that some Aliens have had a distinctly different look from one series to the other.... or at least between Original Trek, Enterprise and TNG/DS9/Voyager.

The classic TOS aliens like the Andorians, Romulans & Klingons should appear in their vintage look, which was very characteristic of the entire series. I also think there are some "Signature" aliens that are also very characterisitc of the look of ST:TOS that would represent the line (and the series) well including: Salt Vampire, Gorn (already done), Talosian, Bele & Loki.

I do agree that DST shouldn't waste a lot of time with a lot of the alternate appearance versions of Kirk & crew (Bread and Circuses Kirk, Dress Uniform, etc) and proceed through each of the Star Trek series,making sure to cover the main crew, recurring crew characters and some signature non-crew.

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I do agree that DST shouldn't waste a lot of time with a lot of the alternate appearance versions of Kirk & crew (Bread and Circuses Kirk, Dress Uniform, etc) and proceed through each of the Star Trek series,making sure to cover the main crew, recurring crew characters and some signature non-crew.

We HAVE to get the "Mirror Universe" crew. We just have to... We also need "The City on the Edge of Forever" minis.

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Why DST is dicking around exclusively in TOS Land baffles me. I REALLY wish they'd take notice of DC Direct's wildly varied character assortments and mix things up. Gimme four 2-packs from different incarnations in each wave.

Not every Trekkie likes ALL Star Trek. Some folks ain't gonna wait around for DST to finally offer 'mates based on DS9 or ENT or VOY or the films. The next assortment should look like this:

Picard & Borg Queen (First Contact)

Quark & Morn (DS9)

Chakotay & Torres (VOY)

T'Pol & Tucker (ENT)

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Why DST is dicking around exclusively in TOS Land baffles me. I REALLY wish they'd take notice of DC Direct's wildly varied character assortments and mix things up. Gimme four 2-packs from different incarnations in each wave.

Not every Trekkie likes ALL Star Trek. Some folks ain't gonna wait around for DST to finally offer 'mates based on DS9 or ENT or VOY or the films. The next assortment should look like this:

Picard & Borg Queen (First Contact)

Quark & Morn (DS9)

Chakotay & Torres (VOY)

T'Pol & Tucker (ENT)

Actually, the mixed-franchise waves is about the best idea yet. When it comes to collecting SW or ST, nothing kills my interest faster than having to wait through wave after wave after wave of variants of the same 2 characters. At least with this proposal, there'd be 1 or 2 sets that'd be interesting in each wave.

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That's the thing though - I'd skip the entire wave. Matter of fact, unless they do lots of aliens from TOS, I'm probably done with the Trek line. Wave 1 and 2 will round out my collection very well.

Alien waves would get me back into it.


2.5" Gorn/Mugato (with a Mego Mugato variant)


Romulan/Talosian (Keeper)

Need to fit a Cheron in there somewhere....

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That's the thing though - I'd skip the entire wave.

And how many collectors are skipping the whole line simply because they don't like TOS? Enough to make an impression that Star Trek Minimates don't sell well? Again? It's like having the Star Wars license but only making figures based on A New Hope.

Excluding a significant portion of your consumer base by arbitrarily restricting character variety is not a good idea, especially when you're launching a new product line (or in this case re-launching it). The only reason I left out TOS in my proposal is because it's already monopolized the entire line so far.

You can't expect to please everyone with every series especially with a property as epic and a fanbase as fractured as Star Trek's, but for what it's worth, the following series should look like this:

Kirk & Kruge (STIII:TSFS)

Rand & Charlie X (TOS)

Odo & Kira (DS9)

Kneelix & Kes (VOY)

Anchor each wave with a captain or equally popular character. The top slot is movie based, the rest based on TV series. Fill those with characters that might be considered second tier. No chase figures, just occasional variants.

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That's the thing though - I'd skip the entire wave.

And how many collectors are skipping the whole line simply because they don't like TOS? Enough to make an impression that Star Trek Minimates don't sell well? Again? It's like having the Star Wars license but only making figures based on A New Hope.

Excluding a significant portion of your consumer base by arbitrarily restricting character variety is not a good idea, especially when you're launching a new product line (or in this case re-launching it). The only reason I left out TOS in my proposal is because it's already monopolized the entire line so far.

You can't expect to please everyone with every series especially with a property as epic and a fanbase as fractured as Star Trek's, but for what it's worth, the following series should look like this:

Kirk & Kruge (STIII:TSFS)

Rand & Charlie X (TOS)

Odo & Kira (DS9)

Kneelix & Kes (VOY)

Anchor each wave with a captain or equally popular character. The top slot is movie based, the rest based on TV series. Fill those with characters that might be considered second tier. No chase figures, just occasional variants.

So your proposal would be that it's better to sell 1 pack out of the series to an individual, rather than the entire series? IMO that would potentially leave reatailers with pegwarmers galore and would 'make an impression that Star Trek Minimates don't sell well'. ;)

I can only speak from my perspective as a (former) comic shop owner. I'd rather sell the entire wave to someone than sell them in ones & twos. I'd be much more apt to buy another case in the future if my sell thru was quick and painless. Pegwarmers is not quick and painless.

I agree that the Trek fanbase is screwed beyond belief. Your example of having the SW license and only selling figs based on A New Hope would be fine - most SW fans would buy figs based on that line alone. Sure, there would be some bitching from fans of ESB & Jedi, but I'd still sell thru a case with 2 packs of Luke & Ben, Han & Chewie, Leia & Darth and R2 & C3P0. The next wave could be all Stormtroopers and I'd still sell thru the case. Wave after that could be Cantina aliens, droids and Jawas - I'd still sell 'em all.

Unfortunately with Trek, there's no way to make everyone happy at once. Fans will have to be patient and support the line based on its merits and the fact that its Trek - eventually everyone will get what they want - just like with the Marvel line. I'm sure some fans quit collecting when the Ultimate Xmen line wasn't completed. Daredevil has a cast of characters still waiting to be explored. Avengers is just scratching the surface. Fans keep buying them because they're Marvel minimates - eventually we'll get Thor, Hawkeye, Angel, Abomination and Namor.

Trek fans need to do the same thing or when the line fails - again - they'll have no one to blame but themselves. (Before you ask why I wouldn't buy the proposed waves, I'm not a 'Trek fan' - I'm a very casual Trek collector. I'm only going to buy the few that I want. I'm one of those who would have quit collecting when Ult Xmen was done. That said, does it make my points any less vaild? I hope not...)

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As fun as mixed waves would be, I have to agree with Reideen that themed waves make more sense. I'm a Trek fan in general, with my least exposure to TOS. But either way, I'll be getting them all. So for someone like me, it makes no difference if it's all TOS or mixed.

But I'm a subset of a subset. For the "average" buyer, I think you're more likely to sell all of your set at once if they're themed. I suppose for the comic store owner, it's better to sell a set of three to one person, than a single set to three people.

Though as a fan, I'm astoundingly puzzled by the decision to do "Bread and Circuses" Kirk. I wholly understand the want for putting a Kirk in each wave, but there are other versions that make more sense. (I'm not much of a TOS fan, but the first five that pop into my head are regular, battle damaged, formal, Mirror, and alternate uniform [like he wore in Trouble with Tribbles and others]. Even the single-episode one in this list, Mirror, is an iconic episode. Hell, Kirk appeared wholly shirtless more often, so that seems like a more deserving variant.)

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That's the thing though - I'd skip the entire wave. Matter of fact, unless they do lots of aliens from TOS, I'm probably done with the Trek line. Wave 1 and 2 will round out my collection very well.

Alien waves would get me back into it.


2.5" Gorn/Mugato (with a Mego Mugato variant)


Romulan/Talosian (Keeper)

Need to fit a Cheron in there somewhere....

See, I don't want all aliens. I'd like the crew members from the different series, with an alien or two a wave. For example, great as Wave 1 looks there's no one to fight! The line has to start with the actual main characters, but needs enemys too. Look to Marvel Wave 1 for a decent example. Or DC Wave 1 for a GREAT example of how to start off a line.

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So your proposal would be that it's better to sell 1 pack out of the series to an individual, rather than the entire series? IMO that would potentially leave reatailers with pegwarmers galore and would 'make an impression that Star Trek Minimates don't sell well'. ;)

My position is that it's better to sell a myriad of product to several consumers than one product to one consumer. Something about putting all your eggs into one basket or – God forbid – that one consumer dying.

I can only speak from my perspective as a (former) comic shop owner. I'd rather sell the entire wave to someone than sell them in ones & twos. I'd be much more apt to buy another case in the future if my sell thru was quick and painless. Pegwarmers is not quick and painless.

(I think I can see why Reideen's a former comic shop owner. :P )

To Trekkies who aren't TOS fans, every series of Minimates so far is a pegwarmer. It's all about perspective. You've got to look at the big picture and be objective.

Like Star Wars, Star Trek has a significant generation gap that cannot be ignored. There are fans who grew up on the modern versions and have little or no interest in the "old stuff." I found it interesting that even when you used my Star Wars analogy, you ignored the prequels, which have been a significant source of revenue for Hasbro and other Star Wars licensees over the last eight years. You're startin' to look like a biased old codger, Reideen. ;)

I just think it's as much a mistake to only offer TOS product as it would be for a comic shop to only offer Superman titles.

(Before you ask why I wouldn't buy the proposed waves, I'm not a 'Trek fan' - I'm a very casual Trek collector. I'm only going to buy the few that I want. I'm one of those who would have quit collecting when Ult Xmen was done. That said, does it make my points any less vaild? I hope not...)

There are a lot of niche collectors. Some just want characters from their favorite show, some just want those from movies, others may simply want captains or aliens. To paraphrase Spock, DST should be catering to the needs of the many, not the few.

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As fun as mixed waves would be, I have to agree with Reideen that themed waves make more sense.

Themed waves wouldn't bother me but so far the entire LINE has been themed TOS to the exclusion of every other incarnation of Trek out there. Had the first series featured characters from TNG, followed by TOS, and then DS9 or ENT, I wouldn't be complaining. (Well, not about this.) My biggest concern is consumer perception; that this line is TOS-only, just like the last 3-inch incarnation. That didn't last long either.

Hell, I could see fans who loathe TOS picking up those figures if only to make quick customs like Sisko & Company from Trials & Tribble-ations. Unfortunately without 'mates of Sisko, Dax, Bashir and O'Brien, that's not as likely.

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So your proposal would be that it's better to sell 1 pack out of the series to an individual, rather than the entire series? IMO that would potentially leave reatailers with pegwarmers galore and would 'make an impression that Star Trek Minimates don't sell well'. ;)

My position is that it's better to sell a myriad of product to several consumers than one product to one consumer. Something about putting all your eggs into one basket or - God forbid - that one consumer dying.

I can only speak from my perspective as a (former) comic shop owner. I'd rather sell the entire wave to someone than sell them in ones & twos. I'd be much more apt to buy another case in the future if my sell thru was quick and painless. Pegwarmers is not quick and painless.

(I think I can see why Reideen's a former comic shop owner. :P )

LOL! Actually I'm a former retailer because my partner was a crook and cleaned the store out one night when I was moving into a new house. Due to the move, I wasn't able to work at the store and he made the most of the opportunity. It wasn't because of a lack of profits or difficulty in getting people to buy what I was ordering. :)

As a retailer I can tell you its easier to get 1 person into a store than it is 4. If I can sell more product to that one person, better for me as a retailer.

To Trekkies who aren't TOS fans, every series of Minimates so far is a pegwarmer. It's all about perspective. You've got to look at the big picture and be objective.

Correct - big picture is the retailers make the orders. They are the ones who will ultimately decide if Trek mates live or die - based on fan response. Making it easy for retailers to sell thru is the answer to making this line survive short term. If it does, then yes, I can see diversifying the line to other eras of Trek.

Like Star Wars, Star Trek has a significant generation gap that cannot be ignored. There are fans who grew up on the modern versions and have little or no interest in the "old stuff." I found it interesting that even when you used my Star Wars analogy, you ignored the prequels, which have been a significant source of revenue for Hasbro and other Star Wars licensees over the last eight years. You're startin' to look like a biased old codger, Reideen. ;)

Prequels? Lucas never made prequels to the SW trilogy.... ;)

I just think it's as much a mistake to only offer TOS product as it would be for a comic shop to only offer Superman titles.

I can see that. However if you're a niche retailer looking to test selling comics, starting with the Superman titles would be a fairly safe bet.

(Before you ask why I wouldn't buy the proposed waves, I'm not a 'Trek fan' - I'm a very casual Trek collector. I'm only going to buy the few that I want. I'm one of those who would have quit collecting when Ult Xmen was done. That said, does it make my points any less vaild? I hope not...)

There are a lot of niche collectors. Some just want characters from their favorite show, some just want those from movies, others may simply want captains or aliens. To paraphrase Spock, DST should be catering to the needs of the many, not the few.

Agreed but you have to give it time to get there. Trek has failed once. Trek fans need to realize they're damn lucky it came back again and need to support it this time if they want to see DS9/Enterprise/TNG/Voyager down the road.

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Agreed but you have to give it time to get there. Trek has failed once. Trek fans need to realize they're damn lucky it came back again and need to support it this time if they want to see DS9/Enterprise/TNG/Voyager down the road.

That doesn't appear to be a problem if Wave 1 is an indicator. I pre-ordered a case and could not get all my mates because they were short-shipped. The shops in my city seem to have burned through them pretty quickly.

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Agreed but you have to give it time to get there. Trek has failed once. Trek fans need to realize they're damn lucky it came back again and need to support it this time if they want to see DS9/Enterprise/TNG/Voyager down the road.

That doesn't appear to be a problem if Wave 1 is an indicator. I pre-ordered a case and could not get all my mates because they were short-shipped. The shops in my city seem to have burned through them pretty quickly.

True. They shipments were allocated. We don't know if that's because they sold well or if the number produced was reduced to test the waters.

Look - I'm starting to come across as being negative here and that isn't my intent. I just think ST fans should appreciate what's going on. Not every line gets a 2nd chance after it has failed at retail. I'm glad ST is back and hope it does well. I hope ST fans of every era get what they want - I just think they should be realistic in what they want and how quickly they expect it to happen.

Make sense?

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As a Minimate fan but not really a big trek fan (seen enough to know who most people are) it makes more sense to me to do the main bridge characters...

So my ideas for waves would be slightly radical ( no pun intended) I reckon that in order to get those who like differing series on board but cover them all you have to cheat a little.

My waves would have a loose theme based on role in their appropriate series, with a captain and villain/alien and a variant captain and alien pack ( notice this is just a variant figure and is not short packed) it would look something like this...

(With apologies to all trek fans for spelling and possible confusion over who does what)

BTW I'm ignoring Enterprise cos I've never seen it but I'm sure it could be worked in if there was a need for it ;)

Wave 1 - First officers




Movie Uniform Picard/Borg(Variants)

Wave 2 -Engineers



Laforge/Torres (TNG/VOY)

T&Tribbles uniform Sisko/TOS Klingon(Variants)

Wave 3 - Doctors...etc

I hope that gives you the idea of what I'd do? - obviously they could play with the orders of the captains and eventually maybe swap in some movie uniforms etc...

My idea is to have enough main characters to keep everyone happy, keep people buying at least one pack per wave and possibly more once they have some of the other crews through forced two pack buying ;), build complete crews in a few waves - with the more obscure or hard to match characters coming as Exclusive two packs at cons etc. The second captain idea is to increase the odds of getting 'your fave captain' quickly and increase the number of alien/bad guys produced.

The only drawback I see here is that there aren't enough aliens or bad guys etc?



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Like Star Wars, Star Trek has a significant generation gap that cannot be ignored. There are fans who grew up on the modern versions and have little or no interest in the "old stuff." I found it interesting that even when you used my Star Wars analogy, you ignored the prequels, which have been a significant source of revenue for Hasbro and other Star Wars licensees over the last eight years. You're startin' to look like a biased old codger, Reideen. ;)

Prequels? Lucas never made prequels to the SW trilogy.... ;)

I've got a couple of boys who were born in the '90's. They actually like Episodes I-III and consider them superior to the later trilogy. Amazing. And yet, original Star Wars seems to sell better in comic shops. Could this be because the newer generation of nerds doesn't hang in comic shops? That they're too busy with Halo 3?

As for Trek: Bring on all the bridge crews! Granted, I'll buy nearly any 'Mate, but a revolving series of Trek would work for me: a TOS wave, followed by a TNG wave, then a DS9 wave, you get the idea. One or two bad guys in each wave for exciting space-fu fight scenes....

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Like Star Wars, Star Trek has a significant generation gap that cannot be ignored. There are fans who grew up on the modern versions and have little or no interest in the "old stuff." I found it interesting that even when you used my Star Wars analogy, you ignored the prequels, which have been a significant source of revenue for Hasbro and other Star Wars licensees over the last eight years. You're startin' to look like a biased old codger, Reideen. ;)

Prequels? Lucas never made prequels to the SW trilogy.... ;)

I've got a couple of boys who were born in the '90's. They actually like Episodes I-III and consider them superior to the later trilogy. Amazing. And yet, original Star Wars seems to sell better in comic shops. Could this be because the newer generation of nerds doesn't hang in comic shops? That they're too busy with Halo 3?

As for Trek: Bring on all the bridge crews! Granted, I'll buy nearly any 'Mate, but a revolving series of Trek would work for me: a TOS wave, followed by a TNG wave, then a DS9 wave, you get the idea. One or two bad guys in each wave for exciting space-fu fight scenes....

I'm with you - I'd like to see the bridge crew/main characters and main aliens from all of the franchises be the priority before alternate-uniform characters.

The proposal of mixed-franchise waves that focus on combinations of main characters and aliens/supporting characters seems like one of the best ways to maximize interest in the license.

I think there's so much to do with the main characters, key supporting characters and aliens that the license could go for many, many, many waves as it is, without milking 15 variations on TOS Kirk, Spock & McCoy.

As it is.... I'm probably looking to get only partials sets of ST Wave 2 & 3, because there's characters that I'm just not interested in (Shirtless Sulu, Bread & Circuses Kirk, Dress Uniform Kirk & Spock). If those waves included aliens or other characters like Kyle, Rand or Chapel, I'd make sure to get them all.

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I totally agree. I mean really how many kirks does one person need. I am looking forward to TNG and the movies. I will be really impresed if even those get made. does AA rights must cover TNG that is how they made those sweet 8" figures. I don't understand why it is taking so long to get those made, and why they are spending so many wave on TOS

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