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  1. at least crystal has other opportunities to be a mate... I mean, she was briefly in the fantastic four and the avengers. she's a "bigger deal" than pretty much any of the other inhumans, and, in my opinion, she's got a better chance of being made but if I got my vote it'd be for a crystal/ronan the accuser pack
  2. As anxiety-inducing as it would be hoping DST would release that Royal Family boxset, the "it's not the team if it isn't all of them" dilemma still stands if ever they do decide to release a 4-pack, and a follow-up 4-pack to complete the team seems highly unlikely unless the Inhumans magically increased in mainstream popularity overnight. Personally I'm optimistic that maybe we might see Medusa and Crystal as standalone mates in a wave or themed boxset, seeing as they're already the most prominently-known Inhumans after Black Bolt*. That said, I'd love for DST to maybe come out with an all-Cosmic Marvel wave someday... that is, IF DST isn't planning on releasing any more cosmic sets after Infinity Gauntlet (which I hope they do). _____ *Subject to personal opinion, of course Yeah, the one drawback is that this might drastically reduce our chances of getting an "Inhumans" box set. It isn't like any of those guys are very well known, but Black Bolt has to be the best known of the bunch, and I don't see them doing a set without him. Come on, DST can always release an Inhumans set with a "battle-damaged" Black Bolt variant
  3. Yeah, the one drawback is that this might drastically reduce our chances of getting an "Inhumans" box set. It isn't like any of those guys are very well known, but Black Bolt has to be the best known of the bunch, and I don't see them doing a set without him.
  4. To be fair, 616 Medusa actually got a promising amount of character development as Queen of the Inhumans... I guess it comes with the territory of being the wife and spokesperson of possibly one of the most powerful guys in the universe
  5. *earth-shattering high-pitched screaming from across the Pacific* THANK YOU DST!!!! A Black Bolt Minimate! Oh my, I think I could cry... Personally I figured Medusa would've been a more appropriate pack partner for ol' Blackagar, but I'm not complaining, hopefully this means she can get top billing in an Inhumans Royal Family boxset instead As for Captain Marvel: I'm betting it's gonna be Mar-Vell (*squee*) but even if it ended up being Genis I'd still be mightily satisfied And the rest of the news is spectacular too! Yay, Minimate-scale backdrops! Yay Minimate-ized Secret Wars box art! Semi-Yay more Origins mates! (Come on, Wraith!) Yay Ghostbusters! Yay Thanos fingers! BLACK BOLT MINIMATE! *faints*
  6. Though I haven't actually read the story, I've always been intrigued by the "Thanos being in love with Death" aspect. Which now makes me want to figure out how one can make a Lady Death minimate. (Ghost Rider's skull, Cloak's hood, Previews exclusive Sand Saref's skirt, those sleeve attachments like on Mariko and/or the classic BSG Lucifer, and some dark blue/dark purple paint?) And seriously, Cosmic Marvel is just rife with teams and story arcs tailor-made for the Minimate treatment. Off the top of my head: Teams: Guardians of the Galaxy, Starjammers, Nova Corps, Inhumans (kind of), Eternals (kind of) Events: Kree-Skrull War, part of the Dark Phoenix saga, Annihilation Wave, Planet Hulk (kind of), not to mention literally the only ongoing comic title I'm reading right now...
  7. WOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOW^&%@&*#^*&%%^%$#$@#$@*)^!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Holy guacamole, Infinity Gauntlet? An updated Thanos? Three powerful and influential characters I've barely heard of? A Cosmic Marvel boxset?! Thank you DST, you have just given me hope of seeing some Inhumans/War Of Kings Minimates one day.
  8. Um, there were six different (and, arguably, contradictory) Inhumans lineups in the poll that might have complicated and split up the votes for that particular team. The main problem is that the Royal Family (yes, all six seven eight of them) has always been the Royal Family, they literally haven't changed their "lineup" for years save for the few times when Medusa, Crystal or Black Bolt would wander off somewhere solo, and even then they always came running back to the Royal Family in no time at all. That's because their working together as a family, their "unity in diversity" gimmick is practically what defined them. Thus, to Inhumans fans getting a Royal Family lineup missing even just one of the aforementioned Royal Family is almost like getting no Royal Family at all, almost on the level of getting just three of the Fantastic Four. And that's not even taking into account the complications caused by Lockjaw (a member of the Family, albeit the Family pet), Maximus the Mad (Black Bolt's brother, formally a member of the Family but had been the resident villain for some time) and to a lesser extent Luna (Crystal's kid) and Ahura (Black Bolt and Medusa's kid), both the sort-of "heirs" of the Family. P.S. Holy crap, how many times did I use the word "family" in that post?
  9. The polls are open until Sunday, April 5th! 109 boardies voted on box sets in first round. Each of the initial 85 suggestions making it to this final round got at least 9 votes. Ladies and gentlemen, here are the final contestants for our AFX Marvel box set wishlist! AGE OF APOCALYPSE - ALPHA FLIGHT - AVENGERS DARK AVENGERS - EXCALIBUR - INHUMANS MASTERS OF EVIL - SINISTER SIX - THUNDERBOLTS NEW THUNDERBOLTS - VILLAINS, IRON MAN - WRECKING CREW X-MEN, 90's - X-MEN, FIRST APPEARANCE - YOUNG AVENGERS How many votes do I have? You have one single vote on the top 15 ranked box sets in this final round. How are votes counted on box sets with multiple character configurations? Since there are technical problems otherwise and I don't want to come up with a third poll, here is how those ones will be counted: If you love to see a box set with several character arrangements being minimaterized, just vote on your favorite roster. At the end all votes on a box set's main theme (written in capital letters, i.e. INHUMANS) will be summated to give this theme an overall score. If for instance the Inhumans will receive 3 votes on each of their 6 character configurations, Inhumans in general will be regarded as having 18 votes. That is the score which decides whether they are in the top5 in the end or not. What happens next? At the end of this final poll, the top 5 box sets will be our common suggestions to be sent out to AFX. In case a box set suggestion with several character constellations makes it to that top five most desired box sets, the roster with the highest score is the one to be presented to AFX. (For instance, the Inhumans would make it to the top 5 in general and the character configuration "Black Bolt, Medusa, Karnak, Gorgon" in particular got the most votes of all suggested Inhumans' roster, this one will be suggested to AFX as our Inhumans suggestion.) Then, every member sends the same top 5 list to AFX individually. (Thanks Luke!) We'll see what happens if there is a tie, when there is a tie. What? For any questions on the whole idea, feel free to (re-)read this thread. Here is the link to the first round of this poll and here is the initial prophecy. Sorry for the chaos, but the first (more clearly arranged?) idea I released did not work. :sad: Anyway, may the force be with you and may you have lots of fun and excitement!
  10. No one voted for the inhumans but 5 people voted for the young avengers.Like we need another version of hulk , iron man ,and captian america.
  11. Call me crazy, but I think it's about time DST re-did the Fantastic Four. Really, when you look at them now the Minimates of Sue and Johnny (and to a lesser extent, Reed Richards) are kind-of dated what with all the new detailing on the later waves (case on point: old and new Green Goblin). I don't know if the boat has sailed on these already, but now that DST is releasing bigger and better versions of the earlier waves I think a new FF wave is just ripe with opportunities: updated versions of the FF, either with the black- or white-boots look (the Secret Was Ben Grimm might have a place here, and admit it: you WISH DST redid Sue's 60s hairdo ages ago) Fantastic Four She-Hulk, Black Panther and Storm (bring on the comic-accurate esoteric variants! ) FF Villains (including the Frightful Four and Secret Wars Dr. Doom?) Supporting characters: Alicia Masters, Franklin and Valeria Richards Inhumans, particularly Black Bolt (long history with the FF, particularly with Mr. Fantastic), Medusa (Black Bolt's wife, not to mention a onetime member of the Frightful Four) and Crystal (was actually part of the FF at one point) ... and of course the perfect new variant: Malice Eh?
  12. The Howling Commandoes are the most acceptable of all. Sadly, there's no derby for a Dum Dum, hat for Reb Ralston, etc. A Howling Commandoes team is on my top of teams I'd like, along with the Inhumans.
  13. So just to be clear, Wolverine is currently a member of X-Force and the Avengers? Why am I reminded of my youth, when he was a "guest star" in every other comic released. Is he still an X-Man, too? Any other groups that he is a member of? Fantastic Four? Inhumans? Damage Control?
  14. Times up for voting on the final Excalibur roster. 9 people did respond to my request and astonishing 6 voted on Meggan, one single member on Nightcrawler and two were offering to go with the majority to make a decision easier. So that's officially it: #1 (SINISTER SIX) SINISTER FOES OF SPIDERMAN - Electro, Lizard, Vulture and Scorpion #2 EXCALIBUR - Captain Britain, Phoenix, Shadowcat and Meggan #3 WRECKING CREW - Wrecker, Bulldozer, Pile Driver and Thunderball #3 AVENGERS -Falcon, Black Panther, Mockingbird and Yellowjacket #5 INHUMANS - Black Bolt, Medusa, Karnak and Gorgon To deliver the strongest statement possible, please send this Marvel Box Set suggestion list to AFX. As far as I know, this should be their email: Thanks again for participaiting, it was great fun!
  15. So Wrecking Crew and Avengers are tied for first third, eh? Was never really that familiar with the former, but the latter I believe might still *happen* even without AFX's magical intervention (read: Wave 29-30 and/or beyond ) Excalibur, I can definitely get behind. Long live the Queen! Sinister Six........... ehhhhhhhhhhhh (see my last post above) And (two-thirds* of) the Inhumans made it? Awesome! As for forwarding our collective picks to AFX, I guess we can either try posting in the original blog post that mentioned the Choose-Your-Own-Exclusive or just use their regular e-mail address, which is bound to be on the site somewhere. I only wonder how kindly they'll take to dozens of us wacky block figure fans flooding their servers purely on the basis of wishful thinking. ... now can we please somehow convince Shane to spill the beans on this? *Because Maximus is insane and Lockjaw is "never gonna happen" ()
  16. That's it citizens of the Multiverse. The moment you've all be waiting for since trying to narrow the field and voting on the first poll. Here are the official unofficial Marvel Boxed Set Suggestions: #1 SINISTER SIX - Electro, Lizard, Vulture and Scorpion #2 EXCALIBUR - Captain Britain, Phoenix, Shadowcat and ?!? #3 WRECKING CREW - Wrecker, Bulldozer, Pile Driver and Thunderball #3 AVENGERS -Falcon, Black Panther, Mockingbird and Yellowjacket #5 INHUMANS - Black Bolt, Medusa, Karnak and Gorgon So what's next? To deliver a statement as powerful as possible, we are all sending AFX the same top 5 individually. Since I'm not that familiar with AFX, would somebody be so kind to post the email-address those list should be send to? That's it folks, thanks for participating and making that whole thing an exciting and nerdish funny thing! BUT WAIT: EXCALIBUR? KURT? MEGGAN? Who will be in the final roster? I'd say - to make it as easy as possible and to get the final character configuration as fast as possible as well - everybody who voted on any of those two Excalibur box sets, please PM (private message) me saying either: "I still want Nightcrawler!", "We need to get Meggan in there" or "I just want Captain Britain; give me Kurt or Meggan I don't care. I'm already all smiles!" TODAY! As soon as I have all 16 PM or time's up I'm going to announce the final Excalibur roster and we are able to send our wishlists to AFX. So, please be patient with sending out the list until then. Thanks.
  17. Well - at the moment, It's a Tie between Excalibur & The Sinister Foes of Spider man. Bob Harris set the rules about voting thusly: How are votes counted on box sets with multiple character configurations? Since there are technical problems otherwise and I don't want to come up with a third poll, here is how those ones will be counted: If you love to see a box set with several character arrangements being minimaterized, just vote on your favorite roster. At the end all votes on a box set's main theme (written in capital letters, i.e. INHUMANS) will be summated to give this theme an overall score. If for instance the Inhumans will receive 3 votes on each of their 6 character configurations, Inhumans in general will be regarded as having 18 votes. That is the score which decides whether they are in the top5 in the end or not. As for the Excalibur choices: We still need a Cap B, and a Rachel Summers, not to mention an old-school Shadowcat. No-one will boycott the BoxSet (assuming it gets made) for having Nightcrawler over Meggan, But she would be the 'Jewel' or 'Thunderbird' of the set: the character that wouldn't get made on her own, so it'd be a shame to have her knocked out of the set to make way for a 3rd release of Nightcrawler (who will quite likely get a re-vamped 'Mate in the future anyway). *Vote #1 Meggan* *Meggan for President* *Meggan = No.1 MILF* *Make Mine Meggan*
  18. Wow... so who's gonna pull through? Sinister Six or Wrecking Crew? Or will Excalibur or the Inhumans make a HUGE upset? Who's it gonna be? Tension mounting....
  19. Yeah - i keep telling myself that this will be just a fun wish list type of thing, so i don't get too hopeful. Still, it is VERY fun to see who people wanna see made into a box-set. And i'm also personally a bit stoked to see a couple of people voting for line-ups that i suggested (one of the AOA rosters & an Inhumans roster) WOOT! *Meggan = No. 1 MILF* Ok - so she's not actually a mother. . . but i'm running out of pro Meggan slogans.
  20. With 101 people voted on those sets there still are two exciting questions: Who will be the fifth in our list - currently it looks pretty good for the Inhumans (9), Young Avengers (7) and even the Iron Man villains (6) - and which Excalibur constellation will win? Right now it's 8 votes on Kurt and 7 on Meggan! And yeah, that's exactly what I do think. This whole thing - from suggesting the strangest box sets (I mean, come on, the Great Lake Avengers?!? :tongue:) to those two polls - is great fun! We should get those possibilities for enthusiastic nerd considerations way more often!
  21. We know you love those and since they do look like a sure shot, I don't see a problem here. Nice speech, Nessex! OK. There were 109 people voting in the first round, so there still are about at least 15 to vote this time. The first four spots of our top 5 list seem to be pretty clear, but the fifth slot is highly competitive! Inhumans, Young Avengers, Age of Apocalypse and even (those boring ) Iron Man villains might reach this spot. The suspense continues!
  22. ha ha ha ha ha, LOL Now let me try! Any chance of Watchmen Minimates? <3 It's lookin' good! Any chance of Inhumans Minimates? Sure! <3 ... Any chance I'll become popular in school if word gets out I collect Minimates? Forget about it! ... that's what I get for using the big, gay, sarcastic pink Magic 8 Ball.
  23. Wow, two of those Inhumans lineups are identical. (No they're not. my eyes are playing tricks on me again. ) Picking the perfect Inhumans roster is a nightmare for me, given that these guys rarely function outside of a unit (With the exception maybe of Black Bolt and Maximus). DSTChuck (or was it DSTMatt? I forget) already hinted somewhere that a Lockjaw minimate might be unlikely, so I've already conceded that we're not getting him. Maximus is pretty much the resident villain BUT his costume (his regular non-usurper-of-the-Attilan-throne one, at least) is relatively dull. So I don't know if DST will even consider making him. I've already said elsewhere that an official set MUST include Black Bolt and Medusa together. Which leaves the dilemma of who will get the latter two spots: Crystal is Medusa's sister AND the apparent dark horse of the War of Kings crossover. BUT Karnak and Gorgon should appear together in a set too since they're brothers AND two of the Royal family's most distinctive members (plus theoretically Karnak should be an easy Minimate for DST to make, just modify the Leader/Sinestro head mold). And what of poor, orphaned Triton? ... ... ... I've made my decision. (And if given a second choice, I'd probably go for Black Panther/Falcon/Mockingbird/Yellowjacket) They'll probably try either the fancy-collar approach (a la Booster Gold and a bunch of others from the DCD Minimate line) or the fancy-shoulder approach (a la Secret Invasion Wolverine)
  24. I went with The Wrecking Crew. The vote for any of the Alpha Flight, X-Men, Inhumans, T-Bolts, Avengers etc... sets is split far too many times to be effective. A group with less competition within itself will win this in a walk.
  25. Not that hard if you see this as a last-chance effort to get a Captain Britain (the Minimate that DST doesn't want you to have! Will you stand for their censorship against Europe, or will you acknowledge the world beyond America's borders?) I'm confused. What do you mean by beyond America's borders? There isn't anything but the void, is there? This was a tough poll. In the end, I had to go with the Inhumans.
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