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Everything posted by stack32

  1. stack32

    WAVE 76

    It's okay, we can't all have good taste.
  2. stack32

    WAVE 76

    Not really, you need an extra Hobgoblin and an energy sword. The only solution is to make a 90's Avengers wave as a companion to this one.
  3. stack32

    WAVE 76

    I just flipped through my copy of Maximum Carnage and, yes, she's wearing the black jacket costume. Whenever DST does larger eyes for Spider-Man they seem to end up a little low on the head, which I understand is difficult since there's only so much real estate to work with. Still, this is the Spider-Man of my youth so as long as the webbing doesn't show through the eyes too much this will become my default Spidey. The sonic blaster is an excellent accessory too. My only real disappointment here is that the problems with Venom and Carnage are things I would just assume DST would get right. Of course Carnage would have a new face, but it looks like he doesn't. Of course they would design an excellent Venom, except this one is a weirdly proportioned mess that's missing his tongue.
  4. I've yet to see a character listed here that couldn't legitimately use an upgrade. If we were making an "easiest to make much better" list Hydro Man would definitely be on it.
  5. One negative is that this movie makes Infinity War kind of anti-climactic. I mean, Okoye can easily take Thanos AND the Black Order herself, so why should we worry about an invasion?
  6. stack32

    WAVE 76

    Yeah, Venom just looks fat. That's an awful design choice.
  7. The only figure I would switch out of the current lineup is Casino T'Challa so that's not bad. DST definitely did a good job.
  8. I liked it more than I thought I would and would probably go see it again. You're definitely right about some of the CG. I'd have to agree it's being overhyped, I saw a site calling it a "masterpiece" today and that seems pretty excessive.
  9. stack32

    WAVE 76

    Not sure Carnage is improved. Venom appears to have bulked up upper arms, thighs, and chest but not the rest. It looks really awkward. I hope they have the sense to change it. Everything else looks good.
  10. Nice, I'm glad they went with that face design for Spot.
  11. Too bad they didn't change the corner artwork to be Defenders characters.
  12. Literally no one in this thread is asking for that.
  13. Has that happened with any other lines? I don't recall seeing people make comments like that very often.
  14. Look at what Hasbro is doing though. That's the model, what most people seem to be hoping for just isn't very likely.
  15. I would be concerned that making characters from past movies could eat into the number of comic minimates we get. That aside, the lists people have made also show that DST has done a pretty good job covering the movies in the first place. Outside of updating some of the older Iron Man armors (III, IV, VI especially) and getting a proper sculpt for the MK III War Machine I don't know that there are a lot of figures that would really sell me on a set.
  16. I think Mystery Man's list pretty much covers it. I would add Wonder Man but I'd have to think pretty hard to come up with anyone else.
  17. If they start doing Fox movies again would there be any room left for comic minimates?
  18. It's like a moon bonnet. I believe that's DD's current costume, or at least the one he was wearing recently.
  19. That Moon Knight hood/cape combo really is awful, I'm very surprised they couldn't design something better. I wonder if the Quake pieces are exactly the same color as previous SHIELD agents? That sort of thing has been a problem from time to time.
  20. While I was largely joking I had this recent article in mind:
  21. How many would it take to count? This is a lot of 75 talk for the TRU 25 thread.
  22. I didn't realize there were as many Venoms running around as there are Wolverines. I could definitely imagine them making the new Anti-Venom since no new parts would be needed.
  23. Is that what you think is going on?
  24. Except it's not really like that at all, and maybe choosing to characterize it that way explains why these discussions end up with so much vitriol. I'm not sure why anyone thinks smug condescension is an antidote to "venomous, hateful" rants. If we can't criticize a figure with a slipcover head here, which has been done since they were introduced, then we might as well pack it in. The conversation seemed to be pretty unremarkable until someone blew up. There were plenty of positive things said about all the figures in this wave even among the criticisms. If you can't enjoy a figure because someone else points out that it has shortcomings that's a you problem. It's okay to like it even if it's not perfect.
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