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Everything posted by minimadman

  1. I guess with the Playstation minimates coming out next year a video game section could be created.
  2. These arrived packed nicely today and it is probably the greatest boxset ever. With the exception of the Iron Man these are the definitive versions of these characters. The Thor in particular is perfect.
  3. I've been watching since a little after midnight. It's been pretty awesome.
  4. I went by TRU when I got off work yesterday morning and was surprised to find the Warthog on the shelf with the MAX stuff. The two packs were no where to be seen but after scanning the top of the shelf I found a whole case of them so I got 1 of the MC / Arbiter, Sgt. Johnson / CQC, Clear ODST / UNSC and 2 of the Jorge / Noble 6. I will probably go back and get the Warthog today.
  5. Here are those Thor Army Builders. I get the Frost Giants and the Asgardian Soldier (guess) but who is the civilian?
  6. I am probably going to have to buy the Indiana Jones HT. If they take over Star Wars I will have to get a second job.
  7. I going to have to disagree with you here. I have seen and like the British version but the U.S. version has the most developed characters ever to appear in a sitcom. The Jim/Pam relationship is my favorite on TV. Ever. That said I am not sure how the series survives the departure of Steve Carell.
  8. I got a the Marvel Universe Havok that I have been looking for and a DVD of the British version of The Office. the DVD is region 2 so I can't play it but it's still cool.
  9. I received my gift today and have no idea who sent it. I know it was one of our British members but other than that I haven't a clue. Thanks mystery Santa.
  10. The newer Marvel Minimates have been at that price at my TRU for a while now. $1 kept you from buying them?
  11. Well crap. I just to order these and the free shipping promo has ended. Can someone pick these up for me at a local store? I have many things to trade or I can Paypal. I just can't spend $45 on 2 boxsets.
  12. Great someone had to use the Spider-Man slip on. I guess we can now expect this figure in a future TRU wave.
  13. If it's like this one from Luke's thread: the description says it's from William Adama but if you don't have that something similar would be repainting the one that came with Multiple Man.
  14. If that's the case I think you'd feel even better if we finally got a look at that vault of yours I'm glad that I started this thread because it helps me to feel less crazy and manic about the things I do. After I took the pic at the top and gathered up all my various stashes around the house I put them all in one of those big plastic bins and showed my wife when she got home from work. Her initial reaction was to ask if I was off my meds and to threaten to take away my debit card and replace it with one of the fake ones that come with a new wallet. She calmed down when I told her that it was all over a period of a couple years though.
  15. I have previously been diagnosed with OCD and that I also have a tendency to horde things. Those 2 things make it hard to be a collector sometimes. Usually when I buy things I have to buy 2 of them one for me and one for the monster in my head. I am an opener and am not interested in things MOC, but the monster in my head is. When we moved into our house my wife gave me the hall closet to keep my things in since I would no longer have a room and over time I began to put the extras that I would buy in there. Today I went looking for something and was both amazed and disgusted by what I found. Here is a picture of what was stashed in my closet. I found all of my other stashes and there were over 70 packs of Minimates and 15 or so random boxsets. I am usually pretty good about keeping it in check this is the result of many trips to my LCS and TRU but when put all together it is a little frightening.
  16. They sure got their use out of the word cobweb in their little announcement.
  17. or you could pm me and I'll send them to you at cost + shipping just to get them out of my tru and make space for newer Minimates.
  18. i agree 100 percent mad eye is one of my favorites in the Harry potter universe -and they could have had so much fun with everybody flying around and it would have been awsome on the big screen to watch
  19. I just got the Blurays and junkie watched them yesterday.
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