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Everything posted by VulcansFury

  1. Maybe they could improve their image with customers by not being shady and raising their prices every time they have a "sale"? I'm not particularly fond of having my stuff ring up *higher* than the shelf tag price because they are having a "free pegwarmer with purchase" for junk I don't want or their typical BS BOGO racket. Honestly, if it wasn't for Minimates I wouldn't even step foot in there anymore.
  2. The movie itself is now on Netflix streaming, if anyone actually wants to watch it.
  3. Oh really? Are you saying more are coming? And a sepia toned mate would stand well with my promo and translucent mates
  4. Dear Zach: You joke, but I would seriously buy a sepia tone minimate. That sounds incredibly cool! I asked about b&w SC vs TWD because I'd buy more b&w TWD like the Dale pack. As for red blood, someone else posted a SC pic of Benicio Del Toro from SC but his blood was not red. Sorry I havent watched this movie in a while, but isnt all the blood white in this film?
  5. I thought the main issue with any GB sequel was that the main cast all had equal say (except Hudson) on whether one was even allowed, and had to agree to the script, even if they didnt participate. Even if Murray refuses to be in it, he still has to sign off on letting them do it. It bothers me to know theres been so much gossip about GB3 now that I read that Ramis has been ill since 2010. Reading how he had to relearn how to walk is made more disturbing knowing people were demanding a sequel while Ramis was suffering.
  6. Ah crap! He was still too young. Such a shame, sounds like an unpleasant end for such a nice guy.
  7. Here's my entry. Saavy? Jack Sparrow from 2003's POTC: Curse of the Black Pearl
  8. My only complaint is that there's no electric chair. I was never a fan of Sin City because it was black & white, but because of the story. I do remember Yellow Bastard looked jarring on screen compared to the comic. I get that everyone has their personal tastes, but why is the argument for and against b&w different between Sin City and TWD? Why does DST argue on behalf of b&w Sin City but not TWD?
  9. I never heard from you! I'll still do it. Please share pics with us when its done
  10. How can you be deaf with ears like that? (I have most of Search For Spock memorized)
  11. Looks like we finally got our answer today in the GotG thread. Zach confirmed the ASM2 wave will have one exlusive packed at 3 per case (5/4/3 packout), then states GotG will also have one exclusive as well with 2 carryovers. So, looks like one exclusive per wave but a higher packout. Maybe it might have a bit to do with not getting movie reference art in time, so we'll see if the trend continues for comic waves. It stings a bit to lose a set per wave, but its better than losing them altogether. At least the exclusive should be easier to find.
  12. Honestly, is he still? During the TRU purge, the biggest Marvel pegwarmers were Wolvie & Viewtiful Joe and Wolvie and Reaper. The only reason the current Wolvie set is hard to find is due to the exclusive Ultron army builder at a huge discounted price. I know he still sells but I dont think he's a home run currently. That Capcom set came out over 2 years ago and is still available at clearance.
  13. YB's Goblin pic looks like Leo Dicaprio on meth.
  14. I like that Rocket is the pvc mini like Snarf & the Berbils. Enough of us have asked before for minis of Wasp & Ant Man.
  15. Doesnt DST already have a good relationship with MGM? I didnt think Zach said no to Clerks 2 outright.
  16. All the more reason to create a Kickstarter campaign to acquire rights that allow you to manufacture Minimates of [insert property here]. Just make sure you provide DST with the artwork. And funds as well, I bet that helps.
  17. They are different enough I don't mind. I wish I had known the color set was coming again with the exact same figures plus the extra Susanne, because in light of this that post-SDCC color pack was a ripoff.Its only been a few months, they couldn't have waited? This is such an unusual move on DST's part. They couldnt have made the figures at least a little bit different? its funny you are ok with the new B&W ones because "they are different enough" from the previous ones, with just new facial expressions,but you're upset about the new color ones even though they also have different facial expressions and Bob now has a Utility belt and they come with Suzanne???? Look again Mattalica, theres more new to the b&w Clerks versions than just the facial expressions.
  18. Kelloggs is a fierce mistress. Cereal mates just werent meant to be
  19. How exactly does that work? It sounds like the licensor is apt to flip over the chess board and take all his toys home with him for such a minor transgression. What exactly would pictures spoil from a 1979 movie? I'd understand if the studio was more worried about spoilers, but that sounds weird. We saw a ton of non-DST pics labeled "pending licensor approval", I dont think Funko is going to have their licenses revoked. Are the studios that thin-skinned over decades old properties?
  20. If it wasnt for the stellar Battle Beasts wave 2, I would have agreed with BHM 100%. Not to mention the plants in PvsZ showed a better design aproach for Mothra. Hopefully the cathead modern Godzilla will look better, because we know they can do it right.
  21. Shame the Jay and Silent Bob didnt get the same accessories as their 7inch figures, or you'd have some good extras. 2014: Year of the Minimate Drug Dealers.
  22. I guess wave 2 will have Mechagodzilla, Modern Godzilla, King Ghidorah, and Destroya?
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