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Everything posted by sha_ckwave

  1. Agree, thanks Doc ! Anyone on the East Coast spot these in stores yet ?
  2. Yes, please. UPC's, or preferably, the six digit TRU SKN/SKU number for the entire series.
  3. My theory on why Wave 1 (and Ghostbusters Wave 1) pre-orders sold out on ? They're offering pre-sales of both... for twice TRU's price. Who wants to bet they have a couple of hundred sets of each pre-ordered to fill their own sales ? I'm sure there are people who A) don't know better or are outside the US and can't get these via TRU that are ordering through them. If I can find these in stores easily enough... fine, more power to them. If these become hard to find and rare because BBTS and other e-tailers are essentially wide-scale scalping them? Problem.
  4. Set looks awesome... another great classic based set to off-set the modern sets we're getting via SDCC. But i'm waiting for another e-tailer to offer pre-sales besides CSC, given their less than stellar record lately with credit card sales.
  5. In that case, why don't we just make it a four-pack of Spiderman, Wolverine, Captain America and the Hulk.... Sarcasm aside, DST asked us to vote for the one figure I'd like to see in the pack. It certainly is not Spider-Man (by my calculations I'll be purchasing at least five Spider-Man minimates in the next 12 months, and I just purchased six in the previous 12 months), so, did not vote for him (I voted for the Beyonder, since it is a Secret Wars pack and he belongs in it, especially considering the character has gotten over 300 total votes). Simple. I'm not sure Bathing in Mud Spider-Man is the best choice to sell this set to the "casual fan". Unless I miss my guess, this is going to be in-stores around the same time Wave 30 is, and I'm not sure having a Spidey in EVERY box is a good selling point. Won't those 'casual fans' just buy a two-pack with Spidey in it? QFT brother. Just keep telling yourself "Enough God-Damned Spideys!" A goop covered Spider-Man isn't going to be the difference between this set selling to the "casual" fans or not. These things don't sell to casual fans, they sell to collectors and comic book fans. No little kid is going to say "Look Mommy ! I have no clue who these other three figures are, but I must buy it for goop covered Spider-Man !"
  6. Spidey, the third leading vote getter. There is no doubt the fix is in.
  7. Agreed. Something is not right here... As for me, I went with Monica, regular form. The more Avengers, the better. 2) Molecule Man 3) The Beyonder 4) Ben Grimm Mohawk Storm looks like she'd make a nice minimate, but I refuse to vote for her based on the fact that there enough people out there that collect nothing but X-Men that will skew these results. Broaden your horizons you mopes !
  8. I got the BBTS cancel email too... this can't SUCK enough.
  9. Hmmm... that sounds interesting. Hope for all our sakes that that sentiment comes from some form of inside knowledge and not just optimism. I too hope these all get made and released, and by all I mean ALL. Can't have one missing skin-job from our collections, can we? I am sorry to admit I was part of the problem with this line... I didn't collect it until the series was over. I liked the show but didn't like it enough to warrant purchasing collectibles from it. That all changed when season 4 rolled around, and changed even more with season 4.5 and the finale. Now I realize this is one of my favorite tv series of all time, and I had to get some collectibles to commemorate it. I've been able to get completely caught up through various sales and clearances of old product... BBTS, FYE stores, etc. I think I spent just over $100 to get caught up with the modern BBTS line... and that's everything released including the chases, box-sets, razor singles, cylons, etc. And that includes extras to make some customs too. Can't really go wrong with BBTS selling complete waves 3 and 4, with chases, for $8 and $11 respectively, or a case of 12 Razor singles for $39 bucks. And FYE stores having series 1 and 2 two-packs for $.94 cents, and the Cylon 5-pack for $4. I did have to pay full price for some of the 2-packs and for the Kat exclusive and Razor 5-pack for instance, but I think I more than made up for it with some of the steals I got on many other items. But now I wish I had supported the line sooner, sure it would have cost me more, but maybe these last waves would have come out. I need to close out my collection now... there's a gaping whole in my shelf without them... these last two waves and the new caprica box set really need to make it out! I can't believe there's not an etailer (AFX) or group of etailers maybe that are willing to pool their resources and order a 1000 piece per set run of these and charge extra for them. $10 a set maybe. $25 for the new caprica set. If crappy sets like the Iron Man Hostile Takeover sets can make it out with a 2000 piece run, why can't these ?
  10. Tomorrow! APRIL 2009 04/08/09 Marvel Minimates Heroes Box Set Marvel Minimates Villains Box Set Awesome !
  11. Sorry to bump this after two years. :biggrin: I just acquired this set... clearanced at FYE no less. What's the story with the 'Battle Damaged' Cylon ? On the box he's pictured with red/silver blast marks, but inside the package it just has a few black scuff marks on it, no blast marks like are shown on the packaging... are they all actually like that, or did I just get a dud set? I can take pics to illustrate if need be... are they all like this? A change from what was on the packaging? Thanks.
  12. Do we have a confirmed release date for these yet? Sometime this month, right? Anyone know when exactly?
  13. Thanks. Hmmm... BBTS has them too though... probably worked out a deal or something. Sorry about the duplicate thread... didn't realize they came out that long ago/didn't think to look that far back. This one can get the lock.
  14. Sorry, looked for a topic on this, didn't see one. Anyone have loose pictures of the Iron Man Hostile Takeover set? I'm trying to decide if its worth the $20 for two 'civilian' figures and two variants. And why is it $20 when the punisher set is $14, or the secret invasion set $16? Because it has a more limited run? They should have factored in the 'lame' factor into the price as well and made the price in line with the rest of the 4-packs they've sold.
  15. Entertainment Earth has them. I'm waiting on BBTS to get theirs in.... hurry up !
  16. I have both waves sitting in my BBTS Pile o Loot, and also added in Spidey Movie Wave 17, which I never bought til now, for $12... but I may hold off on shipping them until the 21st, when the Secret Invasion set is supposedly due. I can hold off for 2.5 more weeks if it means I'll save the cost of shipping for the SI set.
  17. Thanks for the heads up... best price going with the coupon and their shipping rates.... I ordered a set myself.
  18. Does anyone have an extra set they can sell me ? (Please)... My FYE's don't carry toys and all the suncoasts around here closed down. Please drop me a PM if you can help me out.
  19. Darkstalkers was bigger than you think. It was an innovative game (at the time) for Capcom to make. It was the first game to allow blocking while in the air, had better animation than any SF game before it and had some great specials & EX moves. I don't think it was a bad decision to include them in the line up - especially not if AA/DST were testing the water in overseas markets. That all may be true, but you're not honestly going to argue that Darkstalkers had the popularity and/or reach in the US market that Street Fighter 2 had ? Street Fighter 2 was a phenomena in this country for a good three year period in the early to mid 90's. Darkstalkers NEVER had that kind of reach. I wasn't comparing the quality or innovative nature of the video games, I was talking about their reach as a property. I also don't think it was a bad decision to include them in the line-up. I just think it was a bad decision to shortpack the better known Street Fighter 4-pack for the lesser known Darkstalkers set in a US retail store.
  20. It doesn't help that my TRU has about 14 of the 4-packs... 12 of them are the Darkstalkers Pack, and only 2 of the SF2 pack are left. What did they do, shortpack the SF2 sets ? C'mon, who was the genius behind that decision ? Obviously the SF2 set was going to be the bigger seller at mass market... Darkstalkers is a blip on the radar compared to the reach that SF2 had.
  21. Au contraire ! ...but I agree, translucent would have kicked ass.
  22. ...and also wave 3 was moved up from 04/25 to 04/18 as well.
  23. Jeez, 8 pounds a 2-pack in the UK.. ouch. The battle lines on redoing the C3 minimates seem to be drawn between those who bought them and those who didn't. I'm not advocating they drop everything and pump out the entire C3 line-up right away... but they should definetely continue to mix them in like they have been so far. If some of the costumes end up different, so be it.. if the line sells well they can eventually get to them all anyway. But not having The Flash, their 5th or 6th most iconic character amidst the first 40 minimates made is a mistake IMO. Of course, I'm wiling to admit if the sales of these end up strong, holding him to the 2nd round of figures could work in their favor.
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