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Everything posted by you_will_forget

  1. IF it makes you feel any better, my LCS still haven't got the DC wave 1 mates that I pre-ordered from them. I've got a set through Winkerbean's local, but still no luck for me locally. It's prompted me to look elsewhere (and, as it turns out, it's much, much cheaper to buy from America and pay for postage than it is to buy from a shop over here). I feel your pain though - nothing worse than being able to see what you want slip through your fingers. Jo
  2. Gotta agree with you guys. I've posted on the DC boards a few times when I was trying to find information, and the apsolute venomous hatred that some people spouted was just mind-boggling. Yeah, a few kindly people would give me the answers I was looking for, but even some of those treated me as an idiot for not knowing, just because I wasn't interested in reading everything from the Golden and Silver ages to find my answers. I certainly have new respect for comic writers if they can read those forums and not vow to leave comics for good. Either that or I want to become a company counsellor. So yeah, well done Ady and the guys - this place is a true haven. Jo
  3. I ordered my Wave 1 from Winkerbean's LCS, as they still haven't turned up at my local Forbidden Planet. Have plans in motion for wave 2 though... Jo
  4. Soooo... Pictures of Aaron Douglas playing with himself. I thought this was meant to be an all ages forum. I'll be going now Jo
  5. I would LOVE a Starman/Shade pack. Using logic to predict (bad idea really, considering I would never have guessed Sgt. Rock/Blackhawk) I would use the following assumptions: One JSA two-pack One Superman/Batman inspired two-pack One JLA two-pack One "huh?" two-pack Also, they seem to be avoiding characters used in C3 (apart from Batman - the Robin and Batgirl we're getting are different people) Therefore: Green Lantern (Alan Scott)/Sand (or GA Sandman) Red Hood/Hush Black Canary/Black Lightning The Cheif/Madame Rouge Who's betting that's 0 of 4? Jo *edit* what I'd most like would be a Birds of Prey boxed set though - Oracle, Black Canary, Huntress and Lady Blackhawk, possibly with a Shiva thrown in.
  6. 55 since September (well, I've had the Indy mates for a couple of years, but no others). Thats likely to massively increase over the next few months though. Jo
  7. Yup, resurrected it a couple of weeks ago for the same reason. People may need to update theirs though. Jo
  8. I'll tell you what worked for my other half. Get a mate to stick one up each nostril for a few minutes (filter end, and don't light them) and then mix them back into the pack. Works even better if they have a cold. Of course, if you're smoking roll-ups that won't work. Jo
  9. Thanks Danny. We're only about 5-6 episodes in over here. Cool pictures, though I was more looking forward to Cally than D'anna. Never mind. Jo
  10. Could you use the goblin flyer in that for minimates? it looks about the right size, but I don't know what size foot pegs Megabloks use. Jo
  11. I think the big thing to remember in DC is that, generally speaking, Superman and Batman aren't the best characters. To expand on Nestle's thread - Green Lantern: there has been a GL almost from the start in the 40's. The first was Alan Scott (who got his power from a meteorite he forged into a ring and was most recently a JSA member) up until the 60's, when Hal Jordan was introduced and the Green Lantern idea was changed to be a galactic peacekeeping force. Jordan went crazy and killed all the other GLs (of which there were 3600). He was replaced by Kyle Rayner, who held the title through most of the nineties until a couple of years ago, when Jordan was brought back. John Stewart and Guy Gardner (wave 5) are essentially "back-up" Lanterns. Guy would have been chosen by the ring the first time, but Hal was closer. John was chosen by Hal as his fill in when he needed to go away for a while (I'm hazy on the details as I've not read any of that). The rings work on Willpower, and can create anything you can think of as a green plasma construct. This allows for a lot of the book's individuality, as each person thinks in a different way (Kyle's an artist, so everything is sketched and drawn, John's an architect, not a Marine like in the cartoon, so everything is built with all the internal bits detailed and all the rivets in the right places, Guy's ring is the only one that leaks). There was a yellow weakness that is caused by fear, but now it can be overcome by facing that fear and overcoming it. The rings need to be charged every 24 hours, which is where the lantern comes in. Lastly, Kilowog (wave 5) is the trainer for all the GLs. He rocks. Regarding the "greatest Green Lantern of all Time," it's a title that has been given to Hal Jordan, but is hotly disputed amongst fans. A lot of this is age - Kyle Rayner is the definitive Lantern to many people who've started reading 5-15 years ago, whereas Jordan is for earlier readers and the most recent. Personally, I'm a Kyle fan. It's been said a few times that it is the clearest distinction among DC fans - "who's your Lantern?" This Star Sapphire is Carol Ferris, Jordan's girlfriend in the earlier stuff. She was possessed by an alien gem (I think, could be fuzzy) that made her evil. She has similar powers to GLs, but pink. There have been a few other SSs. OMAC is One Man Army Corps. The best place to find out about them is The Omac Project, one of the Countdown to Infinite Crisis miniseries. Harley Quinn is Joker's sidekick who first appeared in Batman the Animated Series, and has since been incorporated into the comic continuity. She also appeared in th Birds of Prey live-action series. After that rather long-winded explanation, I'd recommend more of DC's ensemble books, such as JLA, JSA, Birds of Prey, Teen Titans and Outsiders. Most Superman and Batman stuff is pretty bland. Have a look at Rucka's Wonderwoman if you want a good story. It's pretty good. Mind you, if you want a really good TPB, read Stormwatch: Change or Die. I've always been a Wildstrom fan more than anything else. So yeah, Cap's dead? Who knew! Jo
  12. Much as I appreciate the amazing customisers on here, any customs I'd have would need to be made by me, however crappy. It doesn't feel right owning work done by someone else. I'm also not into prototypes. For chases I have Invisible Woman. Nothing else, but then I've been picking and choosing from the Marvel line. For exclusives I have: Magneto and Prof. X (with Cerebro helmet) Power Man and Iron Fist Starbuck John Stewart I also have a Martian Manhunter, which may as well be exclusive. Out of these, my favourite is Iron Fist, though my favourite Minimate is probably Nightwing, who was harder to get than the other exclusives. Jo
  13. Congratulations to your brother or sister. I had a friend whose nephew was older than he was - his sister was about 20-some years older than he was. Oh, and introduce 'mates, but at a safe distance. Nothing worse than sucked Spidey. Jo
  14. In that case, I blame all of you. I am absolved. Jo
  15. It's all part of Didio's master plan - clean up continuity and make sure dead means dead. Can't say he's passed on all accounts, but at least they seem to be trying. I've read Tom Brevoort's Q&A on Newsarama (all 5 pages of it) and he doesn't seem to be bothered about continuity. The statement he made was something along the lines of "as long as it fits into the general theme, that's fine" (this to justify the poor consistency of other Civil War titles with Civil War itself). So yeah, Cap dead. Not a fan of "patriotic" characters myself, but we'll see how it goes. What's the betting he's brought back within a year? Jo
  16. Either that or start using your wallet to pay instead of your ass. Just trying to be helpful, Jo
  17. A word of warning - always make sure you keep up repayments on your mortgage/rent. Otherwise, youve got nowhere to keep your minimates, and you wouldn't want that. Jo
  18. The thought of someone sniffing Tony the Tiger's backside has just shattered all illusions I had of still being vaguely innocent. Damn you, PL, damn you to hell. Jo
  19. In related news, it looks like the 300 Spartans chip shop in Loughborough has closed down. Dunno if they were any good, maybe they tried to recreate the battle but with the chinese restaurant across the road. ...and I'll be going now. Jo
  20. I'll have to look into that - keep us posted if you see something over here that works the same Rad, as will I. Personally speaking, I bought a couple of lots of white Lego pieces from ebay that do the job pretty nicely for my mostly DC C3 set. Until I got some older Marvel stuff, at least. Jo
  21. Lobsterman, to partially answer a bit of your question (although these are meant for DST), Joker's coat for DC wave 1 is the same coat as the Assault Punisher. Seems bits are likely to be swappable between lines. Jo
  22. Mine arrived in the post saturday morning Woohoo! No breakages either, which is good. 'course, they'll be waiting for me at FP on friday now... Jo
  23. What ever happened to "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all."? I think they look great. Welcome to the internet I like these - which is a big shame, as I'd prefer to only get one spider-man. I already have too many Batmen Jo
  24. of course, if you ARE actually stupid, we do reserve the right to point and laugh. Lots of love, Jo
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